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Seven o’clock. Just about time for my evening walk. I tucked my cell phone into my pocket and headed off down the road, where the summer cottages stretched out along the Juniata River in Bedford County, Pennsylvania. I walked past the cottage next to mine, past . . .   I stopped. Gladys’s cottage stood empty. It was still hard for me to believe that she wasn’t inside. We weren’t family by blood—she and her husband were great friends of my parents while I was growing up. Her daughter and I were like sisters, and Gladys was like a second [More]
They call it the most magical place on earth. What better vacation spot for us to visit than Disney World that summer of 1985? My husband and I had only been married a few months, but all signs pointed to a long and happy future for our brand-new blended family. Life felt more settled already, and I was relieved to no longer be alone.   “Let’s do Space Mountain tomorrow,” my older daughter said as she got into the sleeping couch on the opposite side of the room. Her sister was already tucked into the cot. “And Cinderella’s castle!” she [More]
Knuckles white, I gripped the sides of our ski boat. The storm had hit with almost no warning and we were being tossed about like a cork, the wind and waves threatening to capsize us.   “We’ve got to get back to the dock,” Phil yelled over the gale. We’re veteran boaters. Not easily panicked. My husband and I were fighting for our lives.   From the middle of Kaw Lake, a massive body of water in northeast Oklahoma, I looked to where we had put in that morning, hoping to enjoy the day exploring the lake’s many coves. But, [More]
While many would consider their twenties an adventurous stage of life, Viktor’s story takes that theme to new extremes. Like many this age, he moved away from home and began exploring a new trade. Unfortunately, however, Viktor’s trade of choice was smuggling illegal drugs in Central Asia.   At first, Viktor’s early adult years were filled with adrenaline and adventure. Viktor led an operation that ran drugs from Tajikstan to the state where he lives in Central Asia. He seemed to have natural abilities to covertly network across communities. Viktor’s success rate, in fact, was so high that he was [More]
There’s one thing I often forget when it comes to Christian persecution. One thing that can easily slip my mind when I read about the senseless violence on Palm Sunday in Egypt, the calculated murder of Christians in Nigeria by Boko Haram, the kidnapping of Pastor Koh in Malaysia, or the plan of radical Hindus in India to wipe out Christianity by 2021. What is it that I forget? Sometimes in the midst of the news and world events related to the violence or the marginalization against Christians, I forget that ….. Read More: The One Thing All Christian Persecution [More]
Ting made a living summoning the darkness.   As the local Shaman, villagers in her surrounding area of northwest China would seek her out for the wisdom of the spirits.  And their requests were many—   Who should I marry? What must I do to be successful? What does my future hold? Why am I sick? Have I offended the spirits?   Ting delighted in her success. Word of her abilities drove thousands of the curious and desperate to seek her divine counsel, which she was eager to give. But only for a price.   And then the spirits demanded [More]
“Perhaps the picture they included with this article is meant to symbolize the funeral of the church because it’s certainly dying in Scotland.”  Admin Fifty-eight per cent of Scots now say they have no religion, a record level, and up from 40 per cent in 1999, the Scottish Attitudes Survey revealed. Amongst major denominations, the Church of Scotland (Kirk) has seen the sharpest decline, with just 18 per cent saying they belong to the Kirk. The Church of Scotland figure for 1999 was 35 per cent. The survey found the proportion of Roman Catholics (10 per cent), other Christian affiliations [More]
She Reads Truth has grown to become a popular online Christian community, drawing hundreds of thousands of social media followers and bringing women together to read the Bible daily. “Honestly, we don’t feel like we ‘launched’ She Reads Truth. The Holy Spirit did. We’re still just trying to keep up!” Amanda Bible Williams, chief content officer of She Reads Truth whose maiden name really is Bible, told The Christian Post. The online devotional community began in 2012 by a small group of women connected primarily through the internet who sought to create a network to promote regular Bible reading. Williams [More]
Renovation work has unveiled 1,600-year-old frescoes in Rome’s biggest catacomb, featuring “stunning” depictions of the stories from the Bible, and shedding clues on how Romans moved from paganism to following Jesus Christ. The MailOnline reported that laser technology was used to remove the grime from the frescoes, which had been hidden under centuries of dirt. The renovations at the Domitilla catacombs, which depict both pagan and Christian paintings, reportedly sheds light into how Romans moved away from pagan beliefs and toward Jesus Christ in the fourth century A.D. Read More: 1,600-Y-O Christian Frescoes Unveiled in Roman Catacomb Reveal Move From [More]
