Common Core Forcing Schools to Lower Their Already Low Standards : 

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“Indeed, Common Core is a designed educational disaster as the article notes.”  Admin

They are lowering the standards in public education again—this time to accommodate the demands of Common Core. It is bad enough that advocates of Common Core are encouraging formal instruction in pornography and Islam in the public schools. But what is even worse is that school officials are now lowering the standards for what constitutes “acceptable competence” in reading, writing, and arithmetic. Presumably this will allow more time for Common Core topics. Apparently since the schools will now be devoting more class time to teaching pornography and Islam, there will be less time available to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic. It seems that Common Core advocates don’t care if American school children are illiterate when they graduate from high school as long as they are well-schooled in the Five Pillars of Islam and fully prepared to be sexual perverts who vote Democrat.

The most recent example of watering down public school standards to accommodate the demands of Common Core can be found in Ohio.

Read More: Common Core Forcing Schools to Lower Their Already Low Standards : #patriotupdate @patriotupdate