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“It seems most likely that this is being orchestrated from the top i.e. the Dept. of Education since it’s going on apparently all over the country. I’m sure Mr. O, our Islam loving prez, is all for it.”  Admin Islamic indoctrination of students in US public schools has transformed from a few isolated cases into “a nationwide epidemic that has been brewing for a while.” According to Cece Heil of the religious group American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), the Islamic indoctrination of American students is now happening everywhere throughout the country. She said in the last several years, [More]
Today marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Korean Workers’ Party in 1945. North Korea has been gearing up for huge celebrations. The party has ruled uninterrupted since then and has established an ideological stranglehold on the country. North Korea is a police state in which dissent is punishable by death. According to the International Coalition to Stop Crimes against Humanity in North Korea (ICNK), it’s not an anniversary which deserves to be marked. “Given the decades of horrific rights abuses committed in the name of Korean Workers’ Party, this 70th anniversary should be mourned, not celebrated,” said [More]
Parents in Tennessee have put their governor, legislature and state education department on notice that they want an investigation into pro-Islam bias in the textbooks and other materials used in public schools there. The curricula violate the state law and constitution, and the U.S. Constitution, the parents contend. Laurie Cardoza-Moore, president of Proclaiming Justice to The Nations, noted that concerned citizens have been trying to get the problem addressed for several years. But on Thursday, she asserted enough is enough. She issued a call for Gov. Bill Haslam, the Legislature and the Tennessee Department of Education to launch a “full [More]
“The whole world is awash in debt, governments, corporations and individual consumers. You don’t have to be an economic genius to know this giant debt bubble will eventually have to burst.”  Admin The warnings are getting louder. Is anybody listening? For months, I have been documenting on my website how the global financial system is absolutely primed for a crisis, and now some of the most important financial institutions in the entire world are warning about the exact same thing. For example, this week I was stunned to see that the Telegraph had published an article with the following ominous [More]
“I posted about this plan last month, I can only assume the government got some “heat” about it and decided to drop it.”  Admin A U.K. government plan, uncovered by the London Telegraph, to ensure that religious teaching conforms to “British values” through a national registry of religious leaders has been dropped abruptly. As part of the government’s “anti-extremism” program, the leaders would have been subject to government-specified training and security checks. “British values” are defined as ideas and actions that are democratic and non-discriminatory. WND reported last month when Ciaran Kelly, a spokesman for the Christian Institute, warned, “If [More]
In his speech following the recent Oregon shootings, Barack Obama hinted that he favors gun confiscation in the United States and that he would like to see America follow the examples of Australia and Great Britain. Breitbart.com reports, “When President Obama spoke in reaction to the heinous October 1 attack on Umpqua Community College, he went beyond his usual calls for more gun control and suggested instead that America consider following the path blazed by Australia and Great Britain. “In the mid-1990s Australia and Great Britain both instituted what were virtually complete bans on firearm possession. “ Obama referenced the [More]
The Focus on the Family-sponsored “Bring Your Bible to School Day” kicked off Thursday, 10/08/15, with the level of expected participants figured at around 100,000. Last year, the event drew in 8,000, the Blaze reported. The initiative is billed to “encourage public school students from kindergarten to college to express their faith freely,” the nonprofit said, the Blaze reported. And so far, Twitter has exploded with pictures and testimonies of participants. Read More: 100,000 students bring Bibles to classrooms
 A Colorado university is prohibiting a donor from putting Bible references on his nameplate despite his generous donation. Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado, constructed a new campus athletic facility where sponsors could have a personalized nameplate placed on a locker in the football locker room. Former student and football player Michael Lucas wanted Colossians 3:23 and Micah 5:9 engraved on a nameplate for his $25,000 donation. The school denied his request to inscribe the Bible reference although prior to Lucas’ request no restrictions had been named other than length of the text. Read More: $25K donor told Bible [More]
