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“Unfortunately we are seeing much more persecution of Christians today than I have ever seen in my lifetime before. In some countries it’s very violent in others it’s more subtle … for now. The Bible tells us in the “last days” there will be persecution of believers everywhere. That time is fast approaching and we need to make spiritual preparations for it now and re-double our efforts to get the Gospel message out.”  Admin Despite the fact that Christians make up roughly a third of the world’s population, there are still large pockets of the planet where they are targeted [More]
“Excellent column, he hits the nail right on the head. Most Christians are straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel.”  Admin America is tumbling out of control toward a crash-and-burn impact with disaster, and, for the most part, pastors and churches are asleep–I mean in a coma. Both major parties in Washington, D.C., are selling-out our liberties faster than Chris Christie can swallow a Big Mac, and Christians don’t even roll over; George W. Bush and Barack Obama have created the largest surveillance society in the history of mankind, and pastors lie comatose; Dianne Feinstein and her Constitution-hating collaborators [More]
“There are alternative Christian scouting organizations for boys, you can read about them here.”  Admin The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) will complete its concession to the demands of homosexual activist bullies when it officially opens its ranks on January 1, 2014 to young men who self-identify as gay. In July 2012 the Scouts affirmed its 100-year-old policy of excluding homosexuals from membership and leadership positions within its ranks. That was followed by the release in October 2012 of nearly 15,000 pages of files detailing decades of sexual abuse of young Scouts by male Scout leaders. The pages, dubbed the [More]
“If you want to read the full story of all the gross violations of the law that were committed to put Dr. Hovind in prison and keep him there then click here.” Admin 2013- what a year this has been! Just about everyone sees the writing on the wall for a serious financial collapse world-wide coming soon! Many people and whole nations will finally learn the truth of Proverbs 22:7 “The borrower is servant to the lender.” This is what “the kings of the earth” (Ps. 2) have been working on and TRYING to cause for centuries. They want to [More]
“Lets hope the courts strike this nonsense down. The Obama admin seems to be trying to eliminate all reference to Christianity it can. Maybe this explains why.”  Admin According to the Liberty Institute, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is refusing to allow school children to give Christmas cards to veterans if those cards say “Merry Christmas” or “God bless you.” Religious liberty lawyers have sent the VA a letter demanding they immediately lift the ban. Susan Chapman is a teacher at Grace Academy of North Texas and, at a parent’s suggestion, organized a project for students to take [More]
“It’s nothing short of astonishing that radical Islamists loudly decry anyone speaking ill of their religion with shouts of Islamophobia while they are in the daily process of persecuting and killing Christians and others around the world. The hypocrisy of this is beyond comprehension. Maybe if they stopped all the senseless killing people wouldn’t view them as a menace to civilization.” Admin Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2013 “Don’t they know that the Koran orders us to slit the throat of whoever is disrespectful to Allah’s beloved prophet?” — Representative of Jamaat ud Dawa. Although Christians are habitually killed in [More]
“Well the European politicians appear to be quite willing to keep marching down the Islamic appeasement path to national suicide.”  Admin A discussion paper published by the Germany-based Gustav Stresemann Foundation — a think tank dedicated to the preservation and advancement of liberal democracy in Europe — warns that national and international Islamic organizations are increasingly putting pressure on Western politicians gradually to criminalize any critique of Islam. In a commentary on the study, the German newspaper Die Welt says the findings cast serious doubt on the unbridled optimism of European multiculturalists, who argue that Muslim citizens will eventually internalize [More]
NBC has officially given the green light to the 12-hour miniseries “A.D.,” dubbed a follow-up to the wildly successfully “The Bible” miniseries that aired on the History channel in the the spring and did wonders for the network’s ratings and popularity among Christians. The creators of “The Bible” series, “Survivor” producer Mark Burnett and his wife, “Touched by an Angel” star Roma Downey, expressed excitement over NBC finally signing off on the project after initial talks that started last summer. “We are so thrilled to be all systems go with NBC on ‘A.D.,’ our follow-up to ‘The Bible,'” said Downey [More]
