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Josh is one of the most articulate and popular youth speakers today, having spoken to more than seven million young people in 78 countries. He has authored many books and been featured in films, on television specials and an ongoing television series and weekly radio program. Josh McDowell Author, Founder of the Josh McDowell Ministry Book: “The Unshakable Truth” To Get Your Copy: www.crossroads.ca
Josh is one of the most articulate and popular youth speakers today, having spoken to more than seven million young people in 78 countries. He has authored many books and been featured in films, on television specials and an ongoing television series and weekly radio program. Josh McDowell Author, Founder of the Josh McDowell Ministry Book: “The Unshakable Truth” To Get Your Copy: www.crossroads.ca
Email: Rechristianitizing@sonicandpals.com The very fast and more or less a summary of the mass of evidence of the historical validity of the bible. Again, Josh McDowell’s Evidence that Demands a Verdict is a good book, it’s all bullet points and “5a, 5b, 6a, 6b” etc type of stuff. Another good book is A Case for Christ, which was written by an non-Christian lawyer to see if the new testament could be found ‘not false’ in a hypothetical court of law. He researched and found no falsities in the text pertaining to culture, events, etc etc, and later became a Christian [More]
Part 2 of how we got the Old testament part of the Bible. Includes scientific verification of scripture, so called contradictions, historical evidence and what inspiration is. Using powerpoint resources from Rose Publishing, and Josh McDowell. The speaker is Duncan Forbes from New Life Church, Roehampton, London. www.newlifelondon.com www.duncanf.blogspot.com www.duncanf.blogspot.com
Did Jesus really fulfill Bible prophecies as Christians claim? What evidence is there to support this theory? Jesus did indeed fulfill prophecies made several hundred years before His birth, death and resurrection. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls (copies of most Old Testament books) should further confirm to skeptics the prophecies contained in them were made long before the earthly ministry of Jesus. “One of the scrolls in the Dead Sea Caves was a complete MS of the Hebrew text of Isaiah. It is dated by paleographers around 125 BC”—from “The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict.” by Josh [More]
Josh is one of the most articulate and popular youth speakers today, having spoken to more than seven million young people in 78 countries. He has authored many books and been featured in films, on television specials and an ongoing television series and weekly radio program. Josh McDowell Author, Founder of the Josh McDowell Ministry Book: “The Unshakable Truth” To Get Your Copy: www.crossroads.ca
Josh will share his testimony, and address issues such as “What is Truth,” and “The Deity of Christ.” He will share the importance of relationships as it relates to understanding the love and grace of Christ.
“I think Jesus was a great moral teacher, but nothing more.” That’s a common view for many people. Watch Josh McDowell explain how to help your not-yet Christian friend see that this is not a reasonable statement. Based on his book MORE THAN A CARPENTER, published by Tyndale House.
Josh will share his testimony, and address issues such as “What is Truth,” and “The Deity of Christ.” He will share the importance of relationships as it relates to understanding the love and grace of Christ.
Author Josh McDowell says that after more than 700 hours of studying Christ’s resurrection, he has come to the conclusion that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is either one of the most wicked, vicious, heartless, hoaxes ever foisted or it is the most remarkable fact of history… The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN www.cbn.com
Josh will share his testimony, and address issues such as “What is Truth,” and “The Deity of Christ.” He will share the importance of relationships as it relates to understanding the love and grace of Christ.