The biblical narrative that the first Egyptian Dynasty descended from the biblical Ham, the son of Noah, as told in the book of Genesis, could well be supported by recent research based on DNA taken from Egyptian mummies, analysts said. According to CNN, researchers from the University of Tuebingen and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena, both in Germany, found “unexpected results” when decoding the genome of ancient Egyptians. Their work, published online in Nature Communications, concluded that preserved remains found in Abusir-el Meleq, Middle Egypt, were the closest genetic relatives of Neolithic and [More]
A Bomb Confirms the Calling of a Pastor in Baghdad    The man has just left his home, hopping into his car, turning the keys in the ignition, and pushing the accelerator as he had so many times before. Only this time, as he began the familiar journey toward the church where he worked as a pastor, he immediately sensed something was different.   Almost right away, an explosion ripped through the car, violently shaking the vehicle and—at the same time—engulfing it in the flames.   “I was totally confused, and I couldn’t see anymore.” The young pastor, named Joseph, [More]
Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologists have unearthed a road running from Jerusalem’s gates and the Pool of Siloam to the Temple. “Jesus would have walked on this newly excavated road to the Temple Mount”, said Moran Hagbi, one of the directors of the excavation. The archaeologists also discovered evidence of the last battle between Roman forces and Jewish rebels which resulted in the destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70. Read More: Archaeologists discover road on which Jesus walked from Pool of Siloam to temple
American Bible Society has released its fifth annual study of America’s most Bible-minded cities. Once again, the Southeast dominates the list of cities that show strong engagement with God’s Word and strong belief in the accuracy of the Bible. For the second year in a row and fourth out of the last five, Chattanooga, Tennessee, is the most Bible-minded city, followed by Birmingham, Alabama, and Roanoke/Lynchburg, Virginia. The only top-ten city outside the Southeast was Springfield, Missouri (#7). ABS spokesman Arthur Satterwhite says, “For us as American Bible Society, this survey helps to inform our work in the U.S. as [More]
The latest census in Australia has shown a dramatic fall in those who identify as Christian, and a significant rise in those with ‘no religion’. For the first time in its history, the proportion of Australians who say they have ‘no religion’ (29.6 per cent) overtook the number who identify as Catholic (22.6 per cent), according to analysis of Australia’s 2016 census by The Guardian. In 1996, just 0.6 per cent of the population marked ‘no religion’ on their census, but has seen a dramatic shift in the following decades. In 2001 the figure was 16 per cent, which nearly [More]
“It appears, even among those calling themselves Christians, that Britain is now solidly in a post Christian era.”  Admin British people, especially Christians, are increasingly more accepting of same-sex marriage, abortion, pornography, and sex before marriage. Conducted in 2016, the latest edition of the British Social Attitudes survey found acceptance of same-sex relationships has increased particularly rapidly in the last four years, especially amongst Christians. A strong majority of the UK public, 64 per cent, now say same-sex relationships are “not wrong at all”, up from 57 per cent in 2013 – the year before gay marriage became legal. On [More]
Support for same-sex marriage has soared to records levels in the US with all religious groups showing a rise in approval for gay relationships.   Latest figures from Pew Research reveal Americans are in favour of same-sex marriage by almost two-to-one with recent shifts meaning even Baby Boomers (aged 53-71) are now in favour of allowing gay and lesbian people to marry.   Reuters For the first time as many Republicans support gay marriage as oppose it with more than three-quarters of Democrats in favour, data published on Monday showed.   Read More: Evangelicals support for same-sex marriage rises – [More]
Harvest America 2017 is being held in the University of Phoenix stadium and everywhere else by simulcast, and is intended by Harvest America creator evangelist Greg Laurie to address a country in need of hope. Not only is the event expected to fill the Phoenix stadium, it is being simulcast it thousands of host locations –…
Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal church Are Christians betraying the Great Commission? The world is facing a religious revolution. Within the century, if current trends continue, Islam, already the fastest growing religion, will outpace Christianity to become the largest faith in the world. In Europe, once called “Christendom,” Christianity has all but collapsed as Islam continues…
