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Practiced for thousands of years by cultures around the world –detoxification is about resting, cleansing and nourishing the body from the inside out. By removing and eliminating toxins, then feeding your body with healthy nutrients, detoxifying can help protect you from disease and renew your ability to maintain optimum health. These foods will assist in boosting your metabolism, optimizing digestion, while allowing you to lose weight and fortify your immune system. Read More  36 Foods That Help Detox and Cleanse Your Entire Body.
One of the hallmarks of technology is dual-use capability. It is for this reason that we are softened up with all of the benefits, before being introduced to the darker side. Technology has always been a double-edged sword, but we are witnessing a closure in the gap between good and bad as technology is now advancing at a much higher rate of speed in tandem with a growing global police state. A few months ago, I remember seeing a story about how a new microwave device could see through rubble to detect the beating heart of people trapped under a [More]
“You can skip down to section 3 at the bottom and click on the depth links below the current map icons to view an animation of the radioactive particles and how they will be carried and deposited on the West Coast at various depths over time (time line is at top). It looks like most of the radiation is going to hit the W. Coast all the way up and down.” Admin March 11 2011 was a tragic day for Japan and the world. The earthquake in Tohoku, Japan caused a tsunami, and the resulting tsunami-induced inundation has placed Japan [More]
“What can you say, this is totally disgraceful! The answers Kerry gave sound almost idiotic. As Donald Trump says in the article if they had made an issue out of his release during these negotiations, he would have been released but doing so was apparently not on their agenda. So the pastor continues to rot in this extremely dangerous prison with his life in dire jeopardy.  The pastor and his family need our prayers so please don’t forget them.”  Admin It was literally a question of life and death, and the answer by Secretary of State John Kerry puzzled the [More]
“Good article on 25 simple things you can do to prevent getting the flu and some natural remedies you can take if you do. Do flu shots work and are they safe, here are two articles on that, one, two. ” Admin It’s that time of year again.  The propaganda machine is in high gear, churning out the fear in order to get everyone lined up for their annual flu shots.   Widely trusted websites like the CDC, Flu.gov, and the Mayo Clinic are all trumpeting the necessity of this year’s vaccination and proclaiming it to be the best way [More]
“The militarization and indoctrination of law enforcement is not meant to counter any “foreign terrorist threat” but eventually to be used against US citizens when a decree is made to disarm everyone or a total financial collapse occurs which is only a matter of time. I urge everyone reading this to get right with God if you are not already, hard times are coming, the signs are all around us.”  Admin Sometimes a single story has a way of standing in for everything you need to know.  In the case of the up-arming, up-armoring, and militarization of police forces across the [More]
“We’ve heard all the glowing eulogies for Nelson Mandela but what was he really like, there’s much more to the story than you’re being told, watch the video below,  listen to the audio interview below,  read this article and this article to find out.”  Admin Monday December 9, 2013 click here to listen Topic : Founder of Frontline Fellowship and life-long anti-communist activist, Dr. Peter Hammond, calls in from South Africa to share the dark side of Nelson Mandela’s legacy with guest host, Dr. David Berman. www.Frontline.org.za
On Friday, it was announced that the unemployment rate had fallen to “7 percent”, and the mainstream media responded with a mix of euphoria and jubilation. For example, one USA Today article declared that “with today’s jobs report, one really can say that our long national post-financial crisis nightmare is over.”  But is that actually the truth? As you will see below, if you assume that the labor force participation rate in the U.S. is at the long-term average, the unemployment rate in the United States would actually be 11.5 percent instead of 7 percent. There has been absolutely no [More]
“And these are the groups we are supporting. The blood of these martyrs  is on Obama’s hands and all those in our government who support these fanatical killers.”  Admin The same month that Obama tried to wage war on behalf of the jihadi rebels in Syria (citing “human rights” concerns), some of the war’s worst atrocities were committed against that nation’s Christian minority, most notably in Ma’loula, an ancient Christian region where the inhabitants spoke Aramaic, the language of Jesus. There, al-Qaeda-linked jihadis fired mortars and missiles into at least two ancient churches before looting them; some 80 Christians trying [More]
