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“Jesus said “Go ye into all the world and entertain people” at least that’s what some Churches seem to think the Great Commission is all about. I hope this has some spiritual impact on those attending but the likelihood of that is not great.”  Admin BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – A megachurch in Alabama recently held an open house to celebrate the opening of its $26 million dollar, six-dome entertainment center, which some are stating is far from biblical Christianity and the example of the early Church. Faith Chapel Christian Center in Wylam, near Birmingham, completed the project on it 137-acre campus last year, all [More]
The Christian faith is being pushed out of public life, former attorney general Rt Hon Dominic Grieve has said, adding “Clearly it happens at a level of local power… In my view it’s very undesirable.” In an interview with The Telegraph, Mr Grieve highlighted as “quite extraordinary” some high profile cases in which employees had been sacked for wearing crosses or expressing their beliefs. He conveyed a strong belief that it was “more important than ever” that politicians speak up about their religious beliefs at a time in which Christians abroad were suffering persecution. Religion is generally excluded from political [More]
“This is great news, let’s hope eventually all states will get rid of this socialist monstrosity. Of course evolutionists, atheists etc. oppose this because they know if students are allowed to hear all the evidence they will be made to look foolish.”  Admin Evolutionists are angered by a proposed bill in Ohio that would cut the state’s Common Core education requirements, thus allowing for creation/evolution debates in the classroom. As previously reported, several U.S. states have rejected the nationalized Common Core curriculum due to the standards’ promotion of debatable issues, including evolution and man-made global warming. In many cases, Christian [More]
“What’s going on in the world today clearly puts to rest the absurd idea that Islam is a “religion of peace”.  Admin A campaign by ISIS, also known as Islamic State, to destroy churches across Mosul, one of the ancient seats of Christianity where the faith has been practiced for 2,000 years, complies with the teaching of the Quran, according to several analysts. The ISIS army of Islamic terrorists has been marching across Iraq, destroying Christians and evidence of their faith for months now. ISIS is blamed for the destruction of about 45 churches in Mosul. Robert Spencer, author and [More]
“Please pray for pastor Abedini.”  Admin Imprisoned supporters in Iran of the Muslim terror army Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS, are threatening the life of American pastor Saeed Abedini, who has been detained since September 2012 because of his Christian faith. Abedini has told his family members he fears for his life after he was told the ISIS prisoners plan to murder him because of his Christian faith, according to the American Center for Law and Justice. ISIS, which has grown to an estimated 10,000 fighters, has been sweeping across Iraq, imposing Islamic religious law, killing Christians and other [More]
(CNSNews.com) –The systematic slaughter of Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq by the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) is “far worse” than the atrocities committed against believers by communist regimes in North Korea and China, says Catholic League president Bill Donohue. “I would say they’re actually worse than the North Koreans at this point,” he told CNSNews.com. “We’ve seen what’s going on in Communist China. It’s going on right now – they’re destroying churches. We’ve seen it in North Korea, the mass killing of Christians.” “But what’s different about this is that no one really believes that [More]
The Internal Revenue Service, already probably the most-feared and reviled federal agency in America’s history, is trying to live down its earned reputation for attacking conservative and church groups. There still are multiple investigations ongoing as well as a multitude of lawsuits over the agency’s actions against those groups over the last five or six years. The IRS actions also are the focus of outrage in Congress where members are considering an arrest of former IRS official Lois Lerner for her actions to allegedly conceal information about the agency’s discriminatory practices. Now it’s being revealed that the IRS could be [More]
Actor Jim Caviezel never imagined the physical and spiritual battles he would have to endure when he took the role of the Son of God in Mel Gibson’s 2004 blockbuster “The Passion of the Christ.” Appearing at the Rock Church in San Diego, Caviezel told the congregation he was wounded during a whipping scene and struck by lightning during the final take. “The whip went over, and I had a 14-inch gash on my back. I went right down like in a football game when you get the wind knocked out of you. I saw God,” Caviezel said. Caviezel tried [More]
“The former Archbishop needs to take a hard look at what’s going on in the world regarding Islams persecution of Christians, his remarks show how out of touch with reality he is.”  Admin Indeed, the British values of female genital mutilation, honor killing, jihad warfare, sex slavery gangs — Muslims are bringing these and other British values roaring back. “‘Islam is reviving British values’, says former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams,” by Lizzie Dearden, the Independent, August 2, 2014 (thanks to Anup): Islam is rejuvenating “British values”, the former Archbishop of Canterbury has claimed while lambasting sections of the press [More]
