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“It’s sad that they allowed themselves to be intimidated by handful of leftist loons, they should have not allowed that to happen, it just emboldens these leftist crackpots when they get someone to cave in.”  Admin Many public schools across the nation have regularly invited speakers from Planned Parenthood to inform high school and middle school students about under-age and premarital “safe sex” and how to use various forms of contraception, but when one abstinence speaker was scheduled to inform students in southeastern Pennsylvania about the rewards of saving sex until marriage and the dangers of casual sex, her speech [More]
“I can’t remember humanist/atheist groups being so aggressive in their attempts to remove the mention of God from the public scene as they are now. Just another sign of the last days.”  Admin A New Jersey high school student is standing up for her right to say the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance. Highland Regional High School senior Samantha Jones intervened when the American Humanist Association wanted to strike the words “under God” from pledges in the state’s public high schools. Diana Verm of the Becket Fund is representing Jones in the case. Jones, Samantha (NJ student)Verm [More]
“In the article in states that all 5 Democratic members of the board voted against it. It just shows once again how ungodly that party has become. It abhors anything Christian and promotes all sorts of evil. There’s no way anyone who calls themself a Christian should be a part of this God hating party. The Democratic party has turned into an abomination”  Admin Critics who were trying to remove America’s religious heritage from public school textbooks met their match when they went up against the Texas Board of Education. Opponents were trying to do away with Moses and the [More]
“Just another part of Mr. O’s vision for a new Amerika, a mass surveillance society.”  Admin Church leaders are upset after a recent article in The New York Times revealed that the Internal Revenue Service can use undercover agents disguised as members of the clergy as a means to gather privileged information. Following the Times’ report last weekend that over 40 federal agencies use undercover agents disguised as attorneys, doctors, news media and other positions to gain access to privileged information, church leaders are appalled to find out that IRS agents are also allowed to pose as clergy, even though [More]
Advocates for religious freedom told lawmakers Wednesday that there is an increasing climate of intolerance toward people of faith in the military and called for Congress to keep up pressure on the Pentagon to ensure service members’ First Amendment rights aren’t violated. “Our service men and women do not give up their religious freedom and constitutional rights simply because they join the military,” Travis Weber, a former Navy pilot and director of the Family Research Council’s Center for Religious Liberty told a House Armed Services subcommittee. “Simple objection to another’s religious speech is not a basis for silencing that speech. [More]
“This is typical of leftists and secularists, vicious and intolerant of anything but their own godless, heathenistic views” Admin A secular organization is pressuring Scotland’s Parliament to ban the teaching of biblical creation in all public schools, claiming that evolution is the only ‘established science’ that explains the history of life. The Scottish Secular Society (SSS) is an organization in Scotland that seeks “to support and further the cause of secularism.” The society was founded by secularist and homosexual activist Garry Otton, who says he has a deep hatred for religion. Read More  Secular Group Seeks to Ban Biblical Creation [More]
If you’re dismayed that one in five Americans (20 percent) are “nones” — people who claim no particular religious identity — brace yourself. How does 38 percent sound? That’s what religion researcher David Kinnaman calculates when he adds “the unchurched, the never-churched and the skeptics” to the nones. He calls his new category “churchless,” the same title Kinnaman has given his new book. By his count, roughly four in 10 people living in the continental United States are actually “post-Christian” and “essentially secular in belief and practice.” If asked, the “churchless” would likely check the “Christian” box on a survey, [More]
“Not surprising, the Episcopal church in general is becoming apostate embracing a number of unbiblical positions. You’ll notice Muslims don’t invite Christian ministers to offer prayers in mosques. The Muslims just view this event as a sign of weakness.”  Admin For the first time in American history, Muslims will offer prayers at the historic National Cathedral located in the heart of Washington, D.C., likely raising concerns from many across the country. While the national cathedral has hosted interfaith gatherings in the past, the Islamic Jumaa prayers to be presented this Friday at the historic Episcopalian site will be the first [More]
“The gay marriage juggernaut has apparently hit a speed bump. Whether this signifies a change in that trend or is just a temporary setback remains to be seen. It will most likely force the supreme court to address this issue eventually.”  Admin A three-judge panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday stunningly affirmed the rights of voters in four states – Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee – to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman, throwing a boulder into the millpond of complacent assumptions by homosexual-rights advocates that same-sex marriage is a [More]
