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Some atheists like Richard Dawkins might accept a designer—as long as it is aliens not the biblical God.
Did you know that the germs in your intestines have sophisticated machines inside of them? Like all living things, E. coli bacteria contain DNA, which requires sophisticated machinery to read the DNA and turn the information into proteins, which are the major components of all living things. One of the key machines involved is the ribosome. According to the world’s leading science journal Nature: “The ribosome, together with its accessories, is probably the most sophisticated machine ever made. All of its components are active and moving, and it is environmentally friendly…” Ribosomes, however, are not just stunning examples of nanotechnology—they [More]
Some people have claimed that our third molars—commonly referred to as wisdom teeth—often cause trouble in modern humans because our mouths are smaller than our supposed evolutionary ancestors. However, impacted wisdom teeth don’t afflict all ethnic groups. Numerous people groups today have plenty of room in their jaws to accommodate their third molars. Modern dental research has shown that diet is a major factor in jaw development. In non-technological cultures, impacted wisdom teeth are almost unknown. Their tougher diet exercises their jaw muscles more, and this helps their jaws develop properly. The tougher diet also results in tooth wear, and [More]
Genetic mutations are occasionally beneficial, activating new functions in living things. These kinds of changes do not support evolution but fit well with biblical creation. Related Articles: Superbugs not super after all (https://creation.com/superbugs-not-su…) Beetle bloopers (https://creation.com/beetle-bloopers) Genetics: no friend of evolution (https://creation.com/genetics-no-frie…) Sickle-cell anemia does not prove evolution! (https://creation.com/sickle-cell-anem…) Exposing Evolution’s Icon (https://creation.com/exposing-evoluti…) Mutations Q&A page (https://creation.com/mutations-questi…) Nylon-eating bacteria: part 1—discovery and significance (https://creation.com/nylon-eating-bac…) Nylon-eating bacteria—part 2: refuting Ohno’s frame-shift theory (https://creation.com/nylon-eating-bac…) Gain-of-function mutations: at a loss to explain molecules-to-man evolution (https://creation.com/gain-of-function…)
Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County Streamed live on Jan 26, 2018 This is the title of CMI’s groundbreaking new book and documentary. Unlike anything CMI has ever done before, we interviewed 15 PhD scientists and asked them to list the fatal flaws of evolution, according to their own areas of expertise. Instead of our traditional approach of defending the Bible, this time we put the evolutionists on the defensive and make them answer the most difficult questions we could think of. In this introductory talk, Dr. Carter will summarize the major issues for the evolutionist three critical areas: natural selection, [More]
One of the biggest mysteries in earth history is what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. There are over 100 theories, including the suggestion that dinosaurs suffered from slipped discs, shrinking brains or chronic constipation. The most popular idea is that a meteorite hit the earth and caused dramatic changes in earth’s climate, which led to the demise of the dinosaurs. However, even though this story is often repeated as fact, many scientists don’t believe it. For instance, in their book The Great Dinosaur Extinction Controversy, two evolutionary scientists explain how the meteorite idea has become a new dogma that [More]
If evolution was true, the further back into history we look, evidence should show a gradual decline in man’s intelligence. Science shows otherwise. Man, created in God’s image, has always been intelligent.
Cloning and stem cell research technologies have been around for a while now, and they often generate controversy. Discover the Biblical response that Christians should be taking regarding these things. Related Articles: Stem cells and Genesis (http://creation.com/stem-cells-and-ge…) Evidence for multiple ring growth per year in Bristlecone Pines (http://creation.com/evidence-for-mult…) Patriarchs of the forest (http://creation.com/patriarchs-of-the…) Swedish trees older than the universe? (http://creation.com/swedish-trees-old…)
Gregor Mendel (father of genetics) and Charles Darwin (father of modern evolution) disagreed. Darwin claimed creatures could change into unlimited other creatures. Mendel’s discoveries suggest otherwise. See which idea science supports. Related Articles: Genetic variability by design (https://creation.com/images/pdfs/tj/j…) DNA: marvellous messages or mostly mess? (http://creation.com/dna-marvellous-me…) Splicing and dicing the human genome (http://creation.com/splicing-and-dici…) Incredible Kinesin! (http://creation.com/incredible-kinesin) New bacteria show ‘wonder upon wonder’ (http://creation.com/new-bacteria-show…) Design in living organisms (motors: ATP synthase) (http://creation.com/design-in-living-…)
What are mammoths? When did they live? How did they live? Why did they become extinct and can they be cloned? Find out about these creatures and how they relate to the creation/evolution debate on this week’s revealing episode. Related Articles: Mammoth—riddle of the Ice Age (http://creation.com/mammoth-riddle-of…) The extinction of the woolly mammoth: was it a quick freeze? (http://creation.com/the-extinction-of…) Woolly mammoths were cold adapted (http://creation.com/woolly-mammoths-c…) Mammoth clones coming to a zoo near you (http://creation.com/mammoth-clones) Are mammoths still alive? (http://creation.com/are-mammoths-stil…) ‘Lost world’ animals—found! (http://creation.com/lost-world-animal…) Related Products: The Mammoth & the Ice Age DVD (http://creation.com/s/30-9-514) The Great Ice Age DVD (http://creation.com/s/30-9-637) Frozen [More]