“One thing this article makes abundantly clear is that Islam is incompatible with Western democratic society. They want western laws to bend to and accommodate Sharia law. The many “European no-go” zones sprining up through out Europe clearly show this. We can also witness the tremendous persecution Christians and other religious groups experience in Islamic countries showing their willingness to use violence to impose Islam on everyone else.”  Admin One narrative about Muslim immigrants in Europe is that only a relatively small proportion holds views that are sometimes labeled as “fundamentalist.” Ruud Koopmans from the Wissenschaftszentrum in Berlin argues that this [More]
“What can you say, this is totally disgraceful! The answers Kerry gave sound almost idiotic. As Donald Trump says in the article if they had made an issue out of his release during these negotiations, he would have been released but doing so was apparently not on their agenda. So the pastor continues to rot in this extremely dangerous prison with his life in dire jeopardy.  The pastor and his family need our prayers so please don’t forget them.”  Admin It was literally a question of life and death, and the answer by Secretary of State John Kerry puzzled the [More]
“And these are the groups we are supporting. The blood of these martyrs  is on Obama’s hands and all those in our government who support these fanatical killers.”  Admin The same month that Obama tried to wage war on behalf of the jihadi rebels in Syria (citing “human rights” concerns), some of the war’s worst atrocities were committed against that nation’s Christian minority, most notably in Ma’loula, an ancient Christian region where the inhabitants spoke Aramaic, the language of Jesus. There, al-Qaeda-linked jihadis fired mortars and missiles into at least two ancient churches before looting them; some 80 Christians trying [More]
“I think these reveal which religion he really follows and why he is such a rabid supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.” Admin You are about to read some of the most shocking quotes that Barack Obama has ever uttered in public. A few of these have been widely circulated, but most of them are very obscure. Even though he claims to be a Christian, throughout his political career Obama has repeatedly attacked traditional Biblical Christianity and he has a very long history of anti-Christian actions. In public speeches he has repeatedly cast doubt on the Bible, he has repeatedly stated [More]
Four of every five acts of religious discrimination in the world today are directed against Christians, according to the Germany-based International Society for Human Rights. The secular US think tank the Pew Forum says Christians face harassment or oppression in 139 nations, nearly three-quarters of all the countries on earth. It is not just Muslims, who themselves often face horrendous persecution, who attack Christians. In the Indian state of Orissa, Hindu nationalists attacked Christians in a vicious pogrom in 2008, killing 500, injuring thousands with machetes, and leaving 50,000 homeless. A nun was raped and paraded naked through the streets, [More]
Two military chaplains are suing Eric Shinseki, secretary of the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, or VA, for allegedly being harassed and drummed out of a training and placement program because of their Christian faith. Chaplains Major Steven Firtko, U.S. Army (Retired) and Lieutenant Commander Dan Klender, U.S. Navy, claim they were mocked, scolded and threatened for their faith while enrolled in the San Diego VA-DOD Clinical Pastoral Education Center program, which trains and distributes chaplains to military and VA medical centers in the San Diego area. Read More  VA sued for harassing Christian chaplains.
Dalmanutha, a Biblical town described in the Gospel of Mark as the place where Jesus sailed after miraculously multiplying a few loaves and fish to feed 4,000 people, may have just been discovered by archaeologists, reports LiveScience. Read More  Dalmanutha, Biblical Town Mentioned In Gospel Of Mark, Possibly Discovered Archaeologists Claim.
For decades archaeologists have been searching for evidence to support the hypothesis that Shiloh served as a religious center in ancient times. Now, a stone altar dated to the Iron Age—the period of Israelite kings—was accidentally exposed during a dig conducted by an archaeological staff officer of the Civil Administration in Judea and Samaria. Read More  Shiloh Altar: Biblical Archaeology Provides Evidence of Ancient Religious Center | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com.
The Air Force Academy has admitted they removed the phrase “so help me God” from three oaths in the 2012 edition of their official cadet handbook, Fox News has learned. The revelation came after more than two dozen members of Congress sent a letter to Academy Supt. Lt. Gen. Michelle Johnson demanding that she explain why the phrase was removed Read More  Air Force drops ‘So Help Me God’ from oaths | Fox News.
