Running on Prayer – Guideposts

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My son and daughters are all grown now, but as their mother I still worry about them. Especially when Gina, my youngest, told me about the car trouble that she’d been having.

“I turn the key in the ignition, but it just won’t start,” Gina said when I was down in Texas visiting her and her sister for a month.

It sounded to me like battery trouble, but Gina told me that she didn’t have enough money to get a new one right away.

Her sister had given her a charger to keep in the car. It fixed the problem in the short term, but Gina knew that she couldn’t rely on it forever.


She often worked late, and I hated to think of her stranded somewhere in the dark. I knew that the longer she put off seeing a mechanic, the greater chance there was that she could get stuck somewhere out on the road.


So I prayed: “God, please keep Gina’s car running until she can have it fixed. I really don’t want her to get stuck. Amen.”

Read More: Running on Prayer | Guideposts