8 Signs that Fukushima Radiation is Blasting the Oceans and U.S. – Healthy Debates | Healthy Debates

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If you listen to Tepco and Japanese officials, you are bound to be confused about how bad Fukushima’s lasting effects really are. One moment they say everything is under control at the Fukushima nuclear plant, and the next they’re admitting radiation levels are 95% higher than originally stated. One would have to be awfully trusting or awfully ignorant to think the radioactive water spilling into the ground and eventually the sea wouldn’t spread throughout the world. The West Coast of Canada and the US is already seeing some effects.

Each day, 300 tons of radioactive water is spilling into the Pacific Ocean. The amount in the ocean and the global water supply is growing every single day, and ultimately impacting wildlife and our food supply. Whether you live on the West Coast or in the middle of the country, this should concern you as it will eventually affect us all.

Here are just a few signs that Fukushima radiation is here:

Read More  8 Signs that Fukushima Radiation is Blasting the Oceans and U.S. – Healthy Debates | Healthy Debates.