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Faith Life Church Hearing God’s voice.  
Several years ago, I was working at an Illinois grocery store on a particularly cold and snowy day in February where everyone was asking the baggers to load their groceries in their car. As I waited for customers, I protected myself from the cold by standing inside a small heated alcove. The automatic door to the alcove was broken and I had to push it open by hand. As I exited, the door slammed shut on my finger. I barely noticed the pain at first, but after a while, the glove I was wearing became soaked in blood. Though it [More]
Finally, in 2008, after eight years of hard work, Tinsel Time Christmas Tree Farm opened for business. It was a family affair just like we’d imagined. Our kids, along with my brothers, my parents and our nieces and nephews helped out. We dressed like elves and stood by the side of the road waving a banner that read, “Chop down your own Christmas tree!” We drew people in with marshmallow roasts and hayrides in a red-and-white sleigh.   Business was great! After the first year, Karen and I both took early retirement and sunk all of our spare time and [More]
My son and daughters are all grown now, but as their mother I still worry about them. Especially when Gina, my youngest, told me about the car trouble that she’d been having. “I turn the key in the ignition, but it just won’t start,” Gina said when I was down in Texas visiting her and her sister for a month. It sounded to me like battery trouble, but Gina told me that she didn’t have enough money to get a new one right away. Her sister had given her a charger to keep in the car. It fixed the problem [More]
“I don’t have it in me,” I whispered to God yesterday. Several friends had shared happy news about successes, achievements and blessings. I longed to celebrate with them. But in my secret heart, the contrast with my own recent loss and pain kindled an ugly temptation to self-pity. I could keep my voice bright and fake it. I could keep my voice bright and fake it. I could say the appropriate things. But I wanted to coax my heart to match, to find sincere joy for my friends. How does a man who is out of work celebrate when his [More]
“Dear Heavenly Father,” I scrawled, crouching in the dim hallway light at the top of the stairs. My diary looked blurry through my tears. I’d been waiting for a boy to call. I’d hoped he would ask me to the prom, but the phone never rang. At 2:00 a.m. I was wide awake and depressed. So I crawled out of the bedroom I shared with my sister and began a letter to God. Fights with siblings, worries about school, issues with friends—I told God all of it. “Will a boy ever want to ask me out?” I wrote. “Will I [More]
Visits with my grandchildren were precious, but lately it seemed like every time I saw them they were distracted by their gadgets. “Please, God,” I prayed as I pulled into their driveway, “help me find some way to entertain Paul and Jill. Help us make good memories together.” Soon we were chatting about middle school and summer camp. It almost seemed like old times—until Jill slipped her phone out of her pocket. Beside her, Paul was casting longing looks toward his computer. “Let’s go on a hike!” I announced.   “What for?” Paul asked.   I said the first thing [More]
“Facing an impossible situation, try doing what he did.”  Admin I watched it, though I didn’t think I would (or maybe didn’t think I could). I’m talking about Nik Wallenda’s epic and incredibly inspiring high-wire walk across the Grand Canyon Sunday night, broadcast live on the Discovery Channel. Right up until a few minutes before he stepped out on the wire 1,500 feet above the canyon I wasn’t sure I could bear to see the legendary aerialist (and father of three) flirt with catastrophe. This has been troubling me ever since we decided to publish Nik’s piece in our June [More]
Dollywood, the highlight of our big trip to Tennessee with my daughter and her family. Just as I walked through the entrance gates I patted the pocket of my jeans. My wallet was gone! “I was sure I put it in there after I took out the tickets,” I told Jewel, my wife. I checked my fanny pack. No dice. Credit cards, driver’s license, military ID—not to mention $300 in cash. All gone! “Don’t worry, Dad. I’ll help you find it,” my daughter, Teresa, said. “I’ll check the ticket counter,” I said. “Probably left it there.”   I retraced my [More]
My husband, Bill, and I weren’t expecting an evening to ourselves. It’s a rarity, raising three kids. I’d just put a chocolate cake in the oven for after dinner when my sister dropped by, unannounced. “I’ll watch the kids,” she said. “You two enjoy a fun night out.” “What should we do?” I asked Bill. He picked up a newsletter from a Catholic charity we supported. “Well, there’s a potluck tonight,” he said. A church potluck? That wouldn’t have been my first thought. And the church was an hour and a half away. “We don’t have anything to bring,” I [More]
Hey, Filthy Felthy!” It was a guy called Chim. I was in junior high and he was in high school. I didn’t know Chim’s real name, or why he’d picked me out for bullying, but it didn’t matter. I knew he played on the football team and that he took perverse pleasure in shoving me into the dirt. Why, Lord, why? I asked. “Hi, Filthy Felthy,” Chim called one day. “Ready for your daily dusting? Why don’t you run?” I was a decent runner for seventh grade, but Chim could easily catch me. That was probably what he wanted. To [More]
Those who come to Christ in Sri Lanka—especially in rural areas—face challenges and trials from Buddhist or Hindu family members or village leaders. Sometimes the challenges are extreme: church buildings torn down, Christians beaten and even martyred for their faith.Yet God is at work: even with persecution the church in Sri Lanka is growing. Rev. Godfrey Yogarajah, the leader of the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka, is in a unique position to tell us about both the exciting growth in the Sri Lankan church and the persecution that our brothers and sisters there are facing, and how they [More]
