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Recently in the prayer class I lead at our church in Oklahoma City, I was explaining to the new children why we take one Sunday a month from their regular lessons to focus on prayer. “We want you to know God, not just know about Him, and hear God, not just hear about Him,” I explained. If we want our children to know God and not just know about Him, we need to teach them to pray and pray with them. Children could do all kinds of worksheets about God and hear stories about Him, but it is when they [More]
“Sadly the GS have taken a radical left turn recently as this article from 06/13 illustrates. There is an alternative organization with Christian values you can check out, the American Heritage Girls.” Admin A recent Girl Scout-sponsored event in New York City, billed as one that would “celebrate women and girls,” featured a live screening and panel discussion of the documentary MAKERS, a feminist, pro-abortion video account of prominent women who are described as “trailblazing” and whose “pioneering contributions” are purported to have changed America. At Catholic Stand, writer Mary Rice Hasson describes the May 9th event, which was also [More]
“Great article on the rapid development of new “mark of the beast” technology that I’m sure we will see mandated for use in the near future. Just another sign of being in the last days.”  Admin Most readers are undoubtedly familiar with the development of radio-frequency identification (rfid) technology that, under certain applications, is forecast to be connected to future human-enhancement technologies, especially neurosciences, brain-machine interfacing, and cybernetics. This rfid tech employs tiny integrated circuits for storing and processing information using an antenna for receiving and transmitting the related data. This technology is most commonly applied as a “tag” for [More]
“I personally drink Reverse Osmosis (RO) purified water which removes the fluoride.  The article mentions that minerals are removed as well which is true but they are in a raw elemental form not easily absorbed by the body. Better to get your minerals from food sources and/or a good multi-vitamin/mineral supplement.”  Admin Fluorine is an element. It is a gas, never occurring in its free state. In microscopic amounts complexed with other minerals, it is often listed as a trace mineral, a nutrient for human nutrition. The fluoride added to 90% of drinking water is hydrofluoric acid which is a [More]
Ice cream recipes have changed considerably since the days of old fashioned ice cream parlors. We’re now subjected to a slew of toxic ingredients in almost every type of ice cream found in parlors, restaurants and grocery stores. From economy to premium brands, there is often no escape from the chemical concoctions in our favorite frozen treats. So what ingredients should you avoid and why are they so deadly? Read More  PreventDisease.com – Stay Cool and Healthy This Summer: Avoid Ice Creams With Toxic Ingredients.
The video above gives a wonderfully clear illustration of what happens when someone nearby you sneezes … and you end up inhaling the virus. It’s said that a single sneeze may produce up to 40,000 droplets, which may leave your mouth at speeds of more than 200 miles per hour.1 While some of the heavier droplets will fall to the floor, others remain airborne and are quickly circulated around the room. If the droplet is infected with a virus, and you inhale it, the video shows how a single virus can quickly begin producing millions of copies within your cells. It’s a [More]
(Dr. Joseph Mercola) “Due to the many demands I obtained from concerned readers asking for guidance about strategies to help prevent radioactive fallout in the awake of the Japanese nuclear catastrophe, I lately had written an article addressing with those issues. Although the recommendations I made were all in accordance with the newest scientific research, my research will be ongoing in this area so that I can further improve those recommendations. And as I understand more, I will pass that information to you. That said, one particular super food that leaps to the top of the list is spirulina, and it’s [More]
If you ever wondered what results a controlled experiment of Monsanto farming methods would yield, look no further than the unwilling residents of Molokai.  Until 1969, by fact of its geographical isolation, Molokai was home for over 100 years to a leper colony.  With the arrival of Monsanto’s test fields, the beautiful island has become a laboratory and the islanders are being treated as the lab rats. The island of Molokai looks like paradise.  Travel brochures call it the “old Hawaii” and the most Hawaiian of the islands in the archipelago. It has a small population of between 5500-7500 residents.  [More]
“Check out this post as well for more high tech ways to do indoor gardening.”  Admin A novel idea that takes indoor gardening to the next level is being put forth by creator Chris Beauvois from a Hackerspace in Brooklyn, New York called NYC Resistor. The concept is called aeroponics. Through a system of GrowCubes, they propose efficient indoor growing for a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. And the best part? This can be done with 95 percent less water and a built-in resistance to diseases and pests! Read More  Natural Health News and Wellness Tips | Natural Remedies [More]
Chia seeds are now a common presence in the North American food market. These tasty little seeds have been added to breads, baked goods, soups, and entrées. They have become increasingly popular mostly due to the positive press linked to the beneficial substances found in the seeds. Chia seeds are high in protein. Vegetable sources of protein can give your body a break from the often high-fat content of animal foods. Eating chia seeds will give you a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids, along with important vitamins and minerals. Chia seeds have been used to meet the nutritional needs [More]
Prayer can be frustrating if we don’t understand God’s Word and His ways. Most Christians aren’t aware that there are several types of prayer discussed in God’s Word, and if you use one type when you should be using another, it won’t work. You would be applying the wrong spiritual tool to your needs or request. God intended for each of the six forms of prayer mentioned in the Bible to have different functions, as described below. Read More  6 Different Types of Prayer.
