UK: Six out of 10 Scots Have ‘No Religion’ –

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“Perhaps the picture they included with this article is meant to symbolize the funeral of the church because it’s certainly dying in Scotland.”  Admin

Fifty-eight per cent of Scots now say they have no religion, a record level, and up from 40 per cent in 1999, the Scottish Attitudes Survey revealed.

Amongst major denominations, the Church of Scotland (Kirk) has seen the sharpest decline, with just 18 per cent saying they belong to the Kirk. The Church of Scotland figure for 1999 was 35 per cent.

The survey found the proportion of Roman Catholics (10 per cent), other Christian affiliations (11 per cent), and those of non-Christian faiths (2 per cent) have remained stable within the Scottish population.

Young people were significantly more likely to be irreligious than older people. Around three-quarters of young people (74 per cent of 18-34s) say they have no religion compared with 34 per cent of those over 65.

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