Here is a link to the best site I know of for the latest news regarding the ongoing Fukushima disaster. You won’t find this detailed coverage in the main stream media. Admin  enenews.com 
“Something like this was only a matter of time. I’m sure we’ll see more use of robot technology in the future as we morph more and more into an Orwellian surveillance society.” Admin A scene in the 2004 film “I, Robot” involves an army of rogue NS-5 humanoids establishing a curfew and imprisoning the citizens of Chicago, circa 2035, inside their homes. That’s not how Knightscope envisions the coming day of deputized bots. In its far less frightful future, friendly R2-D2 lookalikes patrol our streets, school hallways, and company campuses to keep us safe and put real-time data to good [More]
Food Standards reports new Hull Study as  discussed in the Daily  Mail. Honest aspartame studies will never show safety. Just  another whopper!   When Food Standards said they were going to  have this study done they even admitted they were having a hard  time getting people to sign up who had had reactions to aspartame in the  past and reported headaches and nausea.  You will notice in the FDA  Report of 92  documented symptoms from 4 types of seizures to coma and death, headaches and nausea are #1 & 2.  It’s so very common. http://www.mpwhi.com/92_aspartame_symptoms.pdf What Food Standards probably didn’t [More]
Sweet Misery is a close examination into what many in the medical community have voiced over the last few decades on the safety of Aspartame sweetener. Is there a connection with Aspartame and illnesses? Did the government (including Donald Rumsfeld) push the approval of the sweetener and suppress key data? This film delves into the FDA’s process and the various reports of health risks associated with the widely used sweetener.
Eggs are so nutritious that they’re often referred to as “nature’s multivitamin.” They also have unique antioxidants and powerful brain nutrients that many people are deficient in. Here are 6 reasons why eggs are among the healthiest foods on the planet. Read More  6 Scientific Reasons To Eat Eggs – Business Insider.
That a former Monsanto scientist should find himself in charge of a specially-created post at the very journal that published two landmark studies questioning the safety of that company’s products should surprise no one who is aware of the Monsanto revolving door. This door is responsible for literally dozens of Monsanto officials, lobbyists and consultants finding themselves in positions of authority in the government bodies that are supposedly there to regulate the company and its actions. Find out more about Monsanto’s ability to suppress scientific dissent in this week’s edition of the BoilingFrogsPost.com Eyeopener report.
“I personally drink coconut water, it’s delicious and loaded with many health benefits. You can read an excellent article on it here.” Admin Energy Drinks have been found to cause irreversible damage to tooth enamel and detrimentally affect the contraction of the heart. According to an ongoing study reported at the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), the popular drinks consumed by millions not only increase contractility of the heart, but they may cause long-term health risks. At the annual Chicago meeting Jonas Dorner MD from the University of Bonn’s cardiovascular imaging section, who is working on the study, said that [More]
“I always try to incorporate coconut oil in anything I cook, even if I’m just heating up leftovers, put it in the cooking pan or pot then add the items being cooked. It can also be stirred into hot cereals or beverages. Best to buy virgin oil so you know it hasn’t gone through a lot of processing. You can find it locally at health food stores or from many online vitamin sellers like Vitacost, Swanson or even Amazon.” Admin Many people think that cooking oils like corn, soy, safflower, sunflower and canola are good for their health just because [More]
“A free press is vital to any society that wishes to remain free. It should be concerning to all of us when the free flow of information is suppressed or manipulated.” Admin Veteran Journalists Reveal that – Contrary to It’s Claims of “Openness” and “Transparency” – This Administration Is the Most Closed Ever Long-time CNN political reporter Bob Franken (now with MSNBC) said last week: FRANKEN: Well, let’s use the “P” word here. This is propaganda when it comes from the White House: government covering the government. It’s not what you’re supposed to do in the United States of America. [More]
Political correctness is taking over America, and this is especially true when it comes to our public schools.  In the United States today, our public schools are being transformed into “Big Brother” training centers where virtually everything that our children do inside and even outside of school is being monitored, tracked, scrutinized and put into permanent records.  As you will read about below, some U.S. public schools are now even monitoring the social media accounts of their students and are ready to pounce on any perceived violation. Read More  Extreme Political Correctness Is Making Public School Education Pure Hell For [More]