Adrian Rogers, a famous 20th-century Baptist pastor, once went on a missions trip to Romania. Over the course of two weeks, he bonded with his interpreter but hadn’t learned much about his thoughts. So toward the end of the trip he asked, “Tell me, what do you think of American Christians?” “I don’t want to talk about it,” came the strange reply. This, of course, only made Dr. Rogers more curious, so he began to press him for an answer. Finally the interpreter capitulated. “Well, okay then, but you’re not going to like my answer. I don’t think you Americans [More]
True friends are hard to come by. Ron and Jackie Hill are those kinds of friends. While we only go out with them about once a year, it feels as if we have just seen them the week before. We know that if we needed them, all we would have to do is call, and they would drop everything to help. Once they shared a heartwarming story about their daughter Sarah. Sarah is a behavioral therapist who specializes in working with autistic children. She has a heart for these special kids. At one time she found herself with only 20 [More]
A rabbi explains how and why Scripture’s theophanies offer more than just head knowledge about Christ The book of Daniel describes one of the most dramatic appearances of the Son of God in the entire Old Testament. The passage in Daniel 3 tells of three Jews, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who were sentenced to death for refusing to worship an idol that King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon erected and commanded all his subjects to revere. The king was enraged that they had questioned his supreme authority and ordered that they be thrown into a furnace and it be heated to seven [More]
(NaturalNews) The entire vaccine industry as we know it has been built on a foundation of lies, corruption, and fraud. And in a powerful new interview with “Health Ranger” Mike Adams, Editor-in-Chief of NaturalNews.com, retired neurosurgeon and health freedom advocate Dr. Russell Blaylock explains in plain detail how many vaccines, including the ill-famed Gardasil jab for human papillomavirus (HPV), have never been proven to work, and are illegally administered to millions of people without informed consent. Gardasil does not prevent HPV or cervical cancer If you are a regular NaturalNews reader, or are at all familiar with the prolific Gardasil [More]
You can learn about the dangers of the Standard American Diet (SAD) and hear for yourself the evidence that improper diet is the leading cause of almost every physical ailment. Five leading health experts, including Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Russell Blaylock, and Rev. George Malkmus, discuss all this and reveal the secrets to a healthy, vital, disease-free body.