In his comment on the mass shootings at the Oregon community college, President Obama said: “This has become routine.” So have police shootings of unarmed and unresisting Americans. So have numerous other undesirable and deplorable happenings, such as the foreclosure on the homes of millions of Americans, while the “banks too big to fail” are bailed out with trillions of dollars, and such as foreign policy lies that have destroyed seven countries, bringing the US and Europe millions of refugees. In addition there are the foreign policy lies that have brought the US and Europe into conflict with Russia, and [More]
Bookstore in Stockholm suburb had its windows smashed by rock-throwing refugees. Cars were torched and buildings burned but a media blackout is in place in the U.S., which plans to step up its own importation of Muslim refugees under President Barack Obama’s recently announced plan “What’s happening in Sweden is a preview of what will be happening all over Europe eventually.”  Admin Sweden, seen by many American progressives as the model of multiculturalism and tolerance, has erupted into an orgy of violence as gangs of rioting immigrants took to the streets for a fifth consecutive night Tuesday in Stockholm. The [More]
“In the article is a video of the interview you can watch. This is the dream of every corrupt politician and tin pot dictator on the planet. No more mass disclosure of their criminal doings. You’ll now get your reporting from basically controlled government sources. Welcome to “1984”.”  Admin In perhaps the best interview Matt Drudge has done in years, the reclusive founder of the Drudge Report appeared on the Alex Jones Show where he revealed his belief that independent media on the internet will soon be a target of government regulation. Warning that the very foundation of the free [More]
Now about those so-called “scientists” that want those who do not believe the “climate narrative” prosecuted — can we go after them under 42 USC 1983 and 18 USC 242 for attempting to deprive persons of their rights under color of law?   A MATHEMATICAL discovery by Perth-based electrical engineer Dr David Evans may change everything about the climate debate, on the eve of the UN climate change conference in Paris next month. A former climate modeller for the Government’s Australian Greenhouse Office, with six degrees in applied mathematics, Dr Evans has unpacked the architecture of the basic climate model which underpins [More]
“If you look at the picture above the answer to one of the basic beliefs statements is Muslims worship the same God as Jews and Christians, which of course is a blatant falsehood. They are just trying to brainwash the kids into thinking Muslims, Jews and Christians are just one big happy family all worshiping the same God.”  Admin Public schools in Georgia have been teaching young children about the basic beliefs of Islam, and their parents are furious about it. Hundreds of parents plan to confront the Board of Education of the Walton County school district on Oct. 10 [More]
“I’m afraid the Archbishop is clueless about Islam and it’s ultimate goals, he needs to read the Koran and see what it says about peaceful co-existence with other religions … convert or die. Good reader comments after the article.”  Admin The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby has spoken out against the forces of secularism, on the one hand, seeking to force religion out of the public sphere, and extremism, on the other, seeking to replace mainstream religion with a radicalised version twisted to fit their own agenda. In a hard hitting speech, he also urged Muslim leaders to do more [More]
Officials in Oregon have moved to take the home and/or other assets of a Christian couple as they are refusing to pay $135,000 in emotional damages to two lesbian women that filed a complaint after the couple declined to make a cake at their bakery for their “wedding” ceremony. As previously reported, in February, a judge with the Oregon BOLI declared Aaron and Melissa Klein of Sweet Cakes by Melissa guilty of discrimination for declining to make the cake because of their Christian convictions, thus moving the matter into the sentencing phase. Read More: Officials Move to Take Christian Bakers’ [More]
 The Secretary General proclaimed this even though he is reportedly fully aware that championing the radical agenda will continue to stir internal tension and division between member nations. However, Ban conceded that his mission to advance LGBT rights on a global scale has been met with opposition, but pledged that his “personal diplomacy” of promoting homosexual behavior in numerous nations will not abate.“ Mostly I have not been successful,” the Secretary General regretfully announced at a special event Tuesday on the sideline of the General Assembly in front of cheering advocates and delegates at the U.N. headquarters, according to C-Fam. [More]
“It appears Chancellor Merkel has lost her mind. As the article notes immigrants with families back home will want to bring them in which could swell the immigrant levels to many millions creating a massive financial burden and social chaos. This is utter madness.”  Admin The official government forecast for so-called asylum seekers arriving in Germany has risen again to 1.5 million, according to internal documents seen by Bild, Germany’s top-selling daily. The new 1.5 million figure represents a remarkable increase from the previous official 800,000 figure announced in mid-August – just one and a half months ago. What has [More]
