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Many of the principles the US government was founded upon were based on the Bible & many of our founding fathers were Christians. What happens when those foundations are torn away as they are today? Presented by Russ Miller of Creation, Evolution, & Science Ministries – www.creationministries.org “give away our life changing CESM DVD’S to as many people as they desire, encouraging them to make copies to give away as well. Such efforts will be part of the great harvest. God bless. Russ” – www.creationministries.org Also see www.arrivalofthefittest.com
More info at www.drdino.com “Copyright was placed on all Creation Science Evangelism materials (no matter the production date) effective January 1, 2005. PERMISSION IS GIVEN TO DUPLICATE AND DISTRIBUTE OUR PRODUCTS — within the following guidelines 1.Materials are to be copied, unedited, unaltered and distributed absolutely free of charge. 2.Under no circumstances are copies of our videos / DVD’s / Printed Materials to be sold for any price.” – www.drdino.com
Dr Kindell describes why the second law of thermodynamics stands as an insurmountable barrier to a naturalistic origin of life. It also examines common evolutionists rebuttal arguments and demonstrates their utter bankruptcy. This video file is a 62 minute seminar by Thomas Kindell, which was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference – nwcreation.net – July 2004 at Mill Creek Foursquare Church – www.mc4square.org About the Speaker: Thomas Kindell is the founder and president of Reasons for Faith Ministries – nwcreation.net , dedicated to equipping Christian believers with evidence for their Biblical faith. For over 25 years he has lectured on [More]
If man evolved up from an animal as evolutionism teaches, then ancient civilizations should be “primitive.” However, science/archaeology indicates that ancient cultures were technologically advanced, perhaps even rivaling or surpassing our own technical achievements. This video file is a 47 minute seminar by Donald Chittick based on his book of the same title, which was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference ( nwcreation.net ) July 2004 at Mill Creek Foursquare Church. About the Speaker: Dr. Donald E. Chittick received a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon, and a Bachelor of Science from Willamette University in [More]
Dr. Patton has made numerous trips to Peru, together with Dr. Dennis Swift, to investigate the ceremonial burial stones found in the Inca tombs (ca 500-1500 AD). Almost one third of the stones depict specific types of dinosaurs. The evolutionary scenario tells us that man and dinosaur were separated by at least 65 million years and “modern” man’s conception of dinosaurs did not begin until the 1800’s. This find appears to falsify that theory and verify the fact that ancient Peruvians saw these dinosaurs. See the stones for yourself. Hear the whole story and learn of the numerous independent sources [More]
Dr. Norman Geisler’s lecture “From Evangelical to Agnostic:The Errors of Bart Ehrman”. Presented at the Veritas Apologetics Conference on May 7, 2011 at Mt. Airy Bible Church (mabcmd.org).
In school we are taught that ‘Mutations + Natural Selection = Evolution’, but do genetic mutations really help evolution? Changes in DNA are supposed to provide the new functions that natural selection ‘chooses’ leading to the evolution of simply organisms into more complex ones. However, leading geneticists agree that mutations lead to extinction, not evolution into something better. This episode features portions of an interview with former evolutionary geneticist Dr John Sanford. Creation.com Related content • Creation magazine interview with Dr John Sanford (creation.com • Mutations Q&A page (creation.com
This episode is based on CMI’s booklet 15 Reasons to Take Genesis as History. It is a summary of some of the major arguments that the Genesis record must be taken as real historical events involving real people. Allegorical or mythological renderings result in massive theological difficulties. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
Dr. Kindell examines and powerfully refutes the so-called “evidence” that man evolved from an ape-like ancestor. This video file is a 60 minute seminar by Thomas Kindell that was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference – nwcreation.net – August 2007. View the Powerpoint presentation from this video – nwcreation.net About the Speaker: Thomas Kindell is the founder and president of Reasons for Faith Ministries – nwcreation.net – dedicated to equipping Christian believers with evidence for their Biblical faith. For over 25 years he has lectured on the subjects of scientific creation and Biblical apologetics. He holds a Ph.D. in Theology [More]
This is one of the most difficult topics for Christians to understand and accept. All we hear is the big bang and that the universe is billions of years old. This lecture separates speculation from facts. Topics include: – An understanding of the two models of history – Evaluating evidence for the age of the universe – Stellar formation the Bible and physics – Evidence for and against the big bang – The redshift of starlight and what it means – The Bible and the time of creation. This video file is a 56 min seminar by Mike Riddle recorded [More]
