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Be sure to check out our Health News Feeds post for the latest in holistic health news. We pull in content from 12 sources, healthimpactnews .com, naturalblaze .com, mercola .com, preventdisease .com, naturalsociety.com, blogs.naturalnews.com  undergroundhealth.com realfarmacy.com naturalnews.com www.naturalhealth365.com  www.naturallivingideas.com  nutritionfacts.org , to provide you great alternative health information that can benefit you and your family.
Many born-again Americans are “missing the mark” when it comes to the accuracy of their biblical beliefs. That’s according to the latest data from pollster George Barna. A recent survey by the American Culture & Faith Institute finds that only 30 percent of born-again adults have a biblical worldview. According to that survey, almost 90 percent of them describe God as the “all-knowing, all-powerful creator and ruler of the universe” – but only one in four believes “as sinners, people are not basically good.” Sixty-three percent believe someone can earn their own way to heaven. (See other findings in table [More]
A recent nationwide survey found that the number of freshmen attending America’s colleges who have left their faith over the past three decades has skyrocketed. After analyzing the religious affiliation trends of first-year college students, Computer Science professor Allen Downey – who teaches at Olin College in Needham, Massachusetts – disclosed that the statistics from the Cooperative Institutional Research Program’s (CIRP) 2016 Freshman Survey conducted at UCLA indicate that the number of students identifying as “nones,” who do not belong to a religion, has dramatically increased. “The number of college students with no religious affiliation has tripled in the last [More]
Jason returns home to get away while he studies for the upcoming bar exam. After visiting his oldest friend, a “coulda-been-girlfriend” who is now engaged, and a pushy preacher, his easygoing summer becomes filled with unwanted drama. Over the few months he’s there, he begins to question what life is about, and what is his purpose in it?
A record-low percentage of U.S. adults believe that God created humans in their present form, according to a Gallup survey.   Thirty-eight percent accept the strict creationism view compared with 38 percent who believe man developed with God’s guidance and 19 percent think God had no role in man’s evolution, according to the Gallup poll.   It’s the first time since 1982 — when Gallup asked the question with the same wording — that belief in God’s direct creation of man is not the most-common response.   Read More
My little dog, Teddy, tugged on his leash, interrupting my thoughts as we walked through my condo complex. The mornings were our time together and Teddy, a Lhasa Apo, got impatient if he didn’t have my full, undivided attention. “Sorry, Teddy,” I said with a small smile. My thoughts were all over the place this morning. The public school where I worked as a special education teacher was on break. I was thankful for the time off, but I felt completely stressed about the prospect of returning to work. My job was challenging. Too challenging sometimes. Resources were limited. Class [More]
Scotch burned my throat on the way down. Finally. I’d waited hours for my favorite bar to open up and it wasn’t even noon yet. I couldn’t deny it anymore. My drinking was out of control and I was scared out of my mind.   “How are things, Jim?” asked Betty the bartender.   I shrugged and looked around the bar. The place was dim—none of the customers wanted to see anything too clearly.   I could make out a few faces against the wood paneling: A man in a rumpled coat hunched over a tumbler of whiskey. A woman [More]
More Americans now believe that the Bible is a book of fables and history than those who believe it’s the literal Word of God, a Gallup poll released Monday has found, and even fewer than a third of Christians say it’s to be taken literally. “Over the past three decades, Americans’ view of the Bible as the literal Word of God has been declining, while their view that the Bible is a collection of fables, myths and history recorded by man has been increasing,” Gallup observed about the poll, which was conducted of 1,011 American adults between May 3–7, with [More]
Research shows only 17 percent of practicing Christians have a biblical worldview. So if that’s the case, then what do they believe? It turns out that 61 percent of Christians who attend church at least once a month and say their faith is very important to their lives and self-identify as a Christian also believe some tenets of New Age religions. Jeff Meyers of Summit Ministries, which, along with the American Faith and Culture Institute, put the numbers together, says this is a serious problem. Read More: What are believers believing exactly?
What happens when someone actually cares? In life, everyone’s just trying to feel connected. But in this cold and lonely world, what we all need is The Touch. Hannah Moore knew real life. The daily fight to build an existence on her own terms sustained Hannah and held at bay the grief of being used as a plaything first by her father and then by a succession of boys and men. As far as Hannah knew, this world offers no handouts. Her struggle to find work that wouldn’t be affected by a previous stint in prison began to seem an impossible [More]
A business executive’s life is turned upside-down when his wife is diagnosed with Alzheimers.
