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Intellectual Predators on Campus Frank Turek http://crossexamined.org/
Please visit www.CrossExamined.org for more Christian Apologetics content!
A quick answer to the question “Can Science Disprove God? ———– More at www.CrossExamined.org (Free “Stealing From God” Chapter here: http://ow.ly/Te0HT )
Q&A: Was the Bible embellished by the authors? ———- More at www.CrossExamined.org (Free “Stealing From God” Chapter here: http://ow.ly/Te0HT )
In light of the Supreme Court decision to legalize Same Sex Marriage, you as a Christian may be asking yourself: where do I go from here? Dr. Frank Turek gives an answer to this very important issue.
“A child’s faith and persistent prayer brings results!”  Admin Missing: One mouse named Bianca. Wearing a furry blue cap and matching shawl. If found, please return to heartbroken little girl. Bianca was my 8-year-old daughter Caroline’s beloved doll, her favorite mouse detective from the Disney movie The Rescuers . Every morning, as I combed Caroline’s hair, she’d comb Bianca’s fur. Wherever she went, Bianca followed–from the dinner table to her bicycle basket. Even on a weekend trip to Chicago. That’s how we lost her. The morning of our departure, as we packed the car, Caroline set Bianca down on a [More]
” A great lesson in prayer and faith.”  Admin Some years ago evangelist Clyde Dupin was coming to our town, and I was asked to do local publicity for the important event. In the middle of writing lots of articles about the upcoming crusade, I received a phone call from a worldwide ministry in Texas. The media director wanted to interview me, in person, for a full-time feature writing position. I had been waiting for that opportunity for a long time. The problem was…I didn’t have the extra money for an airline ticket. The ministry had agreed to pay for [More]
I awoke at 2:00 a.m. to find my eight-year-old Noah in tears at my bedside. “I miss B.B.” He signed to me. Noah is deaf, and B.B. is his best friend and his cat. She has slept snuggled up to him for the past four years, and only a few days after we moved to our new home in Kansas, B.B. disappeared. My heart ached for Noah, as only a mother’s can when she knows her child is hurting. The day we realized B.B. had somehow gotten out of the house, we began right away to search for her. We [More]
Just one semester before my husband, Dave, was supposed to graduate from college, it looked as though he would have to drop out instead. He had been laid off from his job on the night shift at the auto factory, and if he didn’t find a new position by the time his unemployment benefits ran out we wouldn’t be able to pay for his tuition. Dave was studying to become a teacher. “Maybe I can find a temporary job until June,” I said. That wouldn’t be easy, though. Our 14-month-old daughter, Kristy, had bad asthma. We couldn’t trust a babysitter [More]
I’ll start by warning you that you might want to grab a tissue for this one. I’ve watched this video 8-10 times and I’ve cried every time I’ve seen it. WTVR in Richmond, Virginia, shared this wonderful story that originated with a Facebook video by Becky Miller. The Texas mom posted about her daughter, Bailey, who had been paralyzed for 11 days from the waist down—and there were no answers as to why. Just to set the scene for you, on the day this video was taken, Bailey was waiting on her favorite nurse, and she had a big surprise [More]
For months my husband, Mark, and I had been saving up to get a third family car so that our daughter Anne would have something to drive when she turned 16. With four children, another car—and another driver—in the family would be a godsend. Then came the bad news: Our well had dried up, and so did our savings when we drilled a new one. “I guess I’ll just have to pray for a car,” Anne said when we told her. Anne wasn’t just being a good sport. She really prayed for that car. “I’m praying specifically, just like you [More]
I have always prayed about everything. Big things, small things—they all matter. I trust that God takes an interest in everything going on in my life. But even I didn’t know what to say when my teenaged son, Alan, announced late one night, clear out of the blue, that he was going to bake a lemon meringue pie. Really? “Alan, that’s ridiculous,” I said. “It’s bedtime. I just cleaned the kitchen and did the dishes. Besides, you have school tomorrow. If you want to bake a pie, bake it when you get home in the afternoon. We won’t be able [More]
A coastal wind ruffled my hair as I sat outside our small stucco tract house in Lompoc, California, and I wondered for the millionth time if we should move. The house seemed to squeeze tighter around us as our three active sons, ages thirteen, ten and six, kept growing. I longed for more room. My husband Patrick and I often looked at larger homes, yearning yet hesitant. The question hounded me again: Should we try to move? I prayed for guidance. While reading my Bible one day my heart quickened when I came across Psalm 18:19 (NIV), which read, “He [More]
Has God ever impressed on you to do a big project for Him, and you worked hard on it for years—and yet it seemed like nothing was happening, and God was a million miles away? That’s where I’ve been lately with a huge dream God placed on my heart. Some good things have happened, but the big provisions from Him haven’t arrived yet. I’ll be honest, I’ve been a bit discouraged. Then during my devotions recently, I read a verse in Isaiah 7:11, “Ask a sign for yourself from the Lord your God.” Those words glared from the page at [More]
In this story from January 1982, the acclaimed actress tells of her first encounter with God, when a prayerful plea received a response more immediate than she could have expected. When I was 18 years old, I had an experience that was to affect the rest of my life. My parents were divorced. Starved for family love, I ran away at 16 to marry my childhood sweetheart. At 17, I had my precious son. Then the war came along, and soon my young husband was drafted and sent overseas. During his long absence, I lived with his very religious parents in [More]
Here are some great FREE ebooks from Guideposts that you will find inspirational and encouraging. Some titles include: A Prayer for Every Need Angel Sightings: 7 Inspirational Stories About Everyday Angels on Earth Daily Devotions: 7 Days of Bible Devotions to Strengthen Your Faith Messages from the Hereafter: 5 Inspiring Stories Offering Proof of the Afterlife Mornings with Jesus: 31 Daily Devotions to Bring You Closer to Christ ….. and more!   Click the link below to get them. Get Ebooks: Spirit Lifters | Guideposts