  This year marks the 500th anniversary of one of the most important events in history, the Protestant Reformation.   The world is converging on Wittenberg in eastern Germany this summer, where 500 years ago a local professor of moral theology is said to have nailed 95 theses to a church door, and by that single act, changed the world.   Germany is now in the middle of a yearlong national celebration. But Luther’s time was rarely this colorful and tidy as re-enactments today. The 1500s in Germany were cold, muddy, dreary and rude. Luther’s Time: Back to the Future [More]
Splintered into small congregations meeting secretively in the homes of fellow church attendees, the members of a house church in China’s southern Guizhou province penned a letter describing how government persecution obliterated their finances, imprisoned and tortured their leaders, and fractured their thriving church body. Beginning with the church’s founding, the members of Huoshi Church traced its entire history with the government, insisting that the Communist Party abused them despite their attempts to comply with the law, which included reporting on all of their activities to the local religious affairs and public security bureaus. As the church quickly swelled into [More]
Disputes over government surveillance devices in house churches continue in China’s coastal Zhejiang as officials cut power and water supplies to several area churches and the homes of church leadership at the beginning of June. Members of Tuanqian Village Church in Rui’an, a county-level city in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, spoke with reporters on June 4, saying that after their church refused to install government surveillance equipment, they lost power and water to several buildings associated with the church. Read More: Further denials of water, electricity for house churches in Wenzhou – China Aid
“Brother Matthew” is a pastor and church planter in South Asia, working among Muslims to share the gospel. After threats against his life and an attack on his brother, he was encouraged by family members to leave his country. He fled to a safe place, but God clearly called him to go back to his home country, in spite of the danger. Matthew obeyed, and since his return he’s seen explosive growth in his church planting work. Matthew says persecution is something God uses to purify and unify the church, and further it’s something that every Christian should be ready [More]
His presentation starts at the 32 minute mark. Seminar led by Carl Kerby & Juan Valdez November 6, 2015 at Life Christian Church
Got an extra Bible in the house? Jason Woolford of Mission Cry said there’s a way to put it to work. Mission Cry distributes Bibles and Christian literature all over the world, and you can help too.   “When you think about sending a total used book value of $300 million to 171 nations, those were Bibles and Christian books that were either going to be recycled, thrown out, or sitting on somebody’s shelf,” said Woolford. “Instead it has truly changed the landscape of this entire world.”   (Photo courtesy of Mission Cry) Take the Kenya distribution center. Woolford said [More]
It’s a thrilling time to be involved in Bible translation, as workers are helping millions of people who speak unwritten languages have access to the Bible in their own languages. According to Wycliffe Associates President and CEO Bruce Smith, unwritten languages are “the last and the least” of the languages that have yet to receive Scripture. But the advancement of technology has helped to address this problem; national translators are now being provided with Bible Translation Recording Kits, which consist of a computer tablet with pre-loaded software and a microphone. Smith explains that the translators can use this digital tool to translate [More]
Using your phone in a place of worship is typically looked down upon. But in a near future, religious patrons might be encouraged to take out their phones, point their camera at the Bible, and watch the story of the sermon unfold in real-time.   Augmented reality (AR) is a consumer tech trend that is picking up speed, with gadgets like Microsoft’s HoloLens and apps like Pokémon Go, and the technology is now entering the worship space, too. Religious institutions all over the world have started to experiment with AR capabilities. Some use it to enhance their weekly brochures or Christmas invitations and others offer [More]
If you ask a woman what she’s looking for in a man, she may tell you wants him ‘tall, dark and handsome’. If you ask a woman what she’s looking for in a Christian man, she may still want him ‘tall dark and handsome’, but will start to list specific traits he must have to make him the whole package.   There are many characteristics men hold that women love. However, for Christian men, there’s an extra spark that captures a woman’s heart. A nice looking man who is in good shape, dresses well and possesses all the characteristics below [More]