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“Agreed, using social media, email, creating a website are powerful ways of sharing the Gospel with people. This website, launched in 01/13, started off as an idea from God and now receives thousands of visitors each month from around the world. So if God has given you an idea on using the internet for His glory then get started!”  Admin The church is living in an age of tremendous evangelistic opportunity. As we venture into the social, digital era, the gospel can travel further and faster than ever before. If the church is a vast volunteer army of people carrying [More]
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned” (Is. 43:2, NIV). On Wednesday, Feb. 12, I drove from home to our church office for a meeting. The drive took me 15 minutes. I arrived at 12:25 p.m., knowing that the weather forecasters were calling for a significant storm to hit our area around 1 or 2 p.m. that afternoon. When I entered the office building, the air outside was icy cold and the [More]
“I firmly believe that Washington and the other founders were divinely appointed to lead this nation at its birth and to get us of to a favorable start. But what will our end be when we now have liars and scoundrels in charge.”  Admin George Washington (1732-1799) was providentially prepared for his role as the commander who would lead the bedraggled colonial army into victory over the superior British forces and then serve as the nation’s first president. His life was miraculously spared on numerous occasions, not least at the Battle of Fort Duquesne in 1755 during the French and [More]
“Now it appears we not only have to be concerned about eating GMO foods but also breathing in the toxic chemicals associated with their growing as well! It looks like we are all a part of a giant experiment with as yet unknown and likely serious consequences.”  Admin Thursday, February 20th 2014 at 1:00 pm Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder Roundup Weedkiller Found In 75% of Air and Rain Samples, Gov. Study Finds The GM farming system has made exposure to Roundup herbicide a daily fact of our existence, and according to the latest US Geological Survey study its probably [More]
“The news about GMO health risks just keep piling up.”  Admin The inclusion of genetically modified (GM) plants in the human diet has raised concerns about the transfer of transgenes from GM plants to humans. Contrary to the claims by biotech giants such as Monsanto, a report in PLOS One shows that that meal-derived DNA fragments are large enough to carry complete genes as they enter the human circulatory system. In some of the human samples studied the relative concentration of plant DNA was higher than the human DNA. The potential effects of horizontal gene transfer on human health have [More]
“I learned long ago to take with a grain of salt any comments by the “medical establishment” as to the value of nutritional supplements. You’ll see in this article how they used the results of a ridiculous study to try and discredit Vit D supplements while ignoring tons of research documenting its importance. Take charge of your health, do your own research and don’t let some authority figure flimflam you with bogus information.”  Admin Last November, researchers at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research1 declared that vitamin supplements are probably useless when it comes to preventing heart disease and/or [More]
“Excellent article on the importance of Vit K2 and the crucial role it plays in helping transport Calcium properly in the body. Since reading this I will be incorporating K2 in the supplements I take.”  Admin Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin most well known for the important role it plays in blood clotting. However, many do not realize that there are different kinds of vitamin K, and they are completely different. The health benefits of vitamin K2 go far beyond blood clotting, which is done by vitamin K1, and vitamin K2 also works synergistically with a number of other [More]
“I always enjoy reading pastor Chuck’s commentaries, he’s one of the few pastors who is willing to talk about the true state of the nation and what we will likely be facing in the near future as he does in this article.”  Admiin Matt Drudge, owner and publisher of the “Drudge Report,” recently tweeted a cryptic warning to his readers, “Have an exit plan.” Here is how Susan Duclos reported the story in BeforeItsNews.com: “The economic indicators are bad, markets, the weakening dollar, banks preventing large withdrawals, news of China banks halting all cash transfers, in fact, economies across the [More]
“Besides eating the marvelous apple you can combine it with other wonderful things like bananas, strawberries, tomatoes, pears, cantaloupes to make great super healthy smoothies. Here are hundreds of smoothie recipes with user ratings that you can make.”  Admin Folklore has always claimed an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Now we also know apples are fast-acting. Eating just one a day for a month can get you significant cardiovascular benefits. Researchers at Ohio State University found eating one apple every day for just four weeks can lower blood levels of oxidized low-density lipoprotein – commonly called the “bad” [More]
Free Copy of Tortured For Christ VOM_MediaDev February 13, 2014 It was the book that shocked the nation. After surviving 14 years in communist prisons, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand came to America to proclaim the trials and testimonies of our persecuted brothers and sisters. TFC_COVERIn Tortured for Christ, Wurmbrand tells of his imprisonment for his work with the underground church and introduces the work of The Voice of the Martyrs. More than 45 years later, The Voice of the Martyrs remains true to its calling to be a voice for persecuted Christians, to serve with them in their time of need [More]
