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I love the changing seasons. In central Florida, where I live, we don’t experience seasonal weather changes as much as our friends in other parts of the country, but we do enjoy the change in focus and the cooler weather fall and winter bring. We may not have snow, but we can enjoy lighted snowmen on the porch during the holidays! Years ago when I taught school, I would change the decor of my home as often as I changed the one in my classroom—out with one season and in with another. I’d get rid of the old so we [More]
“Why are you so angry?” my son asked me after I had a tough day and took it out on him.It would have been easy to disregard his comment and disregard my anger, but it made me think instead. It can be easy to push aside our anger without any real effort to get to the root of it. However, I think it’s time we take my son’s advice and ask ourselves, “Why are you so angry?” Read More  3 Ways to Get to the Root of Anger.
“Evangelist Don Gossett has some great teaching on praising, you can watch them here.” Admin When I read this passage—Psalm 135:1-21—about the vapors ascending from the ends of the earth, I recall one of the funniest yet most penetrating sermons I ever heard.The psalmist writes, “He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth; He makes lightning for the rain; He brings the wind out of His treasures” (v. 7).The sermon I heard included this verse about the vapors ascending from the ends of the earth. The sermon was entitled “The Devil Can’t Swim.” It was preached by [More]
Bees have been in the news a lot lately, and not for good reasons. Colony collapse disorder has been debated around the world, with fingers being pointed at many culprits. Not only does this crisis affect our overall food production, but it also hampers the production of one of nature’s richest and most healing superfoods – bee pollen.A powerhouse of nutritionBee pollen is considered one of nature’s most complete foods. It contains nearly all the nutrients required by humans and about half of its 40% protein content is in the form of free amino acids and is highly bioavailable to [More]
Proverbs 9:8 states, “Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you; rebuke the wise and they will love you” (NIV). There is a world of difference between a mocker and a seeker. Mockers challenge you to answer, not because they want to know the truth but because they have already pronounced you guilty. Seekers are genuinely looking for answers and are willing to do put in the work to learn and grow. Several years ago, at the end of one of my debates in New York City with my good friend Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, a Jewish woman approached me [More]
Have you heard of the 10/40 window? It is the section of the world where 90 percent of the unreached people groups live, yet only 1 out of 99 missionaries go there.   Angi Pratt and I recently wrote a book about how to use social media to reach and influence the world for Christ. The day of the book launch, we put on a college student retreat focused on the need to go to the 10/40 window. The Lord used the combination of the book release and the world-focused retreat to get me thinking of more ways social media [More]
The popularity of coconut oil has skyrocketed in the Western world over the last several years. However, its many health benefits have been known in other regions of the world as part of their ancient history. Better late than never! Coconut oil is finally taking center stage, and is much needed in our modern world which contains more environmental and food toxins than ever before. Coconut oil is being hailed as a super ingredient, superfood, and, lately, a super beauty aid. Add to this that it can be consumed or applied to all ages and it becomes a must-have in [More]
Normally, a bloated stomach is nothing to be alarmed about. It isn’t a dangerous or life-threatening condition. It can, however, make you feel decidedly uncomfortable. A bulging mid-drift can make you look and feel miserable if it becomes a chronic occurrence. While a bloated belly is often linked to dietary choices, it’s best to make a quick visit to the doctor to rule out anything more serious. Once that’s done, here are seven tips for flattening out your stomach and ridding yourself of painful bloating once and for all. But before we begin, here are some general strategies to consider [More]
How many people hear God’s voice on a regular basis? Would more people hear Him if they just become quiet and listen? Sid Roth interviews Richard Mull about his firsthand experiences with angels, receiving direct messages from the Almighty God, casting out demons and even raising his own son from the dead. Read More  How to really hear God’s voice.
