Holy Spirit over Latin America as tens of millions of Catholics embrace Pentecostal Christianity | Christian News on Christian Today

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The Holy Spirit is raining down on Latin America with tens of thousands of people either laying prostrate on the ground or standing with hands raised as tears stream down their faces.

Jennifer LeClaire, senior editor of Charisma, says she personally witnessed one such astounding revival during a Sunday service led by Pastors Ricardo and Patricia Rodríguez, founders of Central Mundial de Avivamiento (World Headquarters of Revival) in Bogotá, Colombia.

“It was as if I stepped into a river of Holy Ghost fire,” she writes. “In one accord, over 25,000 people worshipped Jesus with all that was within them.”

She says she personally saw miraculous healings. When she spoke with members of the congregation, they shared with her testimonies of deliverance from demonic possession, financial prosperity and numerous verified healings and miracles.

LeClaire says similar revivals are taking place in other Latin American countries such as Brazil, Peru, Uruguay and Ecuador.

According to a Pew Research Study, tens of millions of Latin Americans have left the Roman Catholic Church in recent decades to embrace Pentecostal Christianity. The study projects that by 2025, the number of Pentecostals and charismatics in Latin America will surpass 202 million.

Source: Holy Spirit over Latin America as tens of millions of Catholics embrace Pentecostal Christianity | Christian News on Christian Today

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