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Merv Knight read Richard Wurmbrand’s book, Tortured for Christ, and it changed the path of his entire life. Merv helped found VOM-Australia and worked side by side with Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand for decades. This week he gives us an inside look, with stories of what it was like to minister alongside Richard and Sabina but also what kind of people they were behind the scenes and the deep love for Christ that allowed them to endure persecution while still holding firmly to their faith. Merv will also share the stories of some of the persecuted Christians that have inspired [More]
This emotion-touching drama shows how one first century Rabbi (Yehudah, played by Nick Mancuso – Revelation, Tribulation, Judgment) becomes a follower of Yeshua of Nazareth (Jesus Christ). Yehudah attempts to share the Good News of Jesus with his people, beginning with his own relatives. Now, one year has passed since the crucifixion of the carpenter’s son. Yehudah’s greatest challenge and earnest desire is to help his loved ones understand that the long awaited Messiah, the Son of David, walked among them. Through the Passover feast spoken of by Moses, Yehudah reveals the meaning behind the meal while his relatives slowly [More]
Raul as a youth, was a dangerous, violent person who was ready to explode at any moment. This video chronicles the miraculous transformation of a person who was on a road to destruction to a man of God. This is the personal testimony of Raul Ries and how God demonstrates His grace, His love and His mercy.
Even though 78 percent of Americans are self-proclaimed “Christians,” the latest Barna Poll gives a clear indicator that Christianity is losing its grip acrossthe country.A Closer Look“ While the United States remains shaped by Christianity, the faith’s influence — particularly as a force in American politics and culture — is slowly waning,” the Barna Group reports from its recent study. “An increasing number of religiously unaffiliated, a steady drop in church attendance, the recent Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage, and the growing tension over religious freedoms all point to a larger secularizing trend sweeping across the nation.” America might [More]
“This article was posted on 09/22/15. We are living in momentous days, if you don’t know Jesus as Savior you can, click here.”  Admin At sundown, we begin Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. This is the highest holy day on the Jewish calendar, and one of great Biblical and historic and cultural importance to my people. I so wish I was home with Lynn and our sons in Israel tonight. Instead, I am in the U.S. speaking at a number of events, from Dallas to San Luis Obispo to Washington, D.C. to Toronto. I am speaking about the darkness that [More]
Pope Francis received a warm welcome in all the places he visited during his six-day visit to the United States, which ended on Sunday. Hundreds of Americans lined up the streets to catch a glimpse of the Roman Catholic leader, and even members of Congress turned emotional while listening to his address on Thursday. However, a survey conducted by Lifeway Research before the Pope’s visit to the US revealed that Protestant pastors are divided on whether they value Pope Francis’ opinion on theological issues. Half of the Protestant pastors interviewed via phone said they do not give weight to the [More]
 Former supermodel Tracy Trinita converted to Christianity, left the industry to study at Oxford and became a pastor. She now travels the world sharing the gospel. Originally from a small village in Bali, Trinita’s life changed when she won a modelling competition and moved to New York to pursue a career in the industry aged just 15. Initially, she was lured in by the wealth and glamour that modelling promised. “I thought that if I had more money I would be happier, so I pursued modelling for happiness, leaving my friends and family behind to travel to New York,” she [More]
“Please remember to keep him in your prayers as I’m sure his life is a living nightmare. Too bad our pretend “Christian” prez, Mr. O, didn’t press for his release during negotiations with Iran regarding this recent nuclear deal, the pastor could have been home by now.”  Admin An American pastor imprisoned in Iran was interrogated, abused and threatened with new criminal charges on Wednesday, according to a new report. The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), which has been fighting for the release of Saeed Abedini, states that Iranian intelligence officers questioned the pastor yesterday and were both [More]
Recently I met with a worker in a restricted nation. He related the story of a Muslim woman who had an amazing dream that changed her life forever. In her city, a prominent epicenter in a region dominated by Islam, there is a historic church known by its distinctive color. One evening, the Muslim woman said that Jesus appeared to her in a dream and told her, “Go to the ‘Yellow Church’ and I will show you what to do.” She had never heard anything about a “Yellow Church” and was understandably stunned by the appearance of Jesus in her [More]
Tom Doyle, author of a new book about Christians facing persecution in the Middle East, tells us that, in spite of the advance of Islamic State, God is changing the hearts of people in the region as Christians continue to boldly share the gospel message in spite of the risks and violence. He’ll share the story of a Muslim convert forced to choose between her daughter and her Savior, and a group of pastors ready to die rather than leave the work God has called them to in Syria. Tom also challenges Christians in free nations to live with the [More]
