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They can ignore the fossils, ignore protein decay, or claim contamination. But all three tactics create far more problems than they solve. More… Read more here: icr.org   
Danny R. Faulkner, AiG–U.S., examines the Dodwell hypothesis, that the earth underwent a catastrophic impact in 2345 BC that altered its axial tilt and then gradually recovered by about 1850. Read more here: AIG Daily   
Claims about the ‘oldest-ever amber fossil’ yet found just don’t stack up. If these tiny creatures evolved from some common arthropod ancestor, then one would surely reasonably expect that the fossil record should show a variety of transitional forms from that arthropod ancestor to today’s gall mites. However, when scientists recently described some of the earliest gall mites from these fossils, they found the contrary. The ancient gall mites look just like modern ones. Study lead author David Grimaldi said, “they’re dead ringers for (modern) gall mites.”7 Read more here: creation.com   
For over 50 years in a Russian experiment, foxes have been selected for one trait—tameness. The results have been fascinating. A population has resulted that is as tame as domestic dogs. These changes have been associated with changes in the neuroendocrine system, including lower levels of blood cortisol. Developmental changes have been seen as well. In addition to these traits seen throughout the population, other changes have appeared at a rate higher than would be expected by mutation alone. The most notable example is a white spotting pattern which often results in a star on the fox’s face. The types [More]
This discovery, like so many similar finds, truly embarrasses evolutionist's age assignments. More… Read more here: icr.org   
This new data unequivocally proves that Neandertals and Denisovans were well within the DNA variability range of modern humans—not extinct primitive evolutionary offshoots of the human lineage. More… Read more here: icr.org   
Scientific enquiry and discovery is a wonderful thing, but can it really answer life’s big why? questions? Read more here: creation.com   
Retreating Stage formation of gravel sheets. Read more here: creation.com   
A recent report on the genome sequence of the so-called living fish fossil, the African coelacanth, has some evolutionists scrambling to defend their story. More… Read more here: icr.org   
Newly described prints bolster biblical creation's explanation of dinosaur footprints. More… Read more here: icr.org   
What is the difference between figure 1 and figure 2? Both are patterns of light and dark. Both are arrangements of the same 12 particular shapes in the same groupings. Both exhibit a complexity of arrangement. The probability of either arrangement arising by chance is similar. Neither arrangement has been produced by any action of the properties of the material they appear on. But there is a world of difference between the two, and that difference is equivalent to the difference between the imagined ‘primordial soup’1 of non-living chemicals, and a living cell. This is because a living cell is [More]
For two centuries Newtonian physics had successes unparalleled in the history of science. Failures in Newtonian physics led to the modern physics of the 20th century. Read more here: AIG Daily   
Creation in-depth: The case against expansion. Read more here: creation.com   
As the earth settled down after the dramatic events of the Flood—and before ice built up at the poles—we find evidence that some forests sprang up in Antarctica. Read more here: AIG Daily   
Once again, DNA sequence that was once thought to be nothing but a genomic fossil has shown itself to be vital to human survival. More… Read more here: icr.org   
An international team of scientists have uncovered graphic evidence of the deadly terror unleashed on a herd of dinosaurs as they were buried under sediment by the rising waters of Noah’s Flood in western Inner Mongolia (figure 1).1 Dinosaur bones were first discovered at the site, located at the base of a small hill in the Gobi Desert, in 1978 by a Chinese geologist. After about 20 years, a team of Chinese and Japanese scientists recovered the first skeletons, which they named Sinornithomimus, meaning “Chinese bird mimic”. A few years later in 2001, the international team excavated the remains of [More]
How do we investigate specific geological features from a biblical Flood perspective? Read more here: creation.com   
Natural selection is an observable process that is often purported to be the underlying mechanism of unobservable molecules-to-man evolution. The concepts are indeed different, though some mistakenly interchange the two. So let’s take a closer look. There are two major questions to answer: How do biblical creationists rightly view the observable phenomenon of natural selection? Could this process cause the increase in genetic information necessary for molecules-to-man evolution? What Is Natural Selection? Below are some definitions evolutionists use to define “natural selection.” The problem biblical creationists have with these definitions lies mostly in their misapplication, as noted by the bolded [More]
Should sediba overshadow Lucy, or are both pretenders to the throne in human origins? Read more here: AIG Daily   
Several new studies show how plants adapt in different environments without changing their genetic code through a process known as “epigenetics.” More… Read more here: icr.org   
Perhaps you might expect a boxfish to “swim as well as a barn would fly.” In fact, navy engineers are learning important lessons from them. Read more here: creation.com   
The Genesis 1:31 teaching that God created everything “very good” sharply contradicts billions-of-years dogma, so compromisers try to explain this away. Read more here: creation.com   
Location is everything, and this same working principle applies to genes and their control sequences in the genome during embryo development. And not just simple location in a linear sense, but three-dimensional spatial location. More… Read more here: icr.org   
By Ken Ham Yes, you read that title correctly—human intelligence has been on the decline (since the Fall of Genesis 3), and now a leading geneticist agrees. Dr. Gerald Crabtree recently stated in an article that he believes genetic mutations are adversely affecting human intelligence. In his article in the journal Trends in Genetics, Crabtree claimed, “I would wager that if an average citizen from Athens of 1000 BC were to appear suddenly among us, he or she would be among the brightest and most intellectually alive of our colleagues and companions, with a good memory, a broad range of [More]
The first few chapters of the Bible describe what I, the author, believe to be the origin and early history of mankind, the earth, and the universe. Read more here: AIG Daily   
An explanation for the origin of gold deposits has long eluded and perplexed prospectors and geoscientists alike, but one new study may have unlocked just the right clues. More… Read more here: icr.org   
Sir David Attenborough and Charles Darwin were both mistaken in their evaluation of the animals of the Galápagos as evidence for evolution. Read more here: creation.com