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“A lengthy but very informative article on the potential effects of Fukushima radiation on the West Coast.” Admin It is very difficult to obtain accurate information on the dangers from Fukushima radiation to residents of the West Coast of North America and Hawaii. On the one hand, there is fear-mongering and “we’re all going to die” type hysteria. On the one hand, there is a tendency for governments to cover up the truth to avoid panic and deflect blame for bad policy. Japan is poised to pass a bill which would outlaw most reporting on Fukushima.   And the U.S. government [More]
The U.S. Trade Representative – the federal agency responsible for negotiating trade treaties – has said that the details of the Trans Pacific Partnership are classified due to “national security”. A Congressman who has seen the text of the treaty says: There is no national security purpose in keeping this text secret … this agreement hands the sovereignty of our country over to corporate interests. It will increase the cost of borrowing, make prescription drugs more expensive, destroy privacy, harm food safety,  and – yes –  literally act to destroy the sovereignty of the U.S. and the other nations which sign [More]
“Combine this with global cooling and you have a recipe for disaster.” Admin About 30 percent of the major global cereal crops – rice, wheat and corn – may have reached their maximum possible yields in farmers’ fields, according to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln research published this week in Nature Communications. These findings raise concerns about efforts to increase food production to meet growing global populations. Yields of these crops have recently decreased or plateaued. Future projections that would ensure global food security are typically based on a constant increase in yield, a trend that this research now suggests may not [More]
“Some useful information on how to interpret possible health implications from various Geiger counter readings.”  Admin Given the recent events in Japan and the nuclear reactor damage and radiation entering the atmosphere there, the following information may help to understand the units of measurement being discussed, and how it may correlate to Geiger Counter readings such as those being displayed around the country on the Radiation Network. Read More  Geiger Counter Numbers, How Bad is Bad?.
“Great testimony of someone standing on the promises of God and seeing miracles happen. Yes, God is still in the miracle working business, believe it!” Admin Mike Shreve had to fight for his children. When doctors declared his wife barren, he clung to God’s promise that he’d have a son. When doctors said his boy would be brain damaged, he claimed the promises of God’s Word instead. When doctors said his daughter would be born disabled, again Mike poured out the Word of God in prayer. Today, his son is an honors student, his daughter a dancer. And Mike Shreve [More]
“Words can hardly describe how horrible this is, something you might expect in the old USSR or N. Korea. No wonder the woman is now an emotional wreck. I hope she wins her lawsuit, this sort of criminal insanity needs to stop.” Admin An American woman was humiliated and sexually assaulted for hours when she tried to re-enter the United States at a checkpoint manned by U.S. border patrol agents.   Suspecting she had drugs inside her orifices, the federal agents detained her, chained her to a table, and subjected her to a series of invasive and traumatic cavity searches, finger [More]
“Just another method being used to indoctrinate kids to gladly accept being tracked, searched, scanned and groped as something good and normal in our increasingly militarized big brother state. Lots of new technology being developed for this purpose.” Admin In an effort to condition children to accept the police state, the TSA has released a cartoon depicting an animated family enduring a warrantless federal checkpoint at an airport. The video casts the the travelers and government agents as cute doggie characters that show how fun it can be to go through a checkpoint. Animated travelers show how easy it is to [More]
“It’s nothing short of astonishing that radical Islamists loudly decry anyone speaking ill of their religion with shouts of Islamophobia while they are in the daily process of persecuting and killing Christians and others around the world. The hypocrisy of this is beyond comprehension. Maybe if they stopped all the senseless killing people wouldn’t view them as a menace to civilization.” Admin Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2013 “Don’t they know that the Koran orders us to slit the throat of whoever is disrespectful to Allah’s beloved prophet?” — Representative of Jamaat ud Dawa. Although Christians are habitually killed in [More]
“Well the European politicians appear to be quite willing to keep marching down the Islamic appeasement path to national suicide.”  Admin A discussion paper published by the Germany-based Gustav Stresemann Foundation — a think tank dedicated to the preservation and advancement of liberal democracy in Europe — warns that national and international Islamic organizations are increasingly putting pressure on Western politicians gradually to criminalize any critique of Islam. In a commentary on the study, the German newspaper Die Welt says the findings cast serious doubt on the unbridled optimism of European multiculturalists, who argue that Muslim citizens will eventually internalize [More]
“I’m sure most of you have heard your local talking head reporters quote a study saying that multivitamins are useless and not needed. Well, as usual the story bears little resemblance to the truth as you’ll see in the article below.”  Admin Like a script from a movie you already know the ending to; each year we can expect a hoax study or attack on anything that is not FDA approved. It is with great hope that the average person will have enough sense to see through the latest propaganda (unlike an elderly woman I talked to last year who [More]