The lower your income is, the more difficult it is to be particular about what you feed your family. This probably isn’t an earth-shattering revelation to anyone, but if you feel like experimenting, try to buy a week’s worth of healthy food for a family on a budget of, say, $50-75. Food manufacturers that target lower income shoppers with more affordable products tend to include more GMOs and toxic ingredients in their offerings. It just isn’t possible to stick to my usual food restrictions. Generally speaking I avoid: Read More  Natural Health News and Wellness Tips | Natural Remedies and [More]
As the deadline looms for American citizens to comply with the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, many Christians are scrambling to understand their enrollment options. But many may be unaware of the fact that Obamacare provides a heath insurance exemption for people of faith who enroll in a Biblically-based healthcare sharing program. On pages 107 and 128 of the Affordable Care Act, Christians who participate in healthcare sharing ministries are exempt from the “individual mandate” to obtain health insurance. Read More  Healthcare Sharing Ministries Provide Christ-Honoring Alternative to Insurance Under Obamacare | Christian News Network.
“I have an old Oster 450W blender that does fine on most everything except really dense items like carrots and celery. You can find them for $20 or less online or at discount stores. They are a great investment in your health. Here are more great smoothie recipes”  Admin At our house, we make a smoothie every day! Our children are often involved in choosing the ingredients, and surprisingly, they are quite open now to the fact that greens are a definite must-have in nearly every smoothie. We used to have to hide certain ingredients in the smoothies, but after [More]
Turning 50 is considered a landmark for one big reason: It is the age when many of us think about slowing down because we’re physically over the hill. No longer blessed with the energy, flexibility or springy joints of youth, it’s easy to let exercise fall by wayside as we hit the half-century mark. But experts say there is no medical reason to wind down after hitting the big “five-oh.” In fact, maintaining the pace of activity into your 50s and beyond is vitally important to health, say top doctors. Read More  6 Myths About Fitness After 50.
Amid a national push to share the gospel this fall, let’s remember who the real evangelist is I will never be an evangelist. That was my thought the first time I tried leading someone to Christ. It was my best friend in high school, and for months we’d engaged in deep discussions about God, life and the human condition. Scott was a thinker; he loved philosophy, psychology and arguing for the sake of arguing. But somewhere between his intellectual curiosity and self-confidence, God had revealed enough of Himself that Scott sensed there was something more to life than what he [More]
All of us face difficulties in our lives. But we can have victory over them if we keep our eyes on God.Not many of us have experienced as bad a day as David did when he returned to his home in Ziklag after a journey and discovered that his enemies, the Amalekites, had destroyed or stolen everything that was important to him–and his own men turned against him see 1 Sam. 30. However, we can imitate his response when we do face difficulties.As David sat among the ruins of Ziklag and mutinous men spoke of stoning him, he had a [More]
“I just can’t hear God; I know He speaks to some people, but He just doesn’t speak to me!” If that’s your situation, there are several possible reasons for it. First, to hear His voice and be sensitive to His promptings you need to have a relationship with the Lord, which means spending quality time with Him on a regular basis. It could be that you have neglected your fellowship with Him. Second, you may be walking in doubt and unbelief. Jesus said plainly, “’My sheep hear My voice’” (John 10:27, NKJV). If you are a born-again child of God, [More]
“Although this subject is controversial it is of the utmost importance especially as we see the growing spiritual darkness around us. We need the full empowering of the Holy Spirit in these dark days so we can let our light shine as brightly as possible.” Admin Some people have suggested that the baptism in the Holy Spirit was only for the early disciples who needed an extra “charge” or a unique gift to get Christianity started. Well, we need it too! God’s power is for today. You can have your own personal experience with the Spirit Read More  7 Steps [More]
I hope you’re an involved dad. And I hope you recognize the difference you’re making for your kids. I talk and write about that all the time, but I’m not sure anyone can do it enough. Involved parents making a difference is the whole idea behind CASAColumbia Family Day—which is today, Sept. 23. This initiative was launched over a decade ago by CASAColumbia with the goal of getting families to eat dinner together on that day—and generally eat meals together more often. Studies have shown that when families make it a habit to eat dinner together, teenagers are less likely [More]