Sometimes in prayer we really need to speak what’s on our minds and hearts. Other times, we really want to hear God speak.   For a student who’s struggling to choose a school, sweethearts contemplating marriage, a parent who’s worried sick for a child, an entrepreneur considering a new risk, for nearly anyone who is hurting, or floundering, or fearing . . . hearing from God becomes important. Urgent.   It so happens that an incident from the Bible may help you listen. It’s an account from the life of Samuel, recorded in 1 Samuel 3, and it offers 7 [More]
Three years ago, feeling gratitude seemed impossible to me. I’d just found the strength to leave a physically and emotionally abusive marriage while pregnant with my first child, and life as I knew it was falling apart. Then, I received the sweetest gift. While at work, a package came for me from one of my vendors—a green journal with the word “Gratitude” written across the front. “What could I possibly be grateful for right now?” I thought. Then, I turned to the big “G” in the sky for answers: Google. I scrolled through gratitude articles that told me why I should be more [More]
Mama and Papa had started calling me “Black Velvet” when I was a baby, the tenth of their 18 children and the first to be born after they moved to Florida from their Bahamian homeland. When friends from the islands came to visit, they’d say, “Let us see the American one, the one with the velvet skin,” and Mama would proudly hold me up so everyone could admire my flawless nut-brown complexion.   Then, when I was eight, a bouncy little girl with glossy black braids, the dreadful skin problem began. Rough scales and unsightly red patches all over my [More]
All my 84 years, I’ve believed in angels. From the time I could be read to, my mother shared the Bible stories of when they appeared. And then there was another story, a special family story, that my mother told me many times. It wasn’t nearly as old as those Bible stories, but we knew it was every bit as true. Because it was a story about my own grandmother, back in 1898.   Chicago, at the end of the nineteenth century, was not an easy place for a young couple without much money. My grandpa had a job at [More]
One of my favorite episodes in Scripture has Jesus telling his followers that the more they give, the more they will receive. It cannot be otherwise, he explains, because God will never be outdone in generosity.   The concept of tithing is explained in a different part of Scripture. It’s the idea that the first fruits—perhaps 10 percent of one’s earnings—should be given to God as an act of faith. (The actual money can be given to charity or to church.) It sounds simple, but putting it into practice is very difficult.   We all have reasons for not giving [More]
All six of my children had been born naturally, in the comfort of our home. I knew the natural ways to induce labor—walking, evening primrose oil, a bowl of pineapple chunks, a warm bath. I was a pro at breathing rhythms and the most comfortable delivery position. By child number seven, I knew what I was doing. But after 35 hours of labor, my home-birth doctor sent me on to the hospital.   “You need advanced medical attention,” he said. “Your labor isn’t progressing.” I didn’t know if I was more disappointed or scared.   My husband, Michael, helped me [More]
Take your problems to the Lord. That had always been my policy. But as I pulled out of my driveway one morning, my biggest worry was…simply worrying.   My concerns were nothing out of the ordinary: a big project at work, a to-do list of household repairs, trying to keep in touch with family. There was nothing I could do about any of it at the moment. I was on my way to work.   And yet no matter how many times I told myself to stop, I couldn’t stop going over and over it all in my head.   [More]
“Sing, Dari! Loud as you can!” Normally my four-year-old daughter loved to sing. Now she just stared, uncomprehending, at the nurse. I squeezed her hand for comfort. The nurse wanted her to sing so she would take deep breaths of anesthesia. I understood that, but how could I explain it to Dari?   The doctor had allowed me to be in the operating room until she was asleep, but I didn’t feel like I was being all that much help. There was so much for Dari to take in: the mask over her nose and mouth, the doctors and nurses [More]
“Tanya” is a Christian worker in Central Asia, living and ministering in a country where she must always be cautious about what she says openly and who she says it around. Listen to hear how Christians in the former Soviet Union are carefully sharing the gospel, and are willing to endure persecution if that’s what it takes to see God’s love spread to their countrymen. As a mom and a pastor’s wife, Tanya shares how the threat of persecution impacts the way Christians raise their children to follow Christ. You’ll be inspired as Tanya shares how Christians living under persecution [More]
Biography of George Mueller who founded a large orphanage work in Britain and is known for his great faith and prayer.
Listen this week for an update on the church in Nepal, especially how the church has been impacted by Nepal’s recent adoption of a new constitution which included anti-conversion provisions.   Michael Huff has been the leader of Operation Mobilization in Nepal and is now based in the US helping to mobilize Christians to take the gospel all over the world. Listen as Michael shares how OM is working to raise up Christian workers and evangelists in Nepal, and some of the lessons Nepali Christians have taught him during his years of ministry there.   He’ll share how two Christian [More]
When God called Leanna to missions she was a young woman fresh out of college. Then God specifically called her to a part of South Asia known as “the graveyard of missionaries.” He led her down a different path from most foreigners at the time; Leanna lived in a village, drinking dirty water, sleeping on a grass mat and subsisting on lentils and rice. As she lived through the hardships of village life she was able to introduce people to a God greater and more powerful than the millions of Gods in their faith: Jesus Christ.   Listen as Leanna [More]
For Christians in Syria and other Middle East nations, human logic is clear: get out! Go someplace safe! In spite of such advice, Tom and JoAnn Doyle tell us many Christians are choosing to STAY and serve the Lord and witness for Christ. These bold brothers and sisters are standing in the fire of war and persecution, and they are finding—just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did—that God is standing with them. Listen to the story of Jamila, a 12-year-old girl healed from cancer after a Christian man prayed for her in Jesus’ name, leading to hundreds of Druze people [More]
Look on Dr. Stanley’s desk and you’ll find a sticky note that says, “You’re young and useful at any age, if you’re still planning for tomorrow.” It’s a principle that’s guided him through decades of productive service. Learn several other key principles to living a life marked by vitality and fruitfulness. Regardless of your age, it’s never too late to start trusting God and growing young. For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week’s broadcast, go to intouch.org/tv.
Prayer is seriously powerful business. So often, though, we treat it as a perfunctory task to be checked off our daily to-do list. How can we shift our attitudes from boredom and obligation to joy and expectation? The Lord always inclines His ear to His children. Learn the foundational principles of effective prayer, and how to confidently approach God with our petitions and requests. For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week’s broadcast, go to intouch.org/tv.
Ever felt overwhelmed by an impossibly huge task? You’re in good company. Charged with leading God’s people into Canaan, Joshua was familiar with the fear that accompanies enormous responsibility. And yet somehow he was able to trust God and accomplish His will. For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week’s broadcast, go to intouch.org/tv.