“There are alternative Christian scouting organizations for boys, you can read about them here.”  Admin The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) will complete its concession to the demands of homosexual activist bullies when it officially opens its ranks on January 1, 2014 to young men who self-identify as gay. In July 2012 the Scouts affirmed its 100-year-old policy of excluding homosexuals from membership and leadership positions within its ranks. That was followed by the release in October 2012 of nearly 15,000 pages of files detailing decades of sexual abuse of young Scouts by male Scout leaders. The pages, dubbed the [More]
“This story illustrates how our efforts in spreading the Gospel may have an impact far beyond what we can imagine. So don’t be discouraged if your results seem small, the harvest you reap may surprise you.” Admin This all started a number of years ago in a Baptist church in Crystal Palace in South London.  The Sunday morning service was closing and a man stood up at the back and raised his hand and said:  “Excuse me pastor can I share a short testimony?”  The pastor looked at his watch and said “You have two minutes.”   The man proceeded [More]
This commonly overlooked superfood protects the body from nuclear fallout, kills a wide range of cancers, and keeps the arteries unclogged — to name but a few, experimentally confirmed ways in which the apple awakens your inner physician. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. This age old saying has never rang with greater promise and authority than it does today. As in the modern era, doctors bring with them a battery of tests, drugs, and interventions, all of which carry unintended, adverse health risks that often outweigh their purported benefits, and are therefore best avoided whenever possible. Also, [More]
Essential oils have been used for healing and medicinal purposes for centuries and most certainly long before we had pills, capsules and big pharma to take care of our medical woes. And while there is a place for manufactured pharmaceuticals in our survival medicine kit, there exists the possibility that none will be available or that they will be in such scarce supply that they should be reserved for only the most dire of circumstances. For that reason, many preppers and individuals seeking self-reliance are learning to use essential oils to manage the both routine and not-so-routine maladies that occur [More]
WARNING: On top of the GMO high fructose corn syrup, the ingredients inside this imitation fruit beverage pose the risk of forming a known carcinogen inside the bottle – just waiting for you to drink it. It’s been more than 20 years since the FDA and beverage industry first learned that sodium benzoate and citric acid or ascorbic acid Vitamin C can create the carcinogen benzene while in the bottle together. The public was informed just seven years ago, and yet, many makers of artificial fruit drinks and sodas still frequently and shamefully use these ingredients in this risky combination [More]
Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), the primary type of fat found within coconut oil, have been found to boost cognitive performance in older adults suffering from memory disorders as serious as Alzheimer’s — and not after months or even days of treatment, but after a single 40 ml dose! A groundbreaking 2004 study published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging found that the administration of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), the primary fat type found in coconut oil, almost immediately improved cognitive function in older adults with memory disorders. Read More  MCT Fats Found In Coconut Oil Boost Brain Function In Only [More]
The #1 Children’s Vitamin Brand in the US contains ingredients that most parents would never intentionally expose their children to, so why aren’t more opting for healthier alternatives? Kids vitamins are supposed to be healthy, right? Well then, what’s going on with Flintstones Vitamins, which proudly claims to be “Pediatricians’ #1 Choice”?  Produced by the global pharmaceutical corporation Bayer, this wildly successful brand features a shocking list of unhealthy ingredients, including: Read More  Top Pharma-Brand of Children’s Vitamins Contains Aspartame, GMOs.
With the deadline to sign up for Obamacare having come and gone, many Americans have decided to “opt out” of President Obama’s signature health care reform law, choosing instead to pay the $95 penalty for sidestepping the individual mandate. “For many Americans opting out of Obamacare is the best decision they can make, but it’s important that they do it the right way—just refusing to buy health insurance and not having another way to pay for catastrophic medical expenses is a mistake,” Sean Parnell, author of the newly-released The Self-Pay Patient, told Breitbart News. “People who want to opt out [More]
STOP is a very loose coalition of Christians and other decent people who demand a Stop To Oppressive Persecution of Christians. We will take public action to make the anti-family crowd feel our muscle at their cash registers. It’s a matter of principle. We are nudging others to get involved in the pro-family battle mainly through the use of social media. All Americans have the right and obligation to take their business anywhere. You can decide that you will only patronize an atheist if you want. Or, you may choose to only purchase from a Baptist or Buddhist or Baháist [More]
“Great testimony of someone standing on the promises of God and seeing miracles happen. Yes, God is still in the miracle working business, believe it!” Admin Mike Shreve had to fight for his children. When doctors declared his wife barren, he clung to God’s promise that he’d have a son. When doctors said his boy would be brain damaged, he claimed the promises of God’s Word instead. When doctors said his daughter would be born disabled, again Mike poured out the Word of God in prayer. Today, his son is an honors student, his daughter a dancer. And Mike Shreve [More]
“I’m sure most of you have heard your local talking head reporters quote a study saying that multivitamins are useless and not needed. Well, as usual the story bears little resemblance to the truth as you’ll see in the article below.”  Admin Like a script from a movie you already know the ending to; each year we can expect a hoax study or attack on anything that is not FDA approved. It is with great hope that the average person will have enough sense to see through the latest propaganda (unlike an elderly woman I talked to last year who [More]