“If you are looking for a truly Christian alternative to the problematic Girl Scouts you now have it in the American Heritage Girls. This difference between the two is quite apparent in the article.”  Admin A “Christ-centered” girls group, an alternative to the Girl Scouts, is taking up the issue of abortion. The group, American Heritage Girls, is now offering girls a “Respect Life” merit badge. The badge honors girls who are involved in pro-life activities, such as collecting diapers for a pregnancy care center. The badge also recognizes the girls’ involvement with the elderly and disabled. The Girl Scouts, [More]
Posted on: 02/13/14 How many kids will become guinea pigs for this unapproved new vaccine? When the CDC shouts “outbreak,” you better run for cover. Who knows what’s next? Maybe hazmat-suited doctors will be walking the streets keeping us quarantined at gunpoint (or should Dustin Hoffman be brought in to save the day)? What’s happening now in New Jersey and California is even worse than a fast-track drug approval. And only one group is smiling as a result of this media-hyped “outbreak” scare…the CDCs drug-making friends at Novartis. Our story begins with an unapproved drug getting rushed in from Europe [More]
9 Reasons Processed Foods May Make You Sick and Fat I have long stated that if you want to be optimally healthy, you should spend 90 percent of your food budget on whole foods, and only 10 percent on processed foods. Unfortunately most Americans currently do the opposite, and their health suffers as a result. With most foods, the closer they are to nature, the better. It’s possible to have some processed foods that are still healthy; for instance, frozen green beans have been “processed” as has butter, grass-fed ground beef, or freshly prepared almond butter. In most cases, however, [More]
“It’s sad but this reflects how much the secular culture is affecting the church than the other way around. Abortion, divorce, premarital sex,adultery are just as prevalent in the church as they are in secular society. For many the church has become little more than a social club rather than an institution which has any significant impact on their lives. ”  Admin A majority of single Christians are rejecting biblical doctrine by choosing to have sex before they are married. Sixty-one percent of self-identified Christian singles who answered a recent Christian Mingle survey said they are willing to have casual [More]
“Article talks about a recent study showing that fish oil, among its many benefits, may even help fight the onset of Alzheimer’s. I take 5 Vitacost Mega EFA mini gel capsules daily which supply 1000 mg EPA and 500 mg DHA. They are molecularly distilled to insure maximum purity and have a natural strawberry flavor added to eliminates any “fish” taste. I have no association with Vitacost, just really like this product because I notice sharper thinking and memory function when I take it.”  Admin I’ve written to you before about the vast health benefits of fish oil, and today [More]
“Fascinating testimony of a lesbian professors journey to God and how a pastors letter started it all.”  Admin The word Jesus stuck in my throat like an elephant tusk; no matter how hard I choked, I couldn’t hack it out. Those who professed the name commanded my pity and wrath. As a university professor, I tired of students who seemed to believe that “knowing Jesus” meant knowing little else. Christians in particular were bad readers, always seizing opportunities to insert a Bible verse into a conversation with the same point as a punctuation mark: to end it rather than deepen [More]
“Excellent article with a lot of interesting information on Monsanto, it’s shareholders meeting and how our government is doing all it can to push these frankenfoods world wide. You can read articles and watch videos on this site that document the dangers of GMO crops so why is all this evidence being ignored? What’s the real agenda behind the pushing of these crops everywhere?”  Admin At a January 2014 Monsanto shareholders’ meeting, two rather disturbing trends took place (though, admittedly, neither was entirely surprising). First, it was readily apparent that the company has no intention of taking steps to label [More]
Angie Smith, bestselling author and popular speaker, confesses in her new book, Chasing God, that she had been a Christian for more than 10 years when she experienced what she calls a “crisis of faith” — coming to the end of her own exhaustive efforts to understand God. Instead of getting to know Him for herself, Smith spent those years trying to figure God out, and using what others had to say about Him as her guidepost. “And maybe you, like me, have been spending your time going after the wrong objectives (without realizing it) and it’s left you weary [More]
“Excellent interview with a Cuban church leader about the persecution they are undergoing and how they cope with it. Will such harsh persecution come to the US, looking at how things are going in this country that may very well happen, it would be advisable to prepare for it just in case.”  Admin This week I spoke with a Cuban church leader about the challenges and persecution being faced by our brothers and sisters in that island nation so close to our own border. Here are some highlights of our conversation: Every block in every city in Cuba has a [More]
If you eat eggs, the variety you choose can make a big difference in nutrition. Conventional, organic, free-range or pastured? Terminology can be confusing or downright misleading. Mother Earth News decided to cut through the hearsay by testing pastured eggs to see if they lived up to their reputation as a higher quality food. The results may surprise you. Read More  Searching for Good Eggs: Which Type is Best – Organic, Free-Range, Pastured or Cage-Free? – Healthy Debates | Healthy Debates.
