South Dakota Lawmakers Reject Bill Banning Dismemberment of Babies During Abortions | Christian News Network

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“Apparently these lawmakers feel that ripping a baby apart during an abortion is perfectly fine. If ever there was a nation inviting God’s judgement on itself we’re it.”  Admin

Lawmakers in South Dakota rejected a bill on Thursday that would have banned the practice of dismembering and decapitating babies during abortion procedures.

H.B. 1241 was struck down by an 11-1 vote, including three of its sponsors who decided to table the measure.

The legislation provided criminal penalties for any doctor who intentionally injured an unborn child, and in some cases, placing them behind bars for life.

“No licensed physician may knowingly dismember a living unborn child with the intent of endangering the life or health of the child,” it read. “A violation of this section is a Class 2 felony. If a violation of this section involves the separation of the skull from the spine, then the penalty is a Class B felony.”

The legislation also outlined that the term dismember was defined as using any ”instrument or procedure for the purpose of disconnecting any bones at their joint, completely severing any bones, or removing any organs or limbs, including the spinal cord, arms, legs, and internal organs.”

“It just makes clear that a certain procedure that is totally horrific and gruesome to any reasonable person would not be an acceptable method of ending a child’s life, and that is to dismember or decapitate a living, unborn child,” sponsor Isaac Latterell (R-Tea) told the Argus Leader.

Latterell also wrote in a blog post that while the bill does not outlaw abortion altogether, he believes many practices are inhumane and must be exposed.

Read More  South Dakota Lawmakers Reject Bill Banning Dismemberment of Babies During Abortions | Christian News Network.