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Only 24 hours after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the case of a homeschooling family fighting deportation to Germany where it would face punishment for not enrolling in a public school, the federal bureaucracy blinked. The Romeikes will be allowed to remain in the U.S. indefinitely, the Department of Homeland Security told the Home School Legal Defense Association, which has been defending the family in court. Michael Farris, HSLDA’s chairman, wrote that a DHS supervisor called a member of his legal team to announced that the Romeike family has been granted “indefinite deferred status.” It means the Romeikes [More]
We’re hearing of women and whole families coming to Christ, which is significant. Normally we would know of individual men but, as the culture places such importance on the family unit, this is a major step forward. One girl is writing hymns and posting them on the Internet. That was where she learned of Christ and has “met” workers, although she has yet to meet other Christians face to face. Two of her sisters also believe in Christ. A Bahraini across the country is gifted in playing local Arabic instruments. He puts her hymns to music and posts them on [More]
“Apparently these lawmakers feel that ripping a baby apart during an abortion is perfectly fine. If ever there was a nation inviting God’s judgement on itself we’re it.”  Admin Lawmakers in South Dakota rejected a bill on Thursday that would have banned the practice of dismembering and decapitating babies during abortion procedures. H.B. 1241 was struck down by an 11-1 vote, including three of its sponsors who decided to table the measure. The legislation provided criminal penalties for any doctor who intentionally injured an unborn child, and in some cases, placing them behind bars for life. “No licensed physician may [More]
“Wow, lots of info in this article on how far left the GS have gone and some of the deceitful statements of their CEO. Check out The American Heritage Girls for a Christian values based alternative.”  Admin The Girl Scouts require all members to recite the Girl Scout Law which includes the promise that “I will do my best to be honest and fair.” Last week, Anna Maria Chavez – CEO of the Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) – released a YouTube video that claims to address the many concerns that prompted the 2014 CookieCott, as well as other [More]
“There is a Christian values based alternative, The American Heritage Girls“. Admin As millions of moms consider digging into pocketbooks for Girl Scout cookies this year, they may be interested to know about the hiring of Krista Kokjohn-Poehler in the Girl Scouts executive office in New York City. Kokjohn-Poehler is an out lesbian married to a woman named Ashley Kokjohn. And, given her sexual preference, it may strike some as odd that her job title is “Girl Experience Officer.” Her hiring five months ago was largely missed by the coterie of Girl Scout critics around the country who make the [More]
Gays in committed relationships have a “partner.” Polyamorous people like Diana Adams, who runs a Brooklyn-based legal firm that fights to offer traditional marriage rights to untraditional lovers, have a “primary partner.” Primary partners because, well, polyamorists subscribe to the philosophy of being head over heels in love—or at least romantically involved—with more than one person at the same time. The Polyamory Society defines the practice as “the nonpossessive, honest, responsible and ethical philosophy and practice of loving multiple people simultaneously.” Read More  Forget Gay Marriage, Mainstream Media Now Pushing Polyamory.
The culture war may be lost, and religious liberty might not be that far behind, according to a new survey from LifeWay Research. Seventy percent of senior pastors at Protestant churches say religious liberty is on the decline in the United States, and 59 percent of Christians believe they are losing the culture war. Eleven percent consider that war already lost. The survey results are staggering, indicating grave concerns about the moral direction of the nation from both the pulpit and the pew. “Ten years ago we were talking about who would win the culture war, and now we’re talking [More]
I was being buried! I couldn’t believe that an avalanche could happen where we were! Those were Matt Walsh’s thoughts on Saturday, Feb. 8, as the avalanche swallowed him up and left him buried alive under nearly 3 feet of snow in an icy tomb. “I figured I was going to die,” he says. And by human logic, Matt was right. The odds of surviving were slim. Read More  Buried Alive in an Avalanche, Young Man Sees Prophetic Miracle Deliverance.