“Lets not lose heart in the midst of whatever trials and troubles we may have, one doesn’t have to look far to find those in much worse circumstances than ours but they persevere and so can we.” Admin Hanna (not her real name) is a Christian woman living in Damascus, Syria, with her husband. Hanna and her husband have two young daughters. Hanna works in a school.  Over the last few months she has been describing what daily life is like in war-torn Damascus. The situation keeps getting worse and the war is coming closer and closer. It has been [More]
A new Hollywood epic on the life of Noah has stirred controversy among Christians, Jews and others who have pre-screened the film, as they state that the movie largely leaves out one important foundation: the Bible. Noah is the brainchild of producer Darren Aronofsky, who says that he has wanted to make a film about Noah and the ark since his childhood. With a $125 million budget, the film is said to be more of an edgy action epic that depicts a man who fights off his enemies as he prepares for a coming apocalypse, rather than a story of [More]
Have you heard of the 10/40 window? It is the section of the world where 90 percent of the unreached people groups live, yet only 1 out of 99 missionaries go there.   Angi Pratt and I recently wrote a book about how to use social media to reach and influence the world for Christ. The day of the book launch, we put on a college student retreat focused on the need to go to the 10/40 window. The Lord used the combination of the book release and the world-focused retreat to get me thinking of more ways social media [More]
“So now it appears the military is beginning a campaign to demonize Christians and conservatives and for what purpose? Will they someday be used against Christians and conservatives in this country?” Admin Soldiers attending a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood say they were told that evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party were a threat to the nation and that any soldier donating to those groups would be subjected to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. A soldier who attended the Oct. 17th briefing told me the counter-intelligence agent in charge of the meeting spent nearly a [More]
On Miami’s Metrorail, 82-year-old Emma Anderson was forcibly removed at Brickwell Station by a security guard. According to a lawsuit, the guard accused her of “publicly singing spiritual hymns.” He insisted that public singing, dancing and playing music without a permit is against the Miami-Dade Transit rules. The case is just one of hundreds referenced in a newly updated report by legal experts with the Texas-based Liberty Institute. The non-profit legal advocacy group says the evidence shows the U.S. government is steadily advancing an agenda to replace the “Creator” in the Declaration of Independence with itself. Read More  Gov’t in [More]
Several dozen U.S. Army active duty and reserve troops were told last week that the American Family Association, a well-respected Christian ministry, should be classified as a domestic hate group because the group advocates for traditional family values.The briefing was held at Camp Shelby in Mississippi and listed the AFA alongside domestic hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam. Read More  US Army defines Christian ministry as ‘domestic hate group’ | Fox News.
As the deadline looms for American citizens to comply with the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, many Christians are scrambling to understand their enrollment options. But many may be unaware of the fact that Obamacare provides a heath insurance exemption for people of faith who enroll in a Biblically-based healthcare sharing program. On pages 107 and 128 of the Affordable Care Act, Christians who participate in healthcare sharing ministries are exempt from the “individual mandate” to obtain health insurance. Read More  Healthcare Sharing Ministries Provide Christ-Honoring Alternative to Insurance Under Obamacare | Christian News Network.
“Another so called Christian pastor soft peddling Islam, this dude needs to take a good look around the world and see how many Christians are being persecuted and killed by “The religion of peace”. Just amazing to see how mainline church denominations are embracing apostasy in one form or another, it’s no wonder they are continually losing members.” Admin At an August 22 speaking engagement at Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church, which was attended by almost 150 people, Pastor Daniel said that the CIA estimates there are less than 20,000 terrorists in the entire world.That’s incorrect, but many Christians in the audience [More]
Josh McDowell, an apologist and evangelist, spoke at Southern Evangelical Seminary’s Christian Apologetics conference on three culture changes that create a “perfect storm” that challenges and poses a threat to the church. McDowell says the first is an epistemological shift that is occurring regarding Biblical truths due to modern perspectives on God’s word. “We’ve had a major shift in what truth is and where it comes from. We’ve gone from being God-centered to self-centered, from being objective to being subjective and from being internal to external,” he said. Read More  Christian Apologist Josh McDowell: 3 Cultural Changes That Create the [More]
n a speech at the Values Voter Summit, Ben Carson, former pediatric neurosurgury director at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center who shot to fame earlier this year when he gave a politically incorrect speech at the National Prayer Breakfast, compared President Obama’s healthcare reform law to the institution of slavery and called Americans to not be ashamed of their Judeo-Christian heritage. “‘Obamacare’ is really, I think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery,” proclaimed Carson on Friday afternoon. “In a way, it is slavery…because it is making all of us subservient to the government.” Read More  [More]