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Years ago my husband, Dan, was a missionary pilot in Ecuador. We lived at the foot of the Andes Mountains, and when he flew he kept in touch with me at the base camp by radio. One day I was logging his position and altitude when he suddenly announced that his Cessna had engine trouble. He needed to make an emergency landing. I looked at my map and saw nothing but steep hills dropping off into deep precipices. There was no flat space for miles around. From the sky, Dan searched for a road, a field, a meadow—any place he [More]
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” – Matthew 7:15 I’m always reluctant to take on those who claim to follow Jesus. But when those who reach leadership positions – as pastors or self-proclaimed “prophets” – intentionally twist Scripture, including the words of Jesus Himself, then…
If you read the Bible in English, you owe a debt of gratitude to William Tyndale. Today marks the anniversary of Tyndale’s execution at the stake in 1536 for the “crime” of translating the Bible into English. Here is Tyndale’s story, as told in VOM’s book, FOXE: Voices of the Martyrs. William Tyndale was a well-educated scholar who was frustrated at the distance between English education and the Bible, the source of truth. Studying at Oxford and then at Cambridge, he bristled at the barriers and longed for the nourishment his mind and heart treasured. “In the universities,” he said, [More]
Dr. Sid Webb and Dr. Jason Peters just returned from Southeast Asia, where they met with persecuted Christians in Vietnam and Laos. They heard first-hand about the persecution Christians in these nations face, and also saw how God is doing amazing things in that region. They’ll share how authorities in Laos prevent Christians from advancing in their education or getting jobs simply by refusing to stamp “the family book.” Hear about a secret Christian training center hiding in plain sight in Vietnam, and how pastors in Laos are being trained to endure persecution and even to show love to their [More]
“Give Tebow credit for not being bashful to act like a Christian no matter what the situation is.”  Admin   Tim Tebow is being credited with performing a miracle after praying over a man who fell unconscious while having a seizure.   The NFL star-turned-baseball player was signing autographs and greeting fans after playing for the Scottsdale Scorpions on Tuesday when he noticed a man in the front row of the stands – identified as Brandon Berry – who had fallen to the ground and was foaming at the mouth.   According to KNXV, Tebow ran over to him, placed a [More]
According to a poll by ABC News this summer, 83 percent of Americans identify themselves as Christians. According to the U.S. Census, there were 323 million people living in the U.S. But does anyone really believe there are really anywhere near 268 million believers in America today? I don’t. If there were even half that number,…
Which country do you think has the fastest growing Church in the world? China? Russia? Maybe a country in South America?   Here’s a hint: the official name of the country starts with ‘The Islamic Republic’.   Todd Nettleton with The Voice of the Marytrs, USA reveals, “The Islamic Republic of Iran is actually the place in the world where the Church is growing the fastest, something that would be pretty surprising to most Christians.”   The situation is bursting with irony. The Islamic Republic of Iran is listed on Open Doors USA’s World Watch List in the top ten [More]
“Brother Sam” is a gospel worker in the Middle East, where part of his ministry is reaching out with help to refugees displaced by ISIS from Iraq and Syria. By helping with practical needs—shelter, education, medical aid—Brother Sam and other Christians have the opportunity to share the gospel and introduce Muslim refugees to Jesus Christ. Such work comes with risk and threats, but Sam tells us that persecution creates “a healthy environment for the Lord to work.” And God is working! Listen this week to hear stories of divine healing, Muslims coming to faith and Christians passionately reaching out in [More]
Excavation of gate complex of biblical city of Lachish in the Judean foothills The Apostle Paul wrote, “God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise.” That being the case, what better evidence of the Bible’s historical dependability than a 2,700-year-old toilet? Archaeologists in Israel have announced the discovery of…
The first openly lesbian bishop has begun serving within the United Methodist Church, where a longtime UMC clergyman says feelings are trumping scripture. Earlier this month, the Rev. Karen Oliveto started serving as bishop over the Mountain Sky region, which includes Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Utah and parts of Idaho. She was elected to the post in July. Ray Rooney, who has 30-plus years of experience as a UMC pastor, says UMC leaders reversed thousands of years of biblical teaching when they appointed Oliveto a bishop. “This is circumventing the will of the General Conference through a backdoor approach,” complains Rooney, [More]
He riveted believers around the country and the world with “The Harbinger” and “The Mystery of The Shemitah.” But messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s newest book, already a bestseller on Amazon.com, is on an entirely different scale. It’s nothing less than “hundreds of Harbingers” and spiritual secrets being revealed for the very first time in history. Rabbi…
It’s the kind of encounter that comes on occasion for Christian missionaries, where they meet up with a “Satan’s slave” as they try to provide help to those with other faiths, or no faith. In this case, it was a 20-year-old Muslim girl from the Middle East who had been having health issues, and when missionaries…
Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James announced Sept. 17, 2014, that the U.S. Air Force oath no longer has to include God. President and Commander-in-Chief George Washington stated in his farewell address, Sept. 19, 1796: “Let it simply be asked where is the security for prosperity, for reputation, for life, if the sense of…
Preaching, welcome, style of worship and location are the four most important factors when Christians are searching for a new church. And of these, the most important is the quality of the sermon. Nearly half of the American adults who attend religious services regularly have found themselves needing to look for a new congregation at some point in their lives, the latest Pew Research study shows. The most common reason for changing church is moving house. Read More: Here’s what Christians look for when searching for a new church | Christian News on Christian Today