“I can’t think of any other way to describe this other than a blatant act of treason. Mr. O has demonstrated himself as an enemy of our constitution. I hope I’m wrong but it would not surprise me at all if he doesn’t have a plan to declare martial law before elections next year based on some staged event to keep himself in power.”  Admin On Wednesday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced at the United Nations that her office would be working in several American cities to form what she called the Strong Cities Network (SCN), a law enforcement initiative [More]
“After reading this Hillary is the last person you would want in the WH. She comes across as a deranged ego-maniac. For more horrific info on the Clinton’s and their evil doings, CLICK HERE ”  Admin “‘Good morning, ma’am,” a member of the uniformed Secret Service once greeted Hillary Clinton. “F— off,” she replied. That exchange is one among many that active and retired Secret Service agents shared with Ronald Kessler, author of “First Family Detail,” a compelling look at the intrepid personnel who shield America’s presidents and their families — and those whom they guard. Kessler writes flatteringly and [More]
Shemitah 2015 has come to a close, and author Jonathan Cahn shares updates on its impact on America and the state of world affairs
Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin both spoke at the United Nations on Monday, with Putin reiterating a call he made in September for an international coalition against jihad terror and the Islamic State in particular. Obama again rebuffed that call, although this time he left the door slightly open to some kind of cooperation with Russia. The sticking point is Bashar Assad — and the differences that Obama and Putin have over Assad’s regime demonstrate yet again that when it comes to the jihad threat, Putin is assessing the situation realistically while Obama is operating in the realm of politically [More]
 A conservative columnist says the White House has doubled down on its efforts to use massive immigration for political advantage. Robert Knight is a senior fellow at The American Civil Rights Union as well as a columnist for OneNewsNow and The Washington Times. In a recent column, he pointed out that on September 17 – traditionally known as “Constitution Day” – the White House chose to highlight it as “Citizenship Day,” announcing a national campaign by the Department of Homeland Security to naturalize legal immigrants and turn them into millions of new voters by 2016. Knight tells OneNewsNow that Democrats [More]
“Indeed, Common Core is a designed educational disaster as the article notes.”  Admin They are lowering the standards in public education again—this time to accommodate the demands of Common Core. It is bad enough that advocates of Common Core are encouraging formal instruction in pornography and Islam in the public schools. But what is even worse is that school officials are now lowering the standards for what constitutes “acceptable competence” in reading, writing, and arithmetic. Presumably this will allow more time for Common Core topics. Apparently since the schools will now be devoting more class time to teaching pornography and [More]
President Obama, who has been trying to reframe the Constitution’s protection of religious rights to the narrower “freedom to worship” rather than “freedom of religion” went a step further over the weekend in an address to a homosexual festival. He said at the Democratic National Committee’s LGBT Gala in New York that the Constitution’s protections for “gay” rights trump the protection for religious rights. Read More: Obama: ‘Gay’ trumps religion in Constitution
Is Noah’s Ark still hiding somewhere today, waiting to be discovered? A documentary coming to theaters nationwide next week explores the ongoing search for the world’s most famous vessel and documents the dangers involved in the centuries-old quest. According to the Bible, Noah constructed an enormous wooden ark to house his family and representatives of the different animal kinds during the Great Flood. After the floodwaters subsided, the ark came to rest “upon the mountains of Ararat,” according to Genesis 8:4. Today, Mount Ararat is the tallest mountain in Turkey, with a towering, snow-capped summit and an elevation of nearly [More]
I believe it is important to give an update. I have given warning concerning judgment. I have said that I believe America is rapidly advancing toward calamity—that we have crossed the line in our apostasy and defiance of God. I’ve warned that if America continues in its present course, if there’s no return to God, its crown as head of nations will be removed and that I believe a great shaking is coming to this nation and the world. As for when these things are to take place, I have from the beginning always issued a strong caution, in spoken [More]
“This article was posted on 09/22/15. We are living in momentous days, if you don’t know Jesus as Savior you can, click here.”  Admin At sundown, we begin Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. This is the highest holy day on the Jewish calendar, and one of great Biblical and historic and cultural importance to my people. I so wish I was home with Lynn and our sons in Israel tonight. Instead, I am in the U.S. speaking at a number of events, from Dallas to San Luis Obispo to Washington, D.C. to Toronto. I am speaking about the darkness that [More]