“I was in the desert alone, lost. As far as the horizon, there was nothing in sight but sand. I felt the sand on my bare feet. Then I saw something extraordinary. In the midst of that barrenness, an immense wooden cross emerged from the earth, rising up with sand spilling from it back to earth.” So begins a dream narrative posted by Bosnian Muslim teenager Emina Emlonic. A dream about Jesus. It continues: “I felt then a spectator in my own dream, and the sight of the cross gave me neither fear nor joy. But I was a curious [More]
“Apparently just saying you’re a Christian is good enough for Mr. Osteen to believe it, no real evidence in deeds or actions is required. This is not surprising given the watered-down wishy washy version of Christianity he promotes.” Admin There are still self-professed “Christians” who continue to promote the heresies and unbiblical teachings of Joel Osteen and his wife Victoria. Previously, we pointed out how Victoria Osteen said that our worship of God should be done for ourselves. In an interview with Wolf Blitzer, Osteen said that Barack Obama is a Christian. Osteen claims that he has been to prayer [More]
“Excellent article by Pamela Geller on the teaching of Islam in public schools. This is all part of Mr. O’s plan to transform America by undermining our Christian heritage and culture. If you are a parent and find this happening in the school your child attends there are resources mentioned in the article that can help you combat this.” Admin In my book Stop the Islamization of America, I describe and warn of the Islamization of the curriculum and the school room. The book was a primer on how to fight the encroaching Islamic supremacism and sharia. The past few [More]
“This is just more leftist undermining our Christian heritage by presenting a sanitized portrait of Islam to impressionable kids. One merely has to look at what’s going on in the world to see the real Islam in practice.”  Admin A father in Massachusetts has pulled his son from school over outrage that students were being taught about Islam in a positive light, including a section that includes the sentence, “I bear witness that there is no God but Allah.” “Muhammad never expected to change the world,” the textbook reads. “He was kind, and his nickname was ‘the truthful one.’” “Muhammad [More]
“The leftists that dominate education want to do everything they can to undermine our Christian heritage.”  Admin A Maryland father who asked that his daughter be excused from learning about Islam in her world history class now finds himself under a no-trespass order that prevents him from setting foot on the girl’s public school campus. The events leading to the no-trespass order occurred at La Plata High School in La Plata, Md., a small town about 30 miles southeast of Washington, D.C., SoMDNews reports, a website for three local newspapers. The dad is Kevin Wood, a former corporal and eight-year [More]
” He clearly is getting some bad advice from his advisors plus here’s some news Pope, God can do everything with no magic wand needed.”  Admin The theories of evolution and the Big Bang are real and God is not “a magician with a magic wand”, Pope Francis has declared. Speaking at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Pope made comments which experts said put an end to the “pseudo theories” of creationism and intelligent design that some argue were encouraged by his predecessor, Benedict XVI. Francis explained that both scientific theories were not incompatible with the existence of a [More]
“Paving the way for the one world religion.”  Admin Barack Obama and the Vatican’s Council for Interreligious Dialogue issued greetings this week to Hindus worldwide in observance of the religion’s annual festival of lights known as Diwali. “I want to wish a Happy Diwali to all those who are celebrating the festival of lights here in the United States and around the world,” Obama stated in a video message released on Wednesday. “For Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists, lighting the lamp—the diya—is a chance to remember, even in the midst of darkness, that light will ultimately prevail.” Diwali is an [More]
For the past four years, the Obama administration and its friends on the Left were careful to claim that they still strongly support religious liberty while arguing that Hobby Lobby’s Green family, Conestoga Wood Specialties’ Hahn family, and others like them must lose. Principally, they contended, religious liberty protections could not be applied to Hobby Lobby because (1) It is a for-profit corporation, (2) It isn’t a church (and thus not a true “religious employer,” and (3) It is wrong on the science—Plan B, a copper intrauterine device, et cetera, they claimed, do not cause abortions. They implied, if not [More]
“Wasn’t that long ago when England was a Christian nation, how times have changed.”  Admin Britain’s official education inspector has informed an independent Christian school that it is out of step with “British values” prescribed by the government and must invite someone from another faith, such as a Muslim imam, to lead assemblies or it risks being closed. The threat comes amid a series of new school inspections imposed by the government in response to a “Trojan horse” scandal in which several public schools in Birmingham, England, were taken over by Muslim managers who imposed Islamic education standards. The U.K.’s [More]