My younger sister Diane has come out from California to help care for me as I recover from this mysterious lung infection. Her prayers have been added to your prayers and the prayers of so many people, so many friends, so many strangers, so many who care and believe in God working through us. My toughest days in the hospital were in that first week. I struggled, at times, over every breath. The doctors put me on the the strongest antibiotics they could send through i.v. drips in my arms. They worked hard to send oxygen in my lungs, giving [More]
The people of Central Asia are caught between their Islamic culture and the authoritarian remnants of 70 years of communist domination. Statistically, many of the region’s people have a zero-percent probability of meeting a follower of Christ or hearing the gospel message of Jesus’ love. “Brother Harold” has served more than a decade building relationships and planting gospel seeds among Muslim people in Central Asia. This week on VOM Radio he shares about the persecution Central Asian Christians face, some of his challenges and God’s victories during 15 years of ministry, and thoughts on how Christians in the United States [More]
Nearly half of atheists, agnostics, and those with no religious preference in the U.S. see evidence in the universe for a creator, according to just-released polling data from a major research organization. LifeWay Research is a Nashville-based polling group that frequently surveys Americans on matters of faith and culture. The group’s latest report, “American Views on Reasons to Believe in a Creator,” shows surprising insights on the number of people who believe in a creator. According to the study, 72% of all Americans think that because the universe has organization, there is a creator who designed it. Over half of [More]
The large gulf in theology between Scottish Presbyterians is becoming ever clearer. The issues are coming to a head after a debate between Rev David Robertson, the Moderator of the Free Church of Scotland, and Rev Scott McKenna, a Church of Scotland Minister. Robertson who’s an outspoken advocate of reformed evangelicalism, and McKenna whose church website describes his theology as “rational, progressive” epitomise the split which, while it has been evident for many years, seems to be deepening. First, a little explainer for those not familiar which the church scene in Scotland. During the Reformation, under the leadership of John [More]
Recently VOM’s primary media spokesperson, Todd Nettleton, recorded a radio interview with Martha Manikas-Foster of Family Life Radio about what Christians in the Middle East are facing, and why so many are willing to risk death in order to flee to western Europe or someplace else considered “safe” for them. The resulting report aired earlier this week, and was also posted on the Family Life web site. Here is a portion of it. Click on the link at the bottom to listen to the full radio report. Millions of people. On foot, in boats, crossing borders, crossing the sea. Every [More]
In an age in which Lucifer statues are being erected, and the Ten Commandments are being torn down, it is useful to consider why the Founders believed that religion was necessary for a free society as an “anchor of the soul,” as I call it in my new book, “Liberty’s Secrets: The Lost Wisdom of America’s Founders”: As a young man, [John] Adams asked the same question most human beings have asked in one form or another: What is the meaning of life? His answer placed the divine at the center of it: “What is the proper business of mankind [More]
“Excellent video!”  Admin On August 11 in Dallas, I delivered an hour-long talk as part of the North American Lutheran Church’s “Braaten/Benne Lectures in Theology.” The title of my presentation was “Muslim Persecution of Christian Martyrs: Past and Present.” Topics discussed include Islamic doctrine concerning Christianity; Islamic history as a manifestation of said Islamic doctrine; and, continuity — showing how the same things written in Islam’s core texts, and that have manifested throughout history, are still happening today all throughout the Islamic world. Watch: Video: Raymond Ibrahim talks Islam and Christianity at North American Lutheran Church
Muslim women face oppression in society and even in their own families, sometimes forced to hide even their very faces from the world. JoAnn Doyle leads an outreach to share the truth with Muslim women that they are Not Forgotten, that Jesus Christ loved them so much He even gave His life for them. Listen in as JoAnn shares how we can reach out to Muslim women, even through simple acts of kindness and conversation, and even right here in the United States. We’ll also answer a question from a reader about how Christians inside the world’s most closed nation—North [More]
“Most Christians are unaware of the sacrifices Tyndale and others made to get the Bible into the English language. Let us make sure their sacrifices were not in vain … read your Bible daily.”  Admin If you read the Bible in English, you owe a debt of gratitude to William Tyndale. Today marks the anniversary of Tyndale’s execution at the stake for the “crime” of translating the Bible into English: The “father of the English Bible” was apparently born in a hamlet near the Welsh border about 1490. He arrived at Oxford with a gift for languages and began studying [More]
Many Americans no longer regard Christian persecution and diminishing religious freedom as problems that only exist beyond the borders of the United States. Heightened fears in recent years have been monitored by the Barna Group, which recently published a study that highlights how the political climate and justice system in America have given citizens reason to question whether they are still safe to live out their faith. “Kim Davis, the elected clerk who recently made national headlines over her refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, has become just the latest figure in the debate over same-sex marriage and [More]
“Interesting look at America’s Christian religious history.”  Admin He entered Yale College at age 13 and graduated with honors. He became a pastor, and his sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God,” started the Great Awakening revival. His name was Jonathan Edwards, born Oct. 5, 1703. The Great Awakening revival can be traced back to earlier revivals in Scotland. Scottish minister William Tennent migrated to Pennsylvania in 1718 and together with his son Gilbert Tennent began the Log College in 1726. It was the first American Presbyterian theological seminary in North America, which led to the formation of [More]