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“Won’t have long to wait to see how this pans out.”  Admin Get ready – because the best of times are over and the worst of times may have just begun. That is the assessment of a Florida mathematician who has studied the biblical Shemitah cycle as it applies to the financial markets. Thomas Pound is an educator and mathematician who applies his statistical wizardry to the markets. The Dow fell another 468 points, or 3 percent, Tuesday, providing fresh evidence for investors the sell-off which began in August was no mirage. It is likely to continue in September. Only [More]
“This is another example of Mr. O’s harebrained socialist/Marxist policies at work. The school systems were bad enough before this and now they’re even worse.”  Admin A recent poll conducted by Education Next is revealing some interesting public attitudes about federal directives that force schools to treat black and Hispanic students differently than whites. In recent years, the Obama administration has forced large metropolitan school districts like the Los Angeles Unified School District to rework suspension and student discipline policies to counter the trend of black and Hispanic students serving more suspensions than whites. Several districts that complied with Obama’s [More]
This special edition of The Glazov Gang was hosted by Ari David, the host of the Ari David Show Podcast, and joined by Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center who writes the blog The Point at Frontpagemag.com. Daniel came on the show to discuss The Catastrophic Iran Deal, analyzing the Radical-in-Chief’s dirty work for the Mullahs (starts at 6:45 mark). The discussion was preceded by a dialogue on The Clinton Scandal and Cover-up, in which Daniel unveils the endless lies of the Clintons. Don’t miss it! Watch: Daniel Greenfield on “The Catastrophic Iran Deal” — [More]
Facebook has blocked a Christian-themed advertisement for violating its speech regulations — apparently because it mentions Christianity and Jesus, according to a Christian advocate. Sylvia, proprietor of the group “A Spiritual Journey With Jesus, The Divine Mercy,” tried to post an advertisement last week promoting her movement to encourage Christians to pray daily at 3 pm, which the Bible says is the exact time that Christ died on the cross. The blocked post, which contained no profanity, simply told Sylvia’s story of coming to Christianity after a period of depression in her life that led to thoughts of suicide. Facebook, [More]
“Well it looks like another banker’s war is in the making the end result of which will be a disaster.”  Admin The Chinese are in the process of displacing the monopoly of the US dollar. They are dropping their US Treasury bonds, stockpiling gold reserves, and opening regional distribution banks for their own national currency. This will give them easier access to capital markets and insulate them from financial manipulation by Washington and Wall Street. Fearing the eclipsing of the US dollar and the Bretton Woods system by a rival financial architecture the US response has been an attempt to [More]
“The article contains a large dose of reality concerning the true state of US debt, inflation and more.”  Admin US bonds are risky due to America’s actual debt of $210 trillion: Laurence Kotlikoff: U S Treasury Bonds One of the Riskiest Securities in the World, Financial System Will Collapse Just a Matter of When Where can you get a safe investment? Boston University Economics Professor Laurence Kotlikoff says, forget U.S. Treasury bonds. “I think they are one of the riskiest securities in the world because interest rates are likely to go up. I think the Fed is going to have [More]
At least 800 extremists recruited by Islamic State or groups affiliated to the al-Qaeda are prepared “to do anything” to launch attacks in Europe, media reports said today. The Islamist fighters who have returned from Syria or Iraq are preparing to launch attacks in Europe, The Times reported citing Spanish counter terrorism officers. The Spanish officers referred to the number of jihadists residing on the continent who have been recruited by Islamic State or groups affiliated to al-Qaeda. Another 350 or so Britons have returned from fighting in the war zone, with security sources acknowledging that some are plotting attacks [More]
French security forces are bracing for the eventuality of civil unrest and fear there could be a missile strike on a passenger airliner or a September 11-style attack, according to sources close to French intelligence. “Airlines have been warned of a possible attack on a plane with an anti-tank missile,” a source told The Telegraph. “But pilots are unsure how to take evasive action.” After Friday’s thwarted attempt to massacre passengers on an Amsterdam-Paris train and a series of terrorist attacks and attempted killings in France this year, President François Hollande warned the nation to prepare for more violence, considered [More]
On the front cover of Washington State’s August 2015 “Inlander” magazine, Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich is shown hands on hips standing on top of the “Don’t Tread On Me” (Gadsden) flag. The title of the article is “Daring To Tread.” The sheriff and at least one of his deputies have verbalized opinions that “constitutionalists” are threats to the sheriff’s office, the federal government, and to the country itself. Sheriff Knezovich even went so far as to compare “constitutionalists” with the Sunni Muslim terror group ISIS. The deputy indicated that the presence of armed “constitutionalists” in the county was the [More]