“There is a chart in the article that shows 36 percent of the so called “very religious” lean to vote democratic. Given all the ungodly things the democrats support and stand for one might consider this surprising but given how much ungodliness has crept into the Church maybe not.”  Admin The so-called “God Gap” between Republicans and Democrats continues to play an important role in partisan differences, according to a new Gallup poll. Among very religious Americans, about half, 49 percent, identify as Republican or are likely to vote Republican. Among nonreligious Americans, also about half, 52 percent, identify as [More]
“These timid pastors are doing zilch to motivate their congregations to have some kind of impact on our rapidly decaying society.  I guess it’s just easier to preach ear tickling sermons that won’t offend anyone … sad.”  Admin Many theologically conservative pastors agree the Bible speaks to key issues of the day, but research indicates only a handful of them say they will speak to it. On Thursday, George Barna – research expert and founder of The Barna Group – shared with American Family Radio’s “Today’s Issues” about new information he’s compiling at American Culture and Faith Institute over the [More]
“Not surprising this is going on since Mr. O is such a great admirer of Islam.”  Admin Do not eat or drink in front of Muslims, and learn more about their religion. That’s the directive that has gone out to active duty military personnel at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, a Department of Defense medical and graduate school in Bethesda, Md. The brigade commander sent an email to military personnel at the facility last month – just before the start of Ramadan – advising them to show respect to Muslim colleagues. “This is a period of great [More]
A new broadcast set to air on Adult Swim, the late night segment of the Cartoon Network, has drawn outrage from Christians because of its blasphemous depiction of Jesus as being a foul-mouthed, pot smoking hoodlum. Black Jesus is scheduled to air in August during the 11 p.m. time slot on the network, and is a half-hour comedy series produced by Peabody Award winner Aaron McGruder. “The series finds Jesus living in present day Compton, CA on a daily mission to spread love and kindness throughout the neighborhood with the help of his small but loyal group of downtrodden followers,” [More]
“Mr. Ridley will most likely find out the hard way that such “rationalist” views will lead one straight to Hell.”  Admin Belief in God is a “virus,” and evangelical Christianity is one of the more “virulent infections,” a British Conservative peer and columnist for The Times of London has claimed. In an attack on faith schools, Matt Ridley said that “rationalists” want to “protect” children from religion. And the peer, a supporter of the British Humanist Association, said, “secular, free thinking” should be adopted to “combat the rise of radical Islam and radical Christianity.” Read More  Faith in God Is [More]
“This is typical of the left, they blather endlessly about tolerance but when it comes to anything that challenges their bogus theories they show their true nature, intolerant and vindictive.”  Admin A legal defense organization filed a lawsuit this week against California State University, alleging that the school fired a biologist for discovering scientific evidence that contradicted evolutionary theory. Mark Armitage was a scientist at California State University—Northridge (CSUN), where he worked as a researcher and supervised the school’s electron microscope laboratory. He was also a member of several scientific organizations, including the Microscopy Society of America, the American Society [More]
“Certainly this is one of the most ungodly and depraved organizations in this country. Yet it’s funded by government money which again highlights how evil our government is. How long will God restrain his judgement on this country, I don’t know. But since all of the 9 harbingers have occurred as noted in the book The Harbinger, the time may be short.”  Admin Two more investigative videos from pro-life organization Live Action show Planned Parenthood facilities in Denver, Colorado offering disturbing and dangerous advice to what staffers think are underage girls. The counselors approvingly lay out in graphic detail a [More]
“Just another sign of a decaying and debased culture”  Admin A new reality show called “Married at First Sight” is legally marrying two complete strangers as part of a “social experiment,” all in the name of entertainment. The show debuted last week on the FYI channel and follows three couples who are thrown into a legal marriage the moment they meet. A sexologist, psychologist, sociologist and spiritual adviser use “scientific matchmaking” to pair up the couples, then watch to see what happens. According to the show’s publicist, the marriages are indeed binding. But the couples can have their divorces paid [More]
A federal judge has given a secular organization the green light to distribute more atheistic and anti-Christian materials to Florida public school students, in spite of the materials’ graphic content and offensive language. As previously reported, the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) learned last year that a Christian ministry had made Bibles available to Orlando high school students on “Religious Freedom Day.” To counter the Bible distribution, FFRF sought permission from the school district to give students a variety of atheistic and anti-Christian materials. According to reports, the Orange County School Board permitted FFRF to distribute several books and pamphlets, [More]