NBC has officially given the green light to the 12-hour miniseries “A.D.,” dubbed a follow-up to the wildly successfully “The Bible” miniseries that aired on the History channel in the the spring and did wonders for the network’s ratings and popularity among Christians. The creators of “The Bible” series, “Survivor” producer Mark Burnett and his wife, “Touched by an Angel” star Roma Downey, expressed excitement over NBC finally signing off on the project after initial talks that started last summer. “We are so thrilled to be all systems go with NBC on ‘A.D.,’ our follow-up to ‘The Bible,'” said Downey [More]
“It was for the purpose of giving people solid evidence for belief in Jesus, Heaven, the Bible, Creation and miracles that this site was created. There is abundant proof the Bible is true so please make full use of the information on this site and use our free witnessing aid to share it with others.” Admin The percentage of Americans who believe in God, heaven and miracles decreased in the last several years, according to poll results released Monday, while the percentage of people who believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution is on the rise. A new Harris Poll found that nearly three-quarters [More]
“The author is quite correct, the focus of education seems more and more on indoctrination and intimidation rather than learning and developing critical thinking skills. This is sadly evident in declining SAT scores and our slide down the ranks in international education standings as well. A disaster for students but great for an emerging police state.” Admin It wouldn’t be a week in America without another slew of children being punished for childish behavior under the regime of zero tolerance which plagues our nation’s schools. Here are some of the latest incidents. In Pennsylvania, a ten-year-old boy was suspended for [More]
“I agree with Dr. Carson wholeheartedly, this socialist takeover of health care will be an unmitigated disaster in every way imaginable. You can thank the Democrats for ramming this through Congress never having even read the bill.  Sheer lunacy!”  Admin Renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson says he’s been having “great difficulty” finding doctors who have anything good to say about Obamacare. He told Fox News Channel’s Stuart Varney that he’s spoken to hundreds of doctors throughout the country about the Affordable Care Act, and not one of them “liked” President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law. Asked if doctors are “in [More]
“These facts clearly paint a different picture for our future than what’s being presented by government and the MSM about a supposed recovery. A financial and societal collapse is on its way, it’s unavoidable. Please be sure you’re right with God, if you’re not click here, we will all need Heavens help in the years ahead.”  Admin During 2013, America continued to steadily march down a self-destructive path toward oblivion.  As a society, our debt levels are completely and totally out of control.  Our financial system has been transformed into the largest casino on the entire planet and our big [More]
“We are now a drugged society starting from infancy to old age. That’s why it’s so important to be educated on nutrition, diet and exercise so you can take charge of your health and avoid or get off the drug merry-go-round.”  Admin According to Consumer Reports, “The number of children taking powerful antipsychotic drugs has nearly tripled over the last 10 to 15 years, according to recent research. ”Whooaah! Has anyone done a retrospective study to find if there’s a correlation between antipsychotic drug taking and the increase in violent crimes by members of society younger than 20 years of [More]
“Just more reasons to be drinking Reverse Osmosis purified water in addition to those in this article and this one. Since our bodies are mostly composed of water it only makes sense to make sure the water we drink and cook with is purified to do otherwise is playing Russian Roulette with you long term health. ”  Admin Protecting public health shouldn’t be this hard. When it comes to chemical safety, Congress should shift the burden of proof from regulators to manufacturers. A recent survey conducted by researchers at the U.S. Geographic Survey (USGS) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [More]
“Though this research was done in Canada I have not doubt you’ll find the same thing in our waters as well along with other things like prescription meds. Another reason you should be drinking Reverse Osmosis purified water.”  Admin Canadian researchers think they have found a great way to trace the travels of treated sewage after it is discharged into rivers: Follow the artificial sweeteners. The scientists found elevated concentrations of four sweeteners – cyclamate, saccharin, sucralose, and acesulfame – in water samples collected along the length of the Grand River in Ontario, Canada. Commonly used in diet drinks, the sweeteners [More]
“This is a must read, Fukushima is much worse than we are being told. Get the latest Fukushima news here.” Admin Historically speaking, Plume-Gate is the world’s largest, provable, cover-up and conspiracy. If the Guinness Book of World Records considered ‘cover-up and conspiracy’ as a legitimate category, then certainly Plume-Gate would be at the very top of the list…above 9/11, above Watergate, above Fast and Furious, above even the JFK assassination, and not just for the sheer size and scope of the conspiracy, not because of the many alphabet agencies involved, not because President Obama is implicated, not because it [More]
Think popping a multivitamin once per day is good enough to cover all of the bases your diet is missing? Think again. Your body doesn’t absorb nearly as many minerals and vitamins from that pill as you might believe. Instead, give your body a powerful boost by adding some natural superfoods to your diet. Read More  50 Foods You Should Be Eating – Business Insider.