“I ask you based on this quote from the article: ““We Jama’atu Ahlissunnah Lidda’awati Wal Jihad are fighting Christians wherever we meet them and those who believe in democracy, those who pursue Western education wherever we meet them. By Allah, we will kill whoever practices Democracy” does this sound like someone you can deal rationally with or more like the rantings of a deranged psychopath, the answer is obvious. But nevertheless he is  carrying out exactly what the Koran tells him to do … kill infidels. He desperately needs a supernatural encounter with Jesus to be released from such gross [More]
“The article below documents Christian persecution in the month of Nov. 2013. Mr. O, despite his hypocritical blathering about the importance of religious freedom at the 2014 National Prayer Breakfast, remains conspicuously silent about the rampant persecution Christians face in the middle east. In fact the US is busily training radical jihadists, who target Christians for persecution and killing, to overthrow the Assad in Syria so an Islamic regime can be installed. This is not surprising since Mr. O is such an ardent admirer of Islam.”  Admin A Christian college professor in India was finally acquitted of all blasphemy charges, [More]
“I feel sorry for those trapped in fanatical Islam. There is no singing, dancing, music in the mosque just sermons about hating infidels and the glory of dying for Allah in jihad. They all need to experience the love of Christ like these former Muslims have which would set them free from spiritual darkness.”  Admin Today, Friday, February 14, is Valentine’s Day, the sacred day that intimate companions mark to celebrate their love and affection for one another. If you’re thinking about making a study of how couples celebrate this day, the Muslim world and the milieus of the radical [More]
Free Copy of Tortured For Christ VOM_MediaDev February 13, 2014 It was the book that shocked the nation. After surviving 14 years in communist prisons, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand came to America to proclaim the trials and testimonies of our persecuted brothers and sisters. TFC_COVERIn Tortured for Christ, Wurmbrand tells of his imprisonment for his work with the underground church and introduces the work of The Voice of the Martyrs. More than 45 years later, The Voice of the Martyrs remains true to its calling to be a voice for persecuted Christians, to serve with them in their time of need [More]
“If you are looking for a truly Christian alternative to the problematic Girl Scouts you now have it in the American Heritage Girls. This difference between the two is quite apparent in the article.”  Admin A “Christ-centered” girls group, an alternative to the Girl Scouts, is taking up the issue of abortion. The group, American Heritage Girls, is now offering girls a “Respect Life” merit badge. The badge honors girls who are involved in pro-life activities, such as collecting diapers for a pregnancy care center. The badge also recognizes the girls’ involvement with the elderly and disabled. The Girl Scouts, [More]
“Excellent interview with a Cuban church leader about the persecution they are undergoing and how they cope with it. Will such harsh persecution come to the US, looking at how things are going in this country that may very well happen, it would be advisable to prepare for it just in case.”  Admin This week I spoke with a Cuban church leader about the challenges and persecution being faced by our brothers and sisters in that island nation so close to our own border. Here are some highlights of our conversation: Every block in every city in Cuba has a [More]
“While Mr. O hypocritically blathered about the importance of religious freedom at the 2014 National Prayer Breakfast, the US is busily training radical jihadists, who target Christians for persecution and killing, to overthrow the Assad regime so an Islamic government can be installed in Syria. This is not surprising since Mr. O is a great admirer of Islam and gives welcome to the Muslim Brotherhood”  Admin The U.S.-backed Free Syrian Army — those are the “moderates,” you know. How moderate? This moderate: in July 2013, Free Syrian Army fighters entered the Christian village of Oum Sharshouh and began burning down [More]
“Excellent video discussion between Robert Spencer and Christine Williams about the Church’s mis-guided and dangerous lack of understanding of Islam’s true nature and goals .”  Admin In this episode of my ABN Jihad Watch program, Christine Williams, Public Affairs and Media Consultant for the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem, and I discuss the stance of contemporary churches toward Islam, and the dangers of the road they’re taking. Christine Williams is also a nine-time award-winning TV Host and Producer and a Director on the Canadian Race Relations Foundation. Read More  The Churches and Islam : Jihad Watch.
