Donohue: ISIS’ Persecution of Christians ‘Far Worse Than China, North Korea’ | CNS News

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( –The systematic slaughter of Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq by the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) is “far worse” than the atrocities committed against believers by communist regimes in North Korea and China, says Catholic League president Bill Donohue.

“I would say they’re actually worse than the North Koreans at this point,” he told

“We’ve seen what’s going on in Communist China. It’s going on right now – they’re destroying churches. We’ve seen it in North Korea, the mass killing of Christians.”

“But what’s different about this is that no one really believes that the Chinese anti-Christian Communists are going to go across somebody else’s border to bring about their messianic vision. The same is true for North Korea, for all their talk,” Donohue added.

“What’s different about this is that you don’t even have a nation. I mean, whether we like it or not, North Korea is a nation and so is China. But here we have nothing but a band of terrorist barbarians who did not spring from any particular nation, and who are on the march to take over the entire Middle East, which will destroy the economy of the world while they’re killing Jews and Christians, and Muslims, I might add.”

Read More  Donohue: ISIS’ Persecution of Christians ‘Far Worse Than China, North Korea’ | CNS News.