“Nothing is despised more by tyrants or would-be tyrants than the free flow of information. With the MSM being little more than a dispenser of gov. propaganda, the only media left for the mass dissemination of truth is the internet which makes it a prime target for gov. attack.”  Admin If you keep hearing about the TPP and really only have a general idea of what this is, there is a good reason for that.  The negotiations have been kept a closely guarded secret, and those participating don’t want you to know what it is until it’s too late to [More]
“Another excellent article on the coming mini ice age.” Admin Way back in 2006, NASA’s David Hathaway said on their website that Solar Cycle 25, which will start around 2022 was going to be a low sunspot cycle. Low sunspot cycles, as is rapidly becoming apparent, is linked to future cold weather. Neither they or the government said anything at the time or during the seven years since it was published. May 10, 2006: The Sun’s Great Conveyor Belt has slowed to a record-low crawl, according to research by NASA solar physicist David Hathaway. “It’s off the bottom of the [More]
“One thing this article makes abundantly clear is that Islam is incompatible with Western democratic society. They want western laws to bend to and accommodate Sharia law. The many “European no-go” zones sprining up through out Europe clearly show this. We can also witness the tremendous persecution Christians and other religious groups experience in Islamic countries showing their willingness to use violence to impose Islam on everyone else.”  Admin One narrative about Muslim immigrants in Europe is that only a relatively small proportion holds views that are sometimes labeled as “fundamentalist.” Ruud Koopmans from the Wissenschaftszentrum in Berlin argues that this [More]
“Let’s face it, the fewer artificial ingredients you put into your body the more healthy you’re likely to be.”  Admin A new, in-depth review on the synthetic sweetener sucralose (marketed as Splenda), published in the journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, is destined to overturn widely held misconceptions about the purported safety of this ubiquitous artificial sweetener. Found in tens of thousands of products and used by millions of consumers around the world, sucralose’s unique ability to dissolve in alcohol and methanol as well as water, makes it the most versatile and therefore most widely used artificial sweetener in production [More]
“Unfortunately with the US hopelessly mired in an ever increasing debt it can never repay, it’s likely this tragic situation will continue to increase.”  Admin Homelessness and hunger are spreading across America, according to a survey which looked at 25 big cities, including LA, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston and Washington; 21 percent of the demand for food assistance hasn’t been met during the past year. Last year’s national poverty rate of 15 percent hovered near theGreat Recession’s staggering record of 15 percent, according to the Census Bureau. Although the US stock market has surpassed its pre-recession high, poor residents of [More]
“With a nation awash in people taking drugs of all kinds this is not surprising. Better make sure the water you’re drinking is purified by Reverse Osmosis. There are vending machines most everywhere you can get such water from or you can buy an RO filter for the home.  One astounding stat in the article is a Mayo Clinic study showing 70 percent of the US pop. are now taking prescription drugs up from 48 percent only 5 yrs ago, a bonanza for the pharmaceutical industry! ” Admin Traces of prescription drugs have been found in far greater quantities in [More]
“Yes, Jesus is still in the miracle working business.”  Admin Jesus visits Hindu in coma, brings healing and salvation December 11, 2013 By Mark Ellis For many years, Krishnan was known as a “coolie,” and he endured numerous hardships as a manual laborer at the bottom rung of Indian society. When he was 25, he fell from a tree and severely injured himself. He lapsed into a coma and nearly died from the mishap. But in the coma, as he hovered between this life and the next, something unexpected happened. Jesus visited the Hindu man, identifying Himself by showing Krishnan [More]