The Bible says God is revealed in His creation. Romans 1:20 states that everyone can know God exists because of what He made so that they are ‘without excuse’. Flying squid, tree climbing crocodiles, woodpeckers, fireflies and decoy spiders are all evidence of the Creator God of the Bible! Related Articles: Woodpecker head-banging wonder (http://creation.com/time-is-the-hero) Dragonfly design tips (http://creation.com/dragonfly-design) Firefly lanterns inspire LED lenses (http://creation.com/firefly-lanterns-…) Cuttlefish colour changes inspire new energy-efficient TV screen design (http://creation.com/cuttlefish-inspir…) Related Products: By Design (http://creation.com/s/10-2-524) Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution (http://creation.com/s/30-9-017) California Creepers (http://creation.com/s/30-9-653) Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)intell
How are evolutionary stories concocted? Evolutionists believe that humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor and so are constantly on the lookout for a ‘missing link’. Watch the evolution of the discovery of the so-called ‘Hobbits’ found on the Isle of Flores in Indonesia and the stories that were made up to attempt to turn them into something less than human. Related Articles: Hobbit bone wars (http://creation.com/hobbit-bone-wars) The mysterious hobbit (http://creation.com/images/pdfs/tj/j2…) New study claims hobbit was a new species (https://creation.com/images/pdfs/tj/j…) The Hobbit: Precious fossil or poisoned chalice? (http://creation.com/the-hobbit-precio…) Related Products: One Human Family: The Bible, science, race and culture [More]
Most people know about the DNA code as the ‘language of life’. Now scientists have discovered the epigenetic code. DNA code is governed by this code, a code so significant that one science writer said that genes are ‘little more than puppets’. What is it and how does it confirm creation? Related Articles: ‘Time is the hero’ (http://creation.com/time-is-the-hero) Analysis of the most probable reactions among products in Miller’s experiments (https://creation.com/images/pdfs/tj/j…) The force of probability arguments (http://creation.com/probability-argum…) Probability-questions-and-answers (http://creation.com/probability-quest… Related Products: World Winding Down – Understanding the ‘Law of Disorder’—and how it demands a Creator (http://creation.com/s/10-2-602) Christianity for Skeptics (http://creation.com/s/10-2-585) Creation [More]
A persistent evolutionary argument has been the concept of vestigial (left over) organs and genetic information in humans, supposedly inherited from man’s evolutionary ancestors. One popular idea is that sometimes humans are born with fully functioning tails, and that the genetic information for tails is hidden in our DNA. Learn how to separate fact from fiction by watching this episode. Related Articles: Human tails? (http://creation.com/human-tails) Human tails and fairy tales (http://creation.com/human-tails-and-f…) Related Products: The Creation Answers Book (http://creation.com/s/10-2-505) Creation magazine (free sample copy) (http://creation.com/free-mag)
Did you know that the DNA code is itself governed by another code known as the epigenetic code? This physical and chemical code determines which genes are switched on. Changes in this code can greatly alter an organism without altering one letter of its DNA. For instance, scientists have managed to change the coat colour in mice by feeding them a diet that switches off certain genes. Epigenetics poses new problems for evolution. For instance, a group of animals with a camouflaged coat colour might be favoured in a particular environment, but if this coat colour is due to epigenetics [More]
Rapid speciation has always been a cornerstone of Young Earth Creationist belief. If all of the animals we see today are descended from the limited amount of animals on Noah’s Ark then rapid speciation must have occurred. See the stunning evidence of this very thing and why it is so challenging to evolutionists and ‘Old Earth’ creationists alike. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program shows how the latest scientific discoveries support the Bible and refute evolution and million [More]
Creationists often point to the incredible evidence of design in nature as proof of God’s existence. But what about things that don’t look well designed or appear to have been designed to do ‘bad things’? Evidence of ‘design’ is not enough. Find out why the true history in the Bible is essential to understand the world we live in. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program shows how the latest scientific discoveries support the Bible and refute evolution and [More]
Even evolutionist Richard Dawkins agrees “We have seen that living things are too improbable and too beautifully ‘designed’ to have come into existence by chance.” However, the truth is ‘design’ indicates a ‘designer’, and natural selection is inadequate to explain the amazing creatures featured on today’s show. Watch Richard and Calvin explain the amazing complexity of animals like the quick drawing Pistol shrimp, terrible termites and the tiny seahorse. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program shows how the [More]
‘Living Fossils’ are characterized as creatures found in the fossil record (supposedly millions of years old) that are seemingly identical to creatures living today. This is a thorny issue for evolutionists since Darwin proposed his evolutionary hypothesis. The evidence of ‘massive change over time’ is dwindling rapidly. Meanwhile the evidence supporting creation is growing rapidly! The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program shows how the latest scientific discoveries support the Bible and refute evolution and million of years. Related [More]