“Everything is being done to “hush up” negative research showing the danger of GMO crops and for what purpose. Why do the powers that be want these Franken foods on everyones plate, it certainly isn’t for our good health!” Admin After a 2012 study linking cancer with Monsanto’s genetically modified corn, the scientific journal that published the study is now retracting it, after hiring a former Monsanto employee to fill a new editorial position reviewing biotechnology papers. In September 2012, the scientific journal, Food and Chemical Toxicology(FCT), published the study of Gilles-Eric Séralini, et al. which reviewed the toxicological effects [More]
Do you know who else gets watched, tracked and monitored 24 hours a day? Prisoners do. Surveillance is a form of control, and at this point we are little more than inmates inside a gigantic Big Brother surveillance grid. Posted below is a list of 32 privacy destroying technologies that are systematically transforming America into a giant prison. Following each item, there is a short excerpt from a news report about that particular technology. If you want to read the entire article where the excerpt came from, just click the link to find the source. Individually, each of these technologies [More]
Genetically Modified Organisms can feel like a heavy burden. Many of us just feel too overwhelmed to take on another criteria to consider when grocery shopping. Without a proper label, how can one even know what’s got GMOs and what doesn’t? Non-GMO Shopping GuideMany consumers and even high-powered politicians feel your pain and are demanding labeling for any GMO products. As concern and outrage spread, more solutions arise. It’s easier now than ever to make GMO-free food choices. So until labeling legislation gets passed—and we here at NVL believe it will—consider these tips for finding GMO-free foods without getting a [More]
If you listen to Tepco and Japanese officials, you are bound to be confused about how bad Fukushima’s lasting effects really are. One moment they say everything is under control at the Fukushima nuclear plant, and the next they’re admitting radiation levels are 95% higher than originally stated. One would have to be awfully trusting or awfully ignorant to think the radioactive water spilling into the ground and eventually the sea wouldn’t spread throughout the world. The West Coast of Canada and the US is already seeing some effects. Each day, 300 tons of radioactive water is spilling into the [More]
“I think these reveal which religion he really follows and why he is such a rabid supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.” Admin You are about to read some of the most shocking quotes that Barack Obama has ever uttered in public. A few of these have been widely circulated, but most of them are very obscure. Even though he claims to be a Christian, throughout his political career Obama has repeatedly attacked traditional Biblical Christianity and he has a very long history of anti-Christian actions. In public speeches he has repeatedly cast doubt on the Bible, he has repeatedly stated [More]
Four of every five acts of religious discrimination in the world today are directed against Christians, according to the Germany-based International Society for Human Rights. The secular US think tank the Pew Forum says Christians face harassment or oppression in 139 nations, nearly three-quarters of all the countries on earth. It is not just Muslims, who themselves often face horrendous persecution, who attack Christians. In the Indian state of Orissa, Hindu nationalists attacked Christians in a vicious pogrom in 2008, killing 500, injuring thousands with machetes, and leaving 50,000 homeless. A nun was raped and paraded naked through the streets, [More]
“Combine this with v2v auto control/communication systems, Intellistreet lights (which can record audio and video) and it’s welcome to the Matrix. Lets hope there is enough public outcry about this  latest Orwellian gadget to make them do away with it.”  Admin TSA ‘detention pods’ currently being rolled out at major airports across the U.S. have biometric and object-detecting capabilities, according to promotional material from Eagle Security Group, the company that manufactures the devices. As we reported yesterday, the pods, which critics have likened to cattle grids, are currently in place at Syracuse International Airport as well as Atlantic City International [More]
“This is truly astonishing. A girl is taken to the hospital for the flu and a team of doctors disagree with the diagnosis of another medical condition she has then basically kidnap her when the parents disagree. The hospital gets custody and has been holding her against her parents will for 10 months. This is like something out of the old Soviet Union not America.” Admin A 15-year-old is stuck in a Boston hospital after the medical facility took custody of her when her parents argued against her diagnosis. For the last nine months, Justina Pelletier has been sneaking messages to [More]