A surge in migrants, many of them refugees from Syria, hit Hungary’s southern border on Tuesday, passing through gaps in an unfinished barrier to a Europe groping for answers to its worst refugee crisis since World War II. Nearing the end of a flight from war and poverty, they walked around or over coils of barbed wire strung out along Hungary’s 175-km (109-mile) frontier with Serbia, children hoisted on shoulders, bags in hand.” The wave has definitely reached us now,” said Mark Kekesi, head of a migration NGO called MigSzol Szeged. “There have never been this many of them, and [More]
“When is the last time you ever heard a political candidate talk like the Donald. Like him or not you’ll always know where he stands even on the most hot button issues.”  Admin It’s not just illegal aliens and anchor babies who are on Donald Trump’s mind these days. The Republican candidate for president says there’s “an assault on Christianity” both in America and abroad, and he’s blasting President Obama for doing nothing to help believers being decapitated by ISIS. “They’re being beheaded in Syria! They’re being beheaded,” Trump exclaimed Friday on Alabama’s Yellowhammer Radio. “They’ve been abandoned by Obama [More]
I fully realize that most of us Americans cannot fathom a world in which food cannot be obtained from the supermarket or fuel cannot be obtained from the corner gas station or that the power grid could be offline for more than a few hours. Hardly anyone in the national media will even entertain the idea that anything catastrophic could ever happen in this country that would disrupt our lives for more than a few days. Additionally, the vast majority of pastors and churches refuse to deal with any of these issues and do their best to keep people comfortably [More]
A public high school in San Francisco has introduced a “gay” history that may become a model for schools nationwide, if homosexual-rights groups have their way. “LGBT Studies” at the Ruth Asawa School of the Arts in San Francisco is regarded as a valid preparatory class that can be used to fill the requirements for attending California’s public university system. The creator of the course says it will cover “terminology,” the history of various LGBT leaders, portrayals of LGBT people and “transgender issues.” The class may be just the beginning. The Human Rights Campaign, an influential homosexual-rights group, is using [More]
Europe is on the verge of descending into utter chaos. Reuters reported that “thousands of migrants stormed across Macedonia’s border on Saturday, overwhelming security forces who threw stun grenades and lashed out with batons before apparently abandoning a bid to stem their flow through the Balkans to western Europe.” These thousands of Muslim “refugees,” most of them from the jihad hotspots of Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, have been pouring into Greece and the Balkans in huge numbers for some time now. But they do not, of course, want to stay in Greece, Macedonia and Serbia. They want to reach the [More]
 Over the past two years, countless stories of church demolitions and cross removals have come out of China. Estimates vary, but the total figure of churches affected is believed to be somewhere between 1,500 and 1,700 – a move that campaigners have branded unprecedented, or at least not seen since the harrowing days of the Cultural Revolution. The demolition campaign began in Zhejiang province, on the east coast of China, in late 2013. The provincial government had launched a three-year ‘Three Rectifications and One Demolition’ campaign in March of that year, supposedly with the aim of exposing and removing “illegal [More]
“How bizarre are things getting nowadays, pretty bizarre and the victims of this misguided foolishness will be kids.”  Admin Police and local government agencies in the United Kingdom are distributing a “pioneering” document for “empowering teachers to encourage and support” transgenderism in schools at the “earliest stages” after a four-year-old child identified as transgender. The “School Transgender Guidance” document has been distributed to all schools in the Cornwall area, and been named as “best practice” by the UK government’s Department of Education. It says transgenderism can potentially be identified in those as young as two, and discusses powerful, irreversible and [More]
“Since Mr. O is such an ardent admirer of Islam perhaps that’s why he is apparently indifferent to the plight of persecuted Christians.”  Admin The American Center for Law and Justice is urging President Barack Obama to defend Christians who are suffering intense persecution from Islamic State terrorists, especially by naming an ambassador to fill the vacant mission of Special Envoy to Promote Religious Freedom of Religious Minorities in the Near East and South Central Asia. The ACLJ has drafted a petition appealing to the Obama Administration to act swiftly to stop the genocide of Christians and other minorities in [More]
“It will be quite interesting to see what happens the rest of 2015 and next year.”  Admin Pastor Mark Biltz, discoverer of the blood-moons phenomenon and the author of “Blood Moons: Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs,” says Christians today are being given signs from the heavens. In Biltz’s opinion, the current sequence of blood moons “is a sign for today’s Christians as judgment always begins in the house of God.” “I believe the current blood moons also signal the end of an era,” he said. Biltz notes there’s something else unique about this tetrad: its convergence with biblical holy days. [More]