God is the ultimate engineer! Recent scientific discoveries show amazing design in the living world, far exceeding our current technology. Engineers are attempting to copy this design as they invent new technology often without acknowledging the original Designer. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program shows how the latest scientific discoveries support the Bible and refute evolution and million of years. Related Articles: Biomimetics – articles detailing various examples (http://creation.com/biomimetics) DVD makers copy mantis shrimp eye design (http://creation.com/mantis-shrimp-eye) God’s [More]
Transhumanists believe that humanity will evolve to the next level within our lifetime by utilizing modern technology. Explore the Darwinian roots of this growing worldwide movement and see how it exposes man’s sinful desire to ‘become God’. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program shows how the latest scientific discoveries support the Bible and refute evolution and million of years. Related Articles: Transhumanism—mankind’s next step forward? (http://creation.com/transhumanism) Stalin’s ape-man Superwarriors (http://creation.com/superwarrior) Ivanov’s ape-human hybrid project—Why? (http://creation.com/hybrid) Related Products: Frankenstein [More]
Question 3 in CMI’s ’15 Questions for Evolutionists’ flyer focuses on the inability of evolutionists to explain how the huge amount of complex coded information (the “blueprint”) to build living things could come about by mutation, a mechanism is observed to destroy and delete genetic information. In this episode Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss the question and the attempts to answer it.. Related content • List of the 15 questions with supporting information (http://creation.com/qe) • It is not the amount of change mutations produce, it is the type of change that is a problem for evolution. See: http://creation.com/train • [More]
For more details visit: http://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-63 The eye can detect a single photon of light, the faintest light possible. Despite some evolutionists claiming that the eye is badly designed, it is impossible to improve on this sensitivity! Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith explain why the eye is still a great example of design. Main article: From Creation magazine 30(3) Excellent eye: Better than any camera (http://creation.com/excellent-eye-better-than-any-camera-the-eyes-response-to-light) Related articles – Did eyes evolve by Darwinian mechanisms (http://creation.com/did-eyes-evolve-by-darwinian-mechanisms) – Mueller cells backwardly wired retina v Dawkins (http://creation.com/mueller-cells-backwardly-wired-retina-v-dawkins) – Müller cells refuting Dawkins: feedback (http://creation.com/mueller-cells-refuting-dawkins-feedback) – Response to PBS/Nova Evolution series — Episode 1: [More]
For details visit: http://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-3 Animals do change over time, becoming adapted to changing environments, but the type of change observed has nothing to do with evolution and fits well with the Bible. (Part 1 of 2) Related articles: – The evolution train’s a-comin’ http://creation.com/the-evolution-trains-a-comin – Muddy Waters: Clarifying the confusion about natural selection http://creation.com/muddy-waters – Darwin’s finches: Evidence supporting rapid post-Flood adaptation http://creation.com/darwins-finches – The Moth Files: An UPDATE on the Peppered Moth fiasco http://creation.com/the-moth-files – What is the Biblical creationist model? http://creation.com/response-to-pbs-nova-evolution-series-episode-1-darwins-dangerous-idea#kinds Feedback – Presuppositionalism vs evidentialism, and is the human genome simple? http://creation.com/presuppositionalism-vs-evidentialism-and-is-the-human-genome-simple – Why wouldn’t God use [More]
The breeding of pedigree dogs is causing them to suffer great pain. According to Steve Jones, Professor of genetics at University College London, some dog breeds are “paying a terrible price in genetic disease”. One award-winning Cavalier King Charles spaniel was even suffering from a condition where its skull was too small for its brain. Following Darwin, evolutionists often claim that selection—artificial or natural—is a creative force that can change microbes into microbiologists. However, in selecting one animal or plant over another, the genes of the non-selected one are lost. So selection gets rid of genetic information; it does not [More]
In 2008, the BBC produced a controversial documentary on the harmful effects of pedigree dog shows. According to the documentary, many dog owners are causing dangerous levels of in-breeding; this results in dogs with crippling genetic deformities. One RSPCA vet said, “What I see in front of me is a parade of mutants. It’s some freakish, garish beauty pageant.” Most of our domestic varieties have harmful problems due to mutations and the breeding required to maintain breed purity tends to amplify these problems further. The changes we see in dogs today give no support to evolutionary expectations. After dogs originated [More]
Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss an article from Creation magazine summarizing some of the amazing flying abilities of dragonflies. Researchers investigating these abilities are gaining new insight into aerodynamic efficiency by studying the dragonfly. Main article: From Creation magazine 32(2) “Dragonfly design tips” (http://creation.com/dragonfly-design) Related articles – Astonishing acrobatics–dragonflies (http://creation.com/astonishing-acrobatics-dragonflies) – Dragonflies: designed to dart! (http://creation.com/dragonflies-designed-to-dart) For more information on the creation/evolution issue visit http://creation.com