“What a great story!”  Admin An ISIS militant, who had pretended to be a refugee in order to kill people, converted to Christianity after seeing the “love of Christians” at the camps, according to Christian Aid Mission. An ISIS fighter from northern Syria, veiled as a refugee, arrived at a Jordanian camp with the intention of killing Christian workers, but he abandoned his plans after hearing the Gospel and “witnessing the love of Christians.” “He first saw how Islam brainwashed him about Christianity, and how that contrasted with the reality of what he saw in the Christians,” the ministry director [More]
Winter mornings in Michigan were often cold and bleak, especially now that I was getting up earlier than usual to pray. The quiet time with God helped keep me inspired at my job as an elementary school teacher. Some mornings, though, waking up in the dreary darkness, I couldn’t help but wish I had someone to wake up with. I loved my job, but more than anything I hoped to be a wife and mother. So far I hadn’t met the right guy. “Lord, you promise that if we delight in you, you’ll give us the desires of our heart,” [More]
Last year I joined San Francisco’s City Impact, a nondenominational group doing outreach to inner-city residents. This was my first day visiting a public housing complex. The leader put me and another newbie in charge of handing out groceries. My partner and I agreed we had the best job. Who didn’t love food, especially when they couldn’t afford much of it? “Not everyone will need some,” our leader reminded us. “We’re also just here to talk, check in with people, pray with them if they want. It’s aboutshowing our love.” The people on our assigned floors seemed happy to see [More]
I’d been a widow for eight years. I was used to being alone on Valentine’s Day. Or so I thought, until I woke up feeling blue. Before my feet even hit the floor I said to God, I don’t have anyone to love me this year. I really need a Valentine. I mean the works. Roses, a card and dinner out tonight. But no chocolates, please. I’m trying to diet. By the time I’d had my coffee I felt more like myself. I went to work, my prayer forgotten. Then I found a giant Valentine’s Day card taped to my [More]
When he was a child, Jonathan Cahn called himself an atheist because he saw no evidence the God of Israel was “moving in his life.” But as an adult, he’s an evangelist who can recount spellbinding incidents where the God of the Bible seemingly displayed His power, leading even priests and priestesses of pagan cults to become believers in Jesus. The incredible stories are told in the new documentary “The Harbinger Man,” which explores the life and teachings of the man many are calling “America’s Prophet.” Cahn has found himself at the center of what believers would call deeply significant [More]
My daughter, Katelyn, had received a first-class wedding proposal. Her boyfriend popped the question under Christmas lights in Philadelphia’s historic Rittenhouse Square Park. But could we afford a first-class wedding? “I’m going to try to scrape together twenty-five hundred dollars,” I told Katelyn. Even as the words passed my lips, I didn’t know why I’d chosen that amount. I had some jewelry I could sell, but that wouldn’t do it. I worked part-time while caring for a relative,so a second job was out of the question. Lord, you know my needs, so it doesn’t seem right to pray for an [More]
“They’ll hire some young college grad,” Dave told me. “Not an old guy like me.” I’d never seen my husband so discouraged. He’d been doing great work as a field applicator for a farming co-op for 10 years, but when a higher position opened up, the company said they were looking to make an outside hire. After a few weeks of searching they finally let him take a skill test to be considered. Dave felt sure he’d passed, but didn’t think it would change their minds. “If it’s meant to be, God will open the door,” I told him. “All [More]
In this story from August 1949, the beloved singer reveals the role faith and prayer played in her life. I was sitting calmly in a beauty parlor having my hair set when it happened. A spark flew out of a defective hand-cooler and ignited the cotton wadding around my head. In an instant the cotton flared up—my hair was on fire! The frantic operator flailed at the flames, but before he could put out the fire, my eyebrows, eyelids, face and arms were badly burned. For weeks I lay in bed with my head completely bandaged. Around me I kept [More]
Out for some fun spelunking, he now was trapped. Was this the end for him? They didn’t think I could hear them but I could. Every word. “He’s dead weight,” one voice said. “Exhausted, oxygen deprived, dehy­drated. He’s got nothing left.” “I don’t know how we’ll get him out before the rain comes,” another man replied. “God help him if that tunnel floods….” The cold cavern walls stung my cheeks. My lips were caked with dirt, dry and cracked. My empty stomach growled. I strained every muscle in my body, twisted left and right, ex­haled every cubic inch of air [More]
Intellectual Predators on Campus Frank Turek http://crossexamined.org/
Please visit www.CrossExamined.org for more Christian Apologetics content!
A quick answer to the question “Can Science Disprove God? ———– More at www.CrossExamined.org (Free “Stealing From God” Chapter here: http://ow.ly/Te0HT )
Q&A: Was the Bible embellished by the authors? ———- More at www.CrossExamined.org (Free “Stealing From God” Chapter here: http://ow.ly/Te0HT )
In light of the Supreme Court decision to legalize Same Sex Marriage, you as a Christian may be asking yourself: where do I go from here? Dr. Frank Turek gives an answer to this very important issue.
“A child’s faith and persistent prayer brings results!”  Admin Missing: One mouse named Bianca. Wearing a furry blue cap and matching shawl. If found, please return to heartbroken little girl. Bianca was my 8-year-old daughter Caroline’s beloved doll, her favorite mouse detective from the Disney movie The Rescuers . Every morning, as I combed Caroline’s hair, she’d comb Bianca’s fur. Wherever she went, Bianca followed–from the dinner table to her bicycle basket. Even on a weekend trip to Chicago. That’s how we lost her. The morning of our departure, as we packed the car, Caroline set Bianca down on a [More]