Learn To Obey Andrews Site Most people have lost a sense of destiny, God’s will for their lives. This five-part album is the third in a series of three that will help change that. They are called How to Find God’s Will, How to Follow God’s Will, and How to Fulfill God’s Will. Listen Here    
Following The Desires Of Your Heart Andrews Site Most people have lost a sense of destiny, God’s will for their lives. This five-part album is the second in a series of three that will help change that. They are called How to Find God’s Will, How to Follow God’s Will, and How to Fulfill God’s Will. Listen Here
Everyone Has A Destiny Andrews Site Most people have lost a sense of destiny, God’s will for their lives. This five-part album is the first in a series of three that will help change that. They are called How to Find God’s Will, How to Follow God’s Will, and How to Fulfill God’s Will. Listen Here
How To Deal With Grief Andrews Site Grief is something that each one of us encounters sooner or later. It cannot be avoided, but it can be dealt with in a positive way. Some of the most influential people in history became better and more compassionate because of the way they dealt with grief; others were thrown into a destructive spiral. This series will help you to come out of grief on the victory side. Listen Here
The Cure For What Ails Ya Andrews Site Most teaching on the love of God is all about how we should love others. While that is certainly appropriate and needed, we often fail to emphasize how much God loves us. We can’t give what we haven’t received. Before we can love others, we have to have a true revelation of God’s love for us. This series will help you receive a deeper revelation of God’s unconditional love for you. Listen Here  
The Simple Gospel Andrews Site This series covers many miscellaneous topics. These single teachings address a variety of subjects that will greatly enrich your life. Listen Here
What Is The Fear Of The Lord? Andrews Site If I was to quote the part of 1 John 4:18 that says perfect love casts out fear, I imagine I would get a hearty “Amen!” from nearly all of you. But if fear is a bad thing, then what do you do with the 300-plus scriptures that speak of fearing the Lord in a positive way? Listen Here
The Purpose Of Marriage Andrews Site Satan has launched an all-out assault on families. However, God created the family, and He has the perfect answer for every problem confronting families today. For many years, Andrew and Jamie have conducted marriage seminars around the country with marvelous results. This series has the teachings from these seminars. You will discover some amazing principles from God’s word that are so simple and yet so profound that you will wonder how you missed them. The Purpose Of Marriage Priorities For Women Marriage Relationship Submission Dating And Marriage  The Priority Of Marriage I The Priority [More]
“Brother Jay” has just returned from Central Asia, where he shared fellowship with Christians facing persecution while trying to reach Muslims with the gospel message. Jay shares the challenges these believers face–including the challenge of connecting with other believers and even just meeting together for worship. Jay tells us how the example of these believers challenges his own faith, and how he prepares to travel into dangerous places where Christians are laying down their lives for Christ. You’ll be able to pray more effectively for believers in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and other nations in Central Asia after hearing Brother [More]
VOM’s Todd Nettleton was a guest on yesterday’s episode of In The Market With Janet Parshall, aired nationally on the Moody Broadcast Network. Janet and Todd discussed what God is doing in Iraq, how New Testaments are being delivered in North Korea and the ways Christians worship in Afghanistan in order to avoid detection by radical Muslims. Finally, they pointed listeners to the upcoming International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Listen: Persecution Blog: VOM Featured in Moody Radio Interview
At the end of his series “Kingdom of the Cults” Dr. Walter Martin takes us to the east to study Zen Buddhism, Meher Baba, and Hare Krishna. He takes a biblical Christian perspective and reveals what is truly behind these organizations and even though they claim to share Christian theology, in reality they are far from it.
Dr. Walter Martin discusses Unitarianism and how to identify it. He additionally speaks on relativism, prophecy, and archaeology. He gives a biblical Christian perspective on the subject and how to distinguish it from true Christianity.
Dr. Walter Martin continues his series “Kingdom of the Cults” with psychic phenomenon. Through a biblical christian perspective he investigates levitation, apportation, dream interpretation, and astral projection. Concluding that the purpose of psychic phenomenon is a substitute for faith and an imitation to deceive.
Dr. Walter Martin continues his series “Kingdom of the Cults” with spiritism. He speaks about the subject in reference to Edgar Cayce, Jeane Dixon, and Astrology. Using the word of God he demonstrates how we must defend ourselves, our brothers and our sisters from this devastating practice.
Dr. Walter Martin lectures on Mormonism. He provides information which sheds light on its falsehood. Part 3 in his lectures on the Kingdom of the Cults.
Dr. Walter Martin lectures on Jehovah’s witness doctrines and on the Holy Trinity. Very valuable information for those who are trying to bring the true gospel of Jesus Christ to Jehovah’s witnesses.
Dr. Walter Martin starts a seven part series titled Kingdom of the Cults. A Christian, Dr. Martin was one of the leading Cult researchers of his time and his information is essential in bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to cultists. In part one Dr. Martin lays a foundation for the rest of his series.