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Jerry Bergman has taught biology, genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, anthropology, geology, and microbiology at Northwest State College in Archbold OH for over 17 years. Now completing his 9th degree, Dr Bergman is a graduate of Medical College of Ohio, Wayne State University in Detroit,…
Ken’s emphasis is on the relevance and authority of the book of Genesis to the life of the average Christian, and how compromise on Genesis has opened a dangerous door regarding how the culture and church view biblical authority www.answersingenesis.org
Mike Licona debates Bart Ehrman a second time on the question “Can Historians Prove Jesus Rose from the Dead?” This debate took place at Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, NC. RisenJesus.com
Dr. Steven Austin explores supervolcanoes such as the one at Yellowstone that show amazing catastrophic geological processes. These processes quickly produce many geologic features that were thought have taken millions of years by those who doubt the Bible.
Many historical accounts of sightings and interactions with dinosaurs as well as ancient drawings & sculptures, cave drawings and other art. Very cool.
www.icr.org Neanderthal Play List www.youtube.com GoodScienceForYou has replied to a comment on How DNA Destroys Evolution by Mike Riddle: www.youtube.com The evidence completely conforms, all of it. The rise in genetically caused diseases are clear and the DNA supports that and ONLY that. You are in denial and have you ego attached to this crap. It owns you and so you will perpetuate this lie and keep on aiding in the extinction of humans out or your ignorance. GoodScienceForYou has replied to a comment on How DNA Destroys Evolution by Mike Riddle: “You have neither and your conclusions are not [More]
This video file is a 55 min seminar by Mike Riddle recorded October 2003 in Bellevue, WA. The program covers many biblical and scientific reasons to believe in creation. It also discusses why evolution and the Bible are not compatible. The talk is based on his book of the same title that may be downloaded here www.nwcreation.net The PowerPoint file used in this program is available and may be viewed online or downloaded for personal use. A professional-quality DVD of this program may also be purchased. Topics include: Overview of the two models 7 biblical truths that declare the Bible [More]
Own the DVD today… www.theTRUTHgroup.com The Creation Store… http Mike Riddle… www.answersingenesis.org AnswersInGenesis… www.AnswersinGenesis.org
What are the evidences for a worldwide flood some 5000 years ago? Is it even logical? Mike, a former Marine officer, Microsoft Executive and decathlon champion uses awesome graphics to show you how to boldly defend the most recognized of all the Old Testament miracles. Visit Mike‘s website at www.Train2Equip.org
Excellent! Everything you need to know when defending the Biblical account of the worldwide flood in Genesis. Great graphics, great info! Visit Mike’s website at www.Train2Equip.org
Creation speaker Mike Riddle talks about DNA, the information contained therein and how creation provides a better explanation than evolution.
Mike Riddle (2003) – Astronomy and the Bible nwcreation.net This is one of the most difficult topics for Christians to understand and accept. All we hear is the big bang and that the universe is billions of years old. This lecture separates speculation from facts. Topics include: An understanding of the two models of history Evaluating evidence for the age of the universe Stellar formation the Bible and physics Evidence for and against the big bang The redshift of starlight and what it means The Bible and the time of creation. This video file is a 56 min seminar by [More]
Too many Christians take a warm view, if not fully embrace, the godless theory of evolution. Mike, the top presenter at Answers in Genesis, shows in no uncertain terms why it is impossible for a Christian to believe in anything other than a six day creation. Mike Riddle is President of Creation Training Initiative. Visit his website here www.train2equip.com
Mike puts the evolution theory to shame, clearly showing the “impossibility of the odds.” Visit Mike’s Equipping and Training Christians Ministry – train2equip.com There are over 2000 types of amino acids and only 20 are used in life. Every experiment we have ever done has always ended up with an equal number of left handed and right handed amino acids. A mixture of left handed and right handed amino acids is a poison to life. Each body is full of only left handed amino acids. The tendency is always to bond the two and continue away from life; not toward [More]