Thousands of Americans took to the streets and public sidewalks outside of their local Planned Parenthood facility on Saturday to demand that the federal government defund the abortion giant. According to reports, Christians and other pro-lifers gathered at over 320 locations across the nation, holding signs, praying and calling out to women not to murder their unborn child. Some rallies also featured special speakers that urged Americans to rise up against the shedding of innocent blood. “We want to draw attention to the injustice of legalized abortion,” Monica Miller, director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, told the Washington Post. [More]
A prominent atheist activist organization is seeking to “permanently bench” university chaplains nationwide out of its belief that their presence suggests the endorsement of Christianity at secular institutions. The Wisconsin-based Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) released a 25-page report this week in which it takes issue with the idea of football chaplains, stating that “Christian coaches and chaplains are converting football fields into mission fields.” Read More:  Atheist Activist Group Seeks ‘Permanent Benching’ of University Football Chaplains Nationwide | Christian News Network
Christians targeted for their faith at work was the topic that took center stage at an Iowa religious freedom rally Friday, where 2,500 crammed into the Iowa Events Center to support eight believers who were persecuted for not affirming homosexuality. GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) called the religious persecution spreading across America a “war on faith” as a speaker at the rally. “There is a war on faith in America today, in our lifetime,” Cruz told religious freedom supporters at the rally, MSNBC.com reports. “Did we ever imagine that in the land of the free and home of [More]
“Excellent primer of the 3 stages of Jihad. I encourage you to watch it. Which stage is your country in?”  Admin David Wood explains the three stages of jihad and how Muslims use the concept of the takkiya to lie and deceive Westerners so that they can keep defending the cause of Islam. Many Mohammedans or Mahoundians as I sometimes call those people, both those living in the Western world and those who live in other parts of the worldre quick to point to passages such as Qur’an 109:6 (“You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion”) [More]
“Well it appears Mr. O has sold us down the river once again with another treaty filled with secret agreements which undoubtedly do not benefit us.”  Admin The charge made by some members of the US Congress that the US-backed Iran nuclear deal is flawed has just been bolstered by the revelation by Iran itself that its agents coerced and threatened to physically harm the head of the United Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) if he publicly discloses the secret side deals made by Iran with the IAEA. IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano met with members of the US [More]
A British city council member has told street preachers that he supports their right to speak on public streets, as long as they avoid one particular topic. “Preachers do have a right to be out on the streets, but I do not think it right if they are talking about morality,” Pat Karney, a member of the Manchester council, said recently, according to the Christian Institute, a U.K. non-profit. The institute, which long has worked to support the rights of street preachers, told Karney in a letter it even “has funded several legal cases where local authorities or the police [More]
 The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has been releasing illegal immigrants with violent criminal records back into local U.S. communities, where they have often gone on to commit violent crimes against American citizens, according to new disclosures by a leading lawmaker and local law enforcement agencies. Rep. Matt Salmon (R., Ariz.) and law enforcement officials petitioned the Obama administration on Wednesday to end a policy that enables illegal immigrants with criminal records to be released back into the United States. Arizona law enforcement officials announced on Tuesday that three illegal aliens with violent criminal records had been released by DHS [More]
The huge randy spiders are setting up residence in homes across the UK in order to find a warm and dry place to mate as autumn approaches. The giant house spider is one of the biggest spiders in Europe and females can lay up to hundreds of eggs. The domestic invaders can grow as big as a mouse once they have reached their maximum adult size. Spider expert Chris Ayre predicts the giant house spiders will flock to British homes this month in a bid to take shelter from harsh weather and to start breeding. The spiders, whose painful bite [More]
This week’s Glazov Gang was joined by Ingrid Carlqvist, the Editor-in-Chief of Dispatch International. She came on the show to discuss “Refugee Children” Invading Sweden, analyzing how the Left’s destruction of a nation is taking on increasingly surreal forms. Don’t miss it! Watch  Ingrid Carlqvist on “Refugee Children” Invading Sweden — on The Glazov Gang | Jamie Glazov Productions.