What Prayer Can Do: Ask and You Shall Receive | Guideposts

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Dollywood, the highlight of our big trip to Tennessee with my daughter and her family. Just as I walked through the entrance gates I patted the pocket of my jeans. My wallet was gone!

“I was sure I put it in there after I took out the tickets,” I told Jewel, my wife. I checked my fanny pack. No dice. Credit cards, driver’s license, military ID—not to mention $300 in cash. All gone!

“Don’t worry, Dad. I’ll help you find it,” my daughter, Teresa, said.

“I’ll check the ticket counter,” I said. “Probably left it there.”


I retraced my steps, searching the ground. No wallet. It wasn’t at the ticket counter either. Or the Lost and Found. “You can fill out a claim in case it’s turned in,” the woman there said. “But if someone finds it they’ll probably just take the money and throw the rest away.”


I filled out the form anyway. What else could I do?

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