TSA releases cartoon animation to introduce kids to warrantless checkpoints | Police State USA

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“Just another method being used to indoctrinate kids to gladly accept being tracked, searched, scanned and groped as something good and normal in our increasingly militarized big brother stateLots of new technology being developed for this purpose.” Admin

In an effort to condition children to accept the police state, the TSA has released a cartoon depicting an animated family enduring a warrantless federal checkpoint at an airport.

The video casts the the travelers and government agents as cute doggie characters that show how fun it can be to go through a checkpoint.

Animated travelers show how easy it is to comply with federal checkpoints. (Source: YouTube)

“Its not scary,” explains the father, as he hands his papers to the blue-shirted sentry.  “TSA officers are here to keep us secure!”

The children are taught the phrase, “Stop, Screen, and Go!” as their persons, papers, and effects are searched without cause.

“Vrrrrroooom!” exclaims the child as he excitedly steps through the TSA scanner.

“Thank you TSA!” the family praises, as their baby’s milk bottle is returned to them after a search.

According to the TSA, “passengers who know what to expect during screening will benefit from a more positive screening experience.”  After all, those who expect to be treated with dignity and in observance to their rights are unlikely to have a pleasant experience getting groped, scanned, and searched.

Read More  TSA releases cartoon animation to introduce kids to warrantless checkpoints | Police State USA.