“All the more reason to drink RO (reverse osmosis) purified water.” Admin Harvard’s announcement continues: The average loss in IQ was reported as a standardized weighted mean difference of 0.45, which would be approximately equivalent to seven IQ points for commonly used IQ scores with a standard deviation of 15.   Some studies suggested that even slightly increased fluoride exposure could be toxic to the brain. Thus, children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas. The children studied were up to 14 years of age, but the investigators speculate that any toxic effect on brain development may have happened earlier, [More]
“I take 5 Vitacost Mega EFA mini gel capsules daily which supply 1000 mg EPA and 500 mg DHA. They are molecularly distilled to insure maximum purity and have a natural strawberry flavor added to eliminates any “fish” taste. I have no association with Vitacost, just really like this product because I notice sharper thinking and memory function when I take it.”  Admin Omega-3 rich fish oil is one of the most well-researched nutrients on the market. Its wide ranging health benefits have been repeatedly proven, and animal-based omega-3 fats are one of the few supplements I recommend for virtually [More]
The list of government recommendations on healthy and unhealthy foods over the last several decades have been as reliable as trying to pick the right numbers on a lottery ticket. There are numerous examples of foods we were told not to consume, but are now at the top of grocery lists thanks to a savvy public who are no longer fooled by irresponsible recommendations based on corporate greed. We have become more informed on the downfalls of short-sighted advice from old-school nutritionists, who really had very little understanding of nutrition at all. Here are the top 5 things we now [More]
On par with Stalin’s farm collectivization program of the 1930s, Monsanto’s push (to the tune of $8.8 million in lobby bribes in 2008 alone) for the Food Safety Modernization Act is already achieving the nightmares of its worst critics. Introduced in 2008 by Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) as HR-875, the reworked FSMA was signed into law in January 2011 by President Obama. DeLauro’s husband, Stanley Greenberg, served as a consultant to Monsanto through his strategic political consulting firm, Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research. (GQRR also advised Tony Blair and Bill Clinton during their campaigns.) Nothing in FSMA addresses the food safety [More]
A Gary Null Production WAR ON HEALTH: The FDA’s Cult of Tyranny Introduced by the director (from his speech at the world premiere in New York City, June 15, 2012) In the near future, American medical practice may change dramatically for the worse. No longer will maximal dose natural supplements—vitamins, natural compounds, and scientifically proven medicinal herbs—be available over the counter in local health and grocery stores. Holistic practice, which relies upon non-prescription natural treatments instead of Big Pharma drugs prescribed life-long, will diminish. American healthcare will be imprisoned, patients will be forced to abide by a single medical paradigm [More]
Looking for an alternative to toothpastes loaded with sulfates and other toxic ingredients such as fluoride? Mainstream science has now fully recognized the ‘miracle’ powers of coconut oil to not only combat tooth decay and drastically improve overall mouth health, but also to specifically crush a yeast known as candida albicans that can lead to deadly infections. This ‘news’ likely comes as nothing more than further confirmation for many, as natural health practicioners have been recommending coconut oil for years. Read More  Coconut Oil Is Now Called a “Miracle” Dental Bacteria Killer – NewsSum.
“One more study showing just how unsafe GMO crops are yet all this data is being ignored and these frankenfoods are being pushed on everyone. Clearly there is another agenda at work here and it has nothing to do with our health and safety.” Admin An important new manuscript accepted for publication in the journal Food Chemistry disproves the widely held notion that GMO crops are ‘substantially equivalent’ to their traditional counterparts; a notion which forms the basis for national and international agencies – including the U.S. FDA, the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization [More]