Computer Animations of Ocean Currents Carrying Fukushima Radiation To US W. Coast

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“You can skip down to section 3 at the bottom and click on the depth links below the current map icons to view an animation of the radioactive particles and how they will be carried and deposited on the West Coast at various depths over time (time line is at top). It looks like most of the radiation is going to hit the W. Coast all the way up and down.” Admin

March 11 2011 was a tragic day for Japan and the world. The earthquake in Tohoku, Japan caused a tsunami, and the resulting tsunami-induced inundation has placed Japan into crisis. The amount of radiation released in the nuclear accident has threatened the coastal environment with potential impacts on the Pacific Ocean. An international research team was established with the aim of studying the mechanism of the tsunami, simulating the inundation, and assessing the impact of radionuclides on the surrounding countries around the Pacific.

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