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Planets around other stars are problematic for evolutionary theories. There is no life in them, because they are not suitable homes. And life can’t arise from non-living chemical, even on Earth; rather, God created first during Creation Week.
Now what’s “eugenics”? Well, it’s the idea of being “well born.” Read More
A recent news article detailed an experiment by developmental biologist Moisés Mallo and his colleagues who were studying Tgfbr1. Read More
Is there a biological standard for male and female? Well, it’s pretty obvious the answer is yes. Read More
Do amino acids racemize in water faster than peptides can grow?
Most parents given a prenatal diagnosis of a disability or abnormality are pressured to abort—to have their child killed. Read More

Although it has been known for decades and despite insistence to the contrary from the evolutionary community, man—Homo sapiens—has never had a tail.1–3

Recently, science writer Jennifer Zieba stated in LiveScience, “Approximately 25 million years ago, an ancestor of both humans and apes genetically diverged from monkeys and lost its tail.”4 This supposed evolution... More...

It suits the evolutionary cause to muddy the waters about natural selection—to imply it’s the same thing as evolution. But it’s crystal-clear that it’s not.
A recent news item caught my eye, as it stated that “a biological mechanism can explain [gar’s] status as ‘living fossils.’” Read More
A recent news article discussed research on how dinosaurs survived the end-Triassic/early-Jurassic mass extinction. Read More
An important equation people should be acquainted with.
Humans turn out to have a remarkable ability that is not needed for survival. But it is useful in praising the Creator …
Evolutionists have attacked the eye as ‘badly designed’, but the facts show precisely the opposite.
Do the form and function of organisms show signs of their parameters being constrained for function and form?
‘Natural selection’ and ‘evolution’ can mean different things to different people. A leading evolutionist who tried to fix the problem has been largely ignored—unfortunately.
Neanderthals weren’t subhuman or even our “cousins.” They were people, made in God’s image, descended from Adam and Eve, just as we are. Read More
It’s taken evolutionists decades to come to the same conclusion creationists came to from the beginning—Neanderthals, they were just like us! Read More

God has designed plants to continuously track their environment.1 They do so with specially designed detectors (also called receptors) on the surface of their cells. Such detectors are critical in a host of biological processes such as development and immunity.

Recently, a group of plant biologists published an article titled “Plant receptors that control immunity and development share a common origin.” The... More...

Neanderthals just represent variation within the human kind—exactly what we’d expect starting with God’s Word! Read More
The functional proportion of the genome is higher than evolutionists want, but much of the genomic sequence is unconstrained and unaffected by natural selection.
An almost impossible feat easily and quickly performed by cells—ever since the creation of life on earth

The pre-Flood world thousands of years ago was unlike the world of today.1 Unfamiliar animals and plants were common, and there were a lot of them.

Pre-Flood plants were buried in Flood sediments and fossilized. Petrified trees are found in certain layers of Flood-deposited sedimentary rocks worldwide.2 Paleontologists often find fossilized leaves, twigs, or fern impressions, and it’s not uncommon to f... More...

Finding organic compounds such as flexible dinosaur collagen and complete bone cells1,2 is becoming common, much to the shock and consternation of the evolutionary community. We can now add to the growing list a recently discovered organic compound in fossil snail shell called polyene—a hydrocarbon with a number of carbon-carbon double bonds that undergo conjugation (linking together), resulting in some rare visual properti... More...

Neanderthals aren’t closer to the apes than us—they were humans, made in God’s image, and descended from Adam just as we are. Read More
Do you and I have a mind? Do we think or do we just think we think? We’ll think about this on today’s Creation Moments Minute. Mindless LogicIf you believe that we were created by God, your answer to those questions will be that we actually do think. But if you believe that life is just a chemical accident, you might agree with those evolutionists who actually believe that we do not think. Doesn’t it seem to be a contradiction, then, that some evolutionists have written entire books explaining that none of us really has a conscious mind? One wonders [More]
On today’s Creation Moments Minute, the amazing echolocation system of bats. If you are a bat, you listen for echoes from stationary objects around you, like trees, as well as moving objects, such as an insect that is about to become lunch. Because of the differences in the movements of these objects relative to your flight, Doppler shifting changes the pitch of returning echoes. That change could place a returning echo outside the range of frequencies you are actually able to hear. Scientists have discovered that the bat solves this problem by calculating the expected change in frequency due to [More]
I have a shocking revelation for you today—according to a new study, men and women are different from one another! Read More