Donald Chittick – The Dinosaur Puzzle (Seattle Creative Conference 2004) www.nwcreation.net When did the dinosaurs live? What happened to the dinosaurs? Why don’t we have dinosaurs today—or do we? This video file is a 48 minute seminar by Donald Chittick, which was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference July 2004 at Mill Creek Foursquare Church. Download Free Handout for use with this seminar. (MSWord Document): www.nwcreation.net About the Speaker: Dr. Donald E. Chittick received a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon, and a Bachelor of Science from Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. His resume includes [More]
Donald Chittick – Puzzle of Ancient Man (Seattle Creation Conference 2004) www.nwcreation.net If man evolved up from an animal as evolutionism teaches, then ancient civilizations should be “primitive.” However, science/archaeology indicates that ancient cultures were technologically advanced, perhaps even rivaling or surpassing our own technical achievements. This video file is a 47 minute seminar by Donald Chittick based on his book of the same title, which was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference July 2004 at Mill Creek Foursquare Church. Download Free StudyGuide for use with this seminar (MSWord Document): www.nwcreation.net About the Speaker: Dr. Donald E. Chittick received a [More]
Seminar by Larry Vardiman, Ph.D. Seattle Creation Conference, 2005. Description: Radioisotope dating has become the standard method for estimating the age of the Earth. Yet, the millions and billions of years estimated by this method conflicts with the thousands of years that the Bible indicates to be the age of the Earth. An eight-year research project designed to explore the claims of radioisotope dating for an old earth and to offer a young-earth alternative will be completed by the Institute for Creation Research and the Creation Research Society in 2005. The RATE project has found several major pieces of evidence [More]
Genesis (1. The Basic Book) – David Pawson – Unlocking the Old Testament Popular Bible teacher David Pawson takes a wide-angle look at each book of God’s word. For more on the topic of evolution please see the Phillip E. Johnson playlist: www.youtube.com and Dr. David Berlinski’s thoughts on the topic: www.youtube.com Also check out the website: creation.com davidpawsondownloads.com
Traditionally ancient historians have used records of the reign’s of Egyptian kings as the basis of their chronology. This has lead many to believe that the Old Testament gives an unreliable record of history. However recent evidence suggests that a number of Egyptian kings reigned simultaneously rather than consecutively. Mark Woolmer explains this is taken into account striking similarities are found between the Egyptian and Hebrew records and new light is shed on archaeological discoveries. This is a fascinating exploration of the current debate in ancient history. Egyptian Clay Tablets Found – 5000 Years Old – www.youtube.com Edinburgh Creation Group [More]
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel: CANSWERSTV) & Steve Morrison, Ph.D, director of Research for Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (Steve is the creator of our 3 websites: BIBLEQUERY.ORG, HISTORYCART.COM & MUSLIMHOPE.COM) analyze the supposed “truth” claims of Dan Brown’s best selling fiction book, “The Da Vinci Code” (which has also been made into a movie). Brown’s “tall tale” novel sold over 40 million copies and he has an estimated worth of around $56 million. Part of Brown’s book’s success is due to its outrageous claims such as: 1. Until 325 [More]
Lee Strobel introduces the case for the reliability of the Bible as a historical document
“The ‘great cause’ of the apostles died on the cross.” Hear Josh as he explains the Jewish teaching of the Messiah.
Josh introduces the debate of scholars towards the authorship of the Pentateuch. Jesus Himself quotes Moses 16 times and attributed to him the Pentateuch, but what about the dates and the development of the writing system?
The civilization of Ebla existed 1000 years before Moses and existed for 800 years as a great civilization. The finds from this excavation site revealed two distinct languages used during the reign of Ebla.
Josh discusses the historical reliability of the Old Testament.
Email: Rechristianitizing@sonicandpals.com The very fast and more or less a summary of the mass of evidence of the historical validity of the bible. Again, Josh McDowell’s Evidence that Demands a Verdict is a good book, it’s all bullet points and “5a, 5b, 6a, 6b” etc type of stuff. Another good book is A Case for Christ, which was written by an non-Christian lawyer to see if the new testament could be found ‘not false’ in a hypothetical court of law. He researched and found no falsities in the text pertaining to culture, events, etc etc, and later became a Christian [More]