“It appears now that Disney is totally in with the gay agenda and wants to make a fast buck from it. Something to keep in mind is that by patronizing Disney in any way you are essentially supporting their actions with you finances.”  Admin Last month, there was a major marketing push to attract same sex newlyweds to honeymoon in central Florida. Now, Disneys signing on with a major event this summer aimed at lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender families. There are few family vacations as iconic as a trip to Disney World, and starting this summer, Disneys hosting the [More]
“Another good article exposing the radical changes that have been going on in the Girl Scouts. You can check out a good faith based alternative, The American Heritage Girls here.”  Admin A major Roman Catholic organization on Thursday called for a boycott of Thin Mints, Shortbread, Peanut Butter Sandwich and other Girl Scout cookies, seeking to undercut funding for the pro-abortion agenda of the historic girls’ organization. “The Girl Scouts was once a trusted organization dedicated to character building in young girls and women. Now, GSUSA is abusing that trust,” said Judie Brown, president of American Life League, the nation’s oldest [More]
“Like him or not, he is sadly correct in pointing out the precipitous spiritual and moral decline in US and Europe.”  Admin At the height of the Cold War, it was common for American conservatives to label the officially atheist Soviet Union a “godless nation. ”More than two decades on, history has come full circle, as the Kremlin and its allies in the Russian Orthodox Church hurl the same allegation at the West. “Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a recent keynote speech Read More  Who’s ‘godless’ now? [More]
“Yes, demon possession is real just as the Bible shows it to be.”  Admin A nine-year-old boy walked backwards up a wall and ceiling as startled medical staff looked on after his mother claimed he and his two siblings had been possessed by demons, according to official reports. The unlikely-sounding event was detailed in official documents after a child services case worker and a nurse both said they saw the boy ‘glide’ backwards on the floor, wall and ceiling. Both were shocked to see the boy apparently float after their mother had been subject to months of scepticism when she [More]
A California-based legal organization is reporting a marked increase in hostility toward Christian students in public schools. “We have seen a dramatic increase of phone calls nationwide as it pertains to kids in public schools who are facing hostility because of their faith,” General Counsel Bob Tyler of Advocates for Faith and Freedom told Christian News Network. But Tyler said that the upswing in incident reports do not pertain to bullying from other students, but rather mistreatment by school officials. “[The reports all surround] hostility from teachers and school administrators who are curtailing the students’ free speech rights simply because [More]
“Another attempt to get Islam mainstreamed in public schools here. The goal is to get Islam more and more involved in our culture to undermine our Christian heritage. The ultimate goal of Islam is world domination with the imposition of Sharia law everywhere. We can see what to expect here by looking at whats going on in Britain and it’s not good.” Admin A group of three Muslim homeschooled middle school students from Virginia are petitioning the White House for recognition of Islamic holidays in public schools nationwide. According to The Muslim Link, Sumayyah McTaggart of Great Falls, Iman Hazer [More]
“Express views not accepted in todays increasingly godless societies and this is what to expect. It’s only going to get worse.” Admin The official body with responsibility for judicial conduct in the UK has chastised a leading High Court judge, who is also a Christian, over comments asserting that biblical marriage is the best option for society. Sir Paul Coleridge was given a formal warning by the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office (JCIO) because he promoted biblical marriage as more stable for children and society than other alternatives. Read More  Top UK Christian Judge Issued Judicial Misconduct Warning for Defending Biblical [More]
“Sadly the GS have taken a radical left turn recently as this article from 06/13 illustrates. There is an alternative organization with Christian values you can check out, the American Heritage Girls.” Admin A recent Girl Scout-sponsored event in New York City, billed as one that would “celebrate women and girls,” featured a live screening and panel discussion of the documentary MAKERS, a feminist, pro-abortion video account of prominent women who are described as “trailblazing” and whose “pioneering contributions” are purported to have changed America. At Catholic Stand, writer Mary Rice Hasson describes the May 9th event, which was also [More]
“Just another example of compromising to accommodate the “new reality” we now live in where anything goes and sin and repentance are no longer relevant.”  Admin dailymail.co.uk Parents and godparents no longer have to ‘repent sins’ and ‘reject the devil’ during christenings after the Church of England rewrote the solemn ceremony. The new wording is designed to be easier to understand – but critics are stunned at such a fundamental change to a cornerstone of their faith, saying the new ‘dumbed-down’ version ‘strikes at the heart’ of what baptism means. In the original version, the vicar asks: ‘Do you reject [More]
“We should expect more of this to come. Includes video of program.” Admin Five-time boxing champion Evander Holyfield, known for his Christian faith, has been scolded by a narrator on a reality television show in the United Kingdom for expressing biblical views about homosexuality. The narrator on the “Big Brother” show warned him: “Before you entered the Big Brother house, the rules regarding unacceptable language and behavior were explained to you. Last night in a conversation with Luisa, you expressed the view that being gay was not normal and that it could be fixed. Read More  Boxing legend pummeled for [More]
“Islamic ruled countries comprise the majority on the list of 50. Gee, how can that be since it’s “the religion of peace”.”  Admin The isolationist regime of North Korea once again tops the Open Doors USA list of the world’s worst persecutors of Christians. Open Doors USA released its list Wednesday of the world’s 50 worst violators, weighing factors such as the jailing of Christians, executions and legal restrictions on religious freedom. The Christian group this year added the category of whether or not a nation was a “failed” state. Operations Director Jerry Dykstra says a failed state is “a [More]