“This clash of views, secular vs. The Bible, on the issue of marriage is creating more and more of these types of situations. We are probably seeing just the tip of the iceberg in terms of how many of these will eventually occur.”  Admin A North Carolina magistrate has resigned out of his refusal to perform same-sex “marriages” due to his religious beliefs, and a second is also refusing to conduct the ceremonies due to his faith. Judge John Kallam Jr. of Rockingham County submitted his resignation on Thursday, stating that participating in the act was against his religion, and [More]
“The outcomes of cases like this will determine just how much or little religious freedom we have left in this country.”  Admin Attorneys for an Idaho minister who is facing possible jail time and fines for refusing to conduct “gay marriages” at a wedding chapel that he operates with his wife have filed a legal challenge seeking a court order banning the government from forcing them to officiate the ceremonies. Donald Knapp and his wife Evelyn run Hitching Post Wedding Chapel in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho across from the county clerk’s office, which issues marriage licenses. Their ceremonies are blatantly Christian [More]
“More and more we are seeing “hate laws” being used to try and silence Christians.”  Admin The head of an American nonprofit organization is scheduled to face trial in Canada later this month on a charge of “mischief” for discussing with college students the dangers of homosexuality. Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth, reported on his organization’s website that he will return to Regina, Saskatchewan, for a trial on a count of criminal “mischief” which developed in April “after we resisted a police order to abandon our peaceful pro-life/pro-family protest at the University of Regina.” LaBarbera said that at [More]
“But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers” (1 Pet. 4:7). What has happened to our nation? Clearly it is not the nation of my childhood. We are running headlong into death and destruction. Of the 22 civilizations throughout world history that reached the immoral state America is in now, 19 of them collapsed and were wiped out. In 1987 the late Lester Sumrall, in his book I Predict, wrote about six things that would happen in our nation. America would depart from Christianity. America would endorse pagan religions. America would [More]
Street evangelist Mike Overd, a client of the Christian Legal Centre, is being prosecuted in the United Kingdom for an alleged religious aggravation public order offense. The charges follow a complaint to police in Taunton, that Overd made a comparison between the perfect life of Jesus and the life of Islam’s prophet, Muhammad. Police have informed the former paratrooper that the Crown Prosecution Service wishes to bring three charges against him under Section 5 of the Public Order Act. A Taunton police sergeant recently gave an interview to BBC television and a newspaper locally, urging residents to film the evangelist’s [More]
With 30 states now legalizing same-sex “marriage” — 11 court decisions overturned marriage protection amendments this month alone — many are fearing that Christian wedding vendors may become extinct as quickly as the 20 remaining states that still honor marriage as a union only between one man and one woman. Since Massachusetts became the first state to legalize same-sex marriage a decade ago in 2004, dozens of homosexual couples have sued Christian wedding vendors who have refused to offer their services for ceremonies that go against their biblical beliefs. And the lawsuits — many spurred by homosexual activists and the [More]
“America, becoming the new Sodom”  Admin Officials with the city of Houston, Texas, who are defending a controversial ordinance that would allow men to use women’s restrooms now have demanded to see the sermons preached by several area pastors. The recent move came in a subpoena from the city to pastors for copies of their sermons and other communications in the city’s legal defense of a “non-discrimination” measure that allows “gender-confused” people to use public restrooms designated for the opposite sex. A lawsuit challenging Houston’s move alleges the city violated its own charter in its adoption of the Equal Rights [More]
Christians, students of the Bible and others may want to target 2017 for a vacation to Washington, DC. The Museum of the Bible, established by the Green family, owners of Hobby Lobby, is now in the beginning stages of construction. Spokesperson Cary Summers tells OneNewsNow that the museum is being designed to be enjoyable for anyone, at any level of understanding. “There is an electronic piece we’ll have when people go around and look at items, and they’ll have this electronic gadget with them that will allow them to go to whatever depth they want to,” he explains. The completed [More]
“This will be used to further remove Christianity from British schools.”  Admin New rules for British public schools require teachers to “challenge” some religious beliefs of parents in the name of equality, according to the Christian Institute in the United Kingdom. The rules were written by the government after several schools were “taken over by governors seeking to impose harsh Islamic practices,” the institute said. The organization reported that what now is being called the “Trojan Horse affair” was documented in a report from Peter Clarke, the former chief of counter-terrorism for the Metropolitan Police. Clarke said school children were [More]