Four young missionary brothers describe life with a Southeast Asian tribal group.  cbn.com
“Yes, there is indeed a steep price to be paid in converting from Islam to Christianity. We need to ask ourselves, would we be willing to pay such a price if in the future strong persecution comes our way?”  Admin All over the Middle East and North Africa, Muslims who have converted to Christianity struggle with their new identity in Christ. Islam is not just a part of their lives, it is their entire life. From praying in a set direction 5 times a day, to setting aside an entire month to fast, the actions required to be a Muslim [More]
The love of Christ and hearing the truth of the Gospel are drawing more and more Muslim refugees in Switzerland and Germany to Christianity, the Gospel Herald reports. Since 2014, more than 2,000 Muslims have turned to Christ, and the number keeps rising, according to Switzerland’s Counselling Centre for Integration and Religious Affairs. Speaking to the Swiss edition of “20 Minutes,” coordinator Kathrin Anliker said some of the refugees embrace Christianity after witnessing the brutality of extremist groups like ISIS, which have been carrying out horrific acts in the name of Allah. Others who have come out to embrace Christ [More]
When was the last time you picked up your Bible and spent time reading more than a couple of verses? If it’s been a while, you’re not alone. An unfamiliar crisis Today, the average American adult’s attention span lasts for about 12 minutes. But, this isn’t a long enough time to really suck the marrow of life from Scripture’s bones. Chief Executive Officer at Biblica, Carl Moeller shares some insight. Read More: Western Christians’ reading crisis – Mission Network News
VOM’s Dr. Jason Peters appeared this week as a guest on The Dr. Meg Meeker Show on Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk. The discussion involved VOM’s book project, I Am N, and how Christians facing Islamic extremism are serving Christ boldly in hostile and restricted nations around the world. Here is part 2 of their discussion: Listen: Persecution Blog: VOM’s Jason Peters on National Radio Program – Part 2
VOM’s Dr. Jason Peters appeared this week as a guest on The Dr. Meg Meeker Show on Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk. The discussion involved VOM’s book project, I Am N, and how Christians facing Islamic extremism are serving Christ boldly in hostile and restricted nations around the world. Here is part 1 of their discussion Listen: Persecution Blog: VOM’s Jason Peters on National Radio Program – Part 1
Her husband was the village police chief, the man responsible to make sure no more people in the village became Christians. And now she had chosen to follow Christ! Her husband pressured her to renounce her faith; then he beat her. Then he threatened her life. “I’m willing to die,” she answered. That’s just one of the stories you’ll hear this week from Brother Sionh, the voice of the Khmu Christian radio broadcast in Southeast Asia. He’ll also share the great need for leaders within the rapidly-growing Khmu church and how VOM is helping equip and train new leaders to [More]
More than 1,600 churches have been targeted by authorities in Cuba this year as a crackdown on religious freedom continues. Between January and July 2016, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) recorded 1,606 violations of religious freedom. These included the demolition and confiscation of church buildings, the destruction of church property and arbitrary detention. In March, prominent pastor and religious freedom activist Rev Mario Felix Lleonart Barroso was arrested just hours before President Barack Obama arrived in the country for his official state visit. Religious leaders have also had their personal belongings confiscated, and more than 1,000 churches are still considered ‘illegal’ [More]
Front-line workers accept persecution as part of sharing about Jesus and planting churches. Many have been beaten and arrested for showing the Jesus film or distributing Christian literature. You can encourage them in God’s work through prayer. Adopting a front-line worker is a promise to pray. You will receive a card with a worker’s name and photo. Your daily prayers will encourage and empower their local ministry. Read More: Persecution Blog: Front Line Workers Need Your Prayer
Julia and Sam are two of the college students who served as interns this summer at VOM. Listen in as they share some of their experiences, and what they’ve learned—both professionally and spiritually—during their two months of service. How will they be different when they go back to their college campuses? What have their duties been at VOM, and what did they learn about VOM’s ministry that surprised them? We’ll also share details about VOM’s intern program for next year, and how to apply if God is nudging you toward service as an intern at VOM. Listen: Persecution Blog: VOM [More]
What does it mean to be an I Am N Christian in the Middle East right now? How should their stories inspire us as Western Christians? I have had the privilege of meeting and hearing the incredible stories of some of these sisters and brothers during recent visits to Iraq and neighboring countries where The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is serving them in their time of great need. There are six themes that emerge from the testimonies of these Christians that every Christian can benefit from. These are themes that we have witnessed repeatedly in hundreds of interviews with [More]
Dr. Berhane spent 11 months in prison for his Christian work; he watched friends and fellow prisoners led away to execution. But he also saw God’s hand at work as fellow prisoners accepted the gospel message and turned their hearts toward Christ. Dr. Berhane tells us this week on VOM Radio some of the things God taught him through days of dark suffering and how he prepared to face persecution. Finally he offers listeners an updat on the current persecution of Christians in Eritrea and how we can pray for that nation. Listen: Persecution Blog: ERITREA: How Do We Understand The [More]
The Holy Spirit is raining down on Latin America with tens of thousands of people either laying prostrate on the ground or standing with hands raised as tears stream down their faces. Jennifer LeClaire, senior editor of Charisma, says she personally witnessed one such astounding revival during a Sunday service led by Pastors Ricardo and Patricia Rodríguez, founders of Central Mundial de Avivamiento (World Headquarters of Revival) in Bogotá, Colombia. “It was as if I stepped into a river of Holy Ghost fire,” she writes. “In one accord, over 25,000 people worshipped Jesus with all that was within them.” She [More]