Police in Mississippi watched idly this week as a business owner stole pro-life signs that were displayed on the public sidewalk during an awareness outreach, according to video footage from a Christian ministry. The Ohio-based group Created Equal, which travels the country to educate citizens on the reality of abortion, visited Jackson, Mississippi this week and set up a display outside of the state’s last remaining abortion facility, Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The display was part of the group’s Justice Ride tour, which is being conducted nationwide this summer. Created Equal set up signs both outside of the abortion facility [More]
“Return to the Hiding Place,” a new film based on a true account of Corrie ten Boom’s secret army of untrained teenagers who rescued Jews from the Nazi Gestapo during the Holocaust, will hit theaters Oct. 24 after outperforming big-budget Hollywood showings in its initial release. Based on Hans Poley’s autobiographical book, the movie highlights themes of endurance, perseverance and faith through Poley’s experiences as a student resistance fighter during World War II. The message echoes the story of Anita Dittman, told in her book “Trapped in Hitler’s Hell.” Published in early May, Dittman’s book was accompanied by a documentary [More]
“This just illustrates how ungodly the Democratic party has become. I don’t know how a true Christian can in good conscience vote Democratic.”  Admin An emotionally charged Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday highlighted the escalating controversy between social conservatives and Democrats who are trying to establish a constitutional right to government-funded birth control and unrestricted access to abortion. At issue was the Democrats’ Women’s Health Protection Act, S.1696, a bill that would eliminate nearly all state limitations on abortion and bar states from adopting new ones. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said the bill “would make abortion common, without limit and [More]
A number of scientists in recent years have stated that atheists might not actually exist, and that a belief in God is naturally ingrained into all people, prompting a recent article that is stirring discussion around the world. Last week, Nury Vittachi published a story entitled Scientists Discover That Atheists Might Not Exist, And That’s Not a Joke. In the article, Vittachi cites the works of several researchers, such as Graham Lawton and Pascal Boyer, who argue that belief in God is naturally ingrained into every person. “Cognitive scientists are becoming increasingly aware that a metaphysical outlook may be so [More]
Famed actor and former U.S. Sen. Fred Thompson says Americans need be “mindful” of a government that undermines religious freedoms, and on July 18, he has a new movie coming out in theaters illustrating just how dangerous an overzealous government can be. “Persecuted” is a dramatic, fictional thriller about a popular preacher who dares resist a new “religious unity” bill being pushed by powerful players in Congress. The preacher soon finds himself toppled from the pulpit and a fugitive on the run for his life, all for refusing to compromise his freedoms of speech and religion. PERSECUTED – In theaters [More]
The president of a Christian college in Tennessee continues to defend his school’s recent affirmation of the biblical creation account, testifying in court this week that the Bible’s teachings are paramount. As previously reported, Bryan College in Dayton, Tennessee, issued a clarification to its statement of belief earlier this year. The clarification simply articulated the evangelical Christian school’s commitment to the biblical creation account. “We believe that all humanity is descended from Adam and Eve,” the clarification stated. “They are historical persons created by God in a special formative act, and not from previously existing life forms.” The school’s affirmation [More]
“The way things are  going this hostility toward Christians will only continue to grow as the ungodly become more shrill in their objections when things don’t go their way. These poor lost souls have no fear of God and are blissfully ignorant of the fact Hell is waiting to swallow them up … sad.”  Admin Hostility toward Christians and Christian teachings is growing since the recent U.S. Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision, with lawmakers even moving forward with efforts to overturn the protections afforded to religious-owned businesses through legislation. As previously reported, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on June 30 [More]
Hit reality show creator Mark Burnett has had recent success creating biblical movies and television shows, and predicts that his next project, “A.D.: Beyond the Bible,” will be another goldmine. The NBC television series will begin filming in September, and premiere on Easter Sunday 2015. Burnett said it “could become NBC’s biggest series in many, many years.” “Beyond the Bible” begins after the resurrection of Christ, and follows the lives of King Herod’s family, Roman politicians, temple priests, and the disciples. Burnett said the storylines are powerful. “These disciples, after Jesus dies and resurrects, the Holy Spirit comes upon them [More]
A local official in Maryland recently announced that she is willing to go to jail because of her Christian faith. Carroll County Commissioner Robin Bartlett Frazier decided that she will continue to defy a federal judge’s order against sectarian prayers in board meetings, and is willing to suffer any consequences. On March 26, U.S. District Judge William D. Quarles issued a temporary injunction barring the commissioners from having sectarian prayers before meetings. One day later, Bartlett Frazier defied the ruling. “I think that is an infringement on my freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and I think it’s a [More]