The article in the NY Daily News about the release of Grand Theft Auto V, a video game expected to make $1 billion in the first month, began with these words: “The game of crime pays—even in the wake of another gun massacre.” The article continues, “The latest installment of the ultraviolent video game franchise Grand Theft Auto will generate $1 billion in sales in one month, analysts predict—despite Monday’s massacre at the Washington Navy Yard that killed 12 people.” These are staggering numbers. How many products of any kind—let alone a $60 video game—make that kind of money? And [More]
By Greg Stier , Christian Post Guest Columnist March 2, 2013|12:08 pm God has blessed me with the privilege of speaking to groups of teenagers for the last twenty five years or so. From small youth groups to medium sized camps to arenas full of students I have known the thrill and terror of trying to get and keep the attention of adrenalin-filled, twitchy teenagers. Here are seven lessons I’ve learned when it comes to getting and keeping their attention: 1. Hook them with humor then impact them with truth. During the first 5 to 10 minutes of my talk [More]
Fear consumes our energy. Fear leaves us empty. Fear makes us ineffective. Fear is a parasite. Fear is real. Sometimes it is so invasive that it feels tangible. And the more it controls us, the more real it starts to feel, and we gradually lose control. Do we have to be controlled by these feelings that are constantly trying to invite themselves in? Fear is always looking for an entryway. We are the ones who give it a home in our life. (Just to be clear, I’m not talking about that healthy fear that works like your conscience trying to [More]
When things look really bad, let the so-called “minor” prophets encourage your faith. It’s unfortunate that the last 12 books of the Old Testament are tagged the “minor” prophets. The term was coined because these writings are short, not because they are unimportant. God’s heart is powerfully revealed in the prophecies of Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi. These 12 short books are anything but minor. If you have never seriously studied them, I challenge you to start digging now. Just as Jesus chose 12 unsophisticated disciples to preach the glorious news of [More]
Marriage is tough. It’s a given. This list covers most of the common troubles, but your situation is unique, and the key point here is to face the hardship—whatever kind of struggle it is—together with your wife. OK, if you haven’t watched the “Ian and Larissa” video, then stop reading right now, watch the video, then come back to this list. Seriously, you have to watch it. Do you remember your marriage vows? “For better, for worse … ” “In sickness and in health … ” “For richer, for poorer … ” These promises presuppose tough times. We went into [More]
You don’t have to take your style cues from the world or legalistic saints. Here’s how to make fashion sense. Read More  The Dos and Don’ts of Fashion as a Christian.
Most of us were taught as young as children the proper manners and simple phrases we could use to be polite. But somewhere along the line, it seems we’ve lost the simple art of using these words, and then we wonder why our relationships aren’t going the way we want them to go. Consider this: If you aren’t getting what you want out of your relationships, maybe it is because you aren’t putting the right things in. Here are four simple phrases you learned in elementary school that may be the currency you need to improve your relationships as an [More]
Ellen agonized over the spiritual lostness of her daughter, who in her youth had walked faithfully with the Lord. In her late teens, the young woman had rejected her spiritual moorings, defying almost everything in her life that was good, righteous and principled. She had become a prodigal. Ellen, of course, prayed for her daughter every day and tried to stay connected through phone calls and cards. Soon, they lost even that connection. Calls went unanswered, phone numbers were changed, and letters seemed to disappear into the void. It now seemed like an impenetrable wall separated mother and daughter. Read [More]
As we age, we tend to gain weight, especially in our abdomens. In addition to making it more difficult to fit into last year’s swimsuit, belly fat can have a significant impact on our health. That’s because the fat doesn’t just sit there, spoiling your silhouette. Belly fat and its companion, visceral fat—the fat that hides deep in your body—continuously create inflammatory compounds that wreak havoc in your body, increasing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and many other conditions. Don’t despair, though, because there are seven surefire ways to melt belly fat away. Read More  7 Secrets to [More]