creation.com | One of the pillars of the Big Bang theory is that the light we see from objects far away has a higher redshift than closer objects. However, quasars with a very high redshift have been discovered in and near galaxies that have a low redshift. Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith explain what this means for the Big Bang. Main article: From Creation magazine 29(2) Bye-bye, big bang? (creation.com Related articles • What is redshift? (creation.com • High-redshift quasars produce more big bang surprises (creation.com • Astronomy and Astrophysics Q&A page (creation.com • Quasar with enormous redshift found embedded [More]
Special guest Reverend Joe Boot, pastor of Westminster Chapel in Toronto discusses how the Christian worldview is logically consistent with all reality. Christianity is not a superstition, but backed by reason and logic unlike atheism and evolution. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
How long were the days of creation? Can you fit billions of years into the Bible? Were there millions of years of death disease and suffering before sin? Presented by Russ Miller of Creation, Evolution, & Science Ministries – www.creationministries.org “give away our life changing CESM DVD’S to as many people as they desire, encouraging them to make copies to give away as well. Such efforts will be part of the great harvest. God bless. Russ” – www.creationministries.org Also see www.arrivalofthefittest.com
According to history recorded in the Bible everyone who has ever lived comes from Adam and Eve. At Babel, after Noah’s flood, God created several language groups from a single language group, resulting in the dispersion of these groups all over the world. This raises questions such as: how did different skin colors originate? What about all the fossil evidence for ‘races’ coming from ‘ape-men’? All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy from creation.com
Fingerprints of Creation Fingerprints is a 33 minute video based on the book Creation’s Tiny Mystery. It details the nature of polonium halos and how they provide evidence that the Earth was rapidly formed and did not cool over millions of years. The video, shot mostly in California takes the viewer to picturesque Yosemite National Park during the winter and the regions surrounding Palm Springs and Bishop where granites are plainly visible. Three-dimensional graphic animations are included to help convey the process of halo formation from nuclear particles. Instrumentation similar to that used to gather the published data on the [More]
When did the dinosaurs live? What happened to the dinosaurs? Why don’t we have dinosaurs today—or do we? This video file is a 48 minute seminar by Donald Chittick, which was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference (nwcreation.net July 2004 at Mill Creek Foursquare Church. About the Speaker: Dr. Donald E. Chittick received a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon, and a Bachelor of Science from Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. His resume includes the following: Chairman of the Division of Natural Sciences at George Fox University in Oregon, adjunct professor of chemistry at the [More]
www.ctvn.org | What caused theologian Charles Darwin to come to his ridiculous unscientific conclusions? Dr. Steven Austin explains. Steve Austin bio logosresearchassociates.org BS (Geology), MS (Geology), Ph.D. (Geology) Field and Sedimentary Geologist, Senior Research Associate Dr. Steve Austin is a field research geologist with a Ph.D. from Penn State University in sedimentary geology. His research adventures have taken him by helicopter into the crater of Mount St. Helens volcano, by bush plane onto glaciers in the high mountains of Alaska, by raft through the entire Grand Canyon, on horseback into the high Sierra, by elevator into the world’s deepest coal [More]
Creation Today 10/27/2011 | Eric Hovind and Paul Taylor discuss inbreeding in post-flood animals; whether or not the Ark was big enough; what Genesis has to say about the virgin birth; and the role of creation science in evangelism. Visit CreationScienceEvangelism.com for more Creation Today episodes and many more creation science resources.
Creation.com | Radiohalos are tiny discolorations produced by radioactive decay. They provide some amazing evidence for a young earth. Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss this fascinating article from Creation magazine.
creationtoday.org | Paul Taylor & Eric Hovind reveal the silver bullet—the best evidence—for a young earth creation. They are also joined by special guest (http Russ Miller to discuss the clues that the Grand Canyon provides.
On Friday, April 10th, 2009 RMCF (YoungEarth.org) welcomed Dr. Jason Lisle from Answers in Genesis (http . Jason has been a long time member of Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship and spoke there while he was pursuing his Ph.D. at the University of Colorado in Boulder. Dr. Jason Lisle gives viewers a fast paced course on logic. In addition to reviewing numerous logical fallacies, Dr. Lisle gives examples of how evolutionists often use fallacious arguments in arguing for their position. Learning to recognize these fallacies provides a whole new opportunity for defending the Christian faith and arguing for the truth of [More]
Presented at Creation Bootcamp 2005. Shows that ancient man wasn’t a stupid partially evolved human with and undeveloped brain, but was incredibly intelligent. This fits with the young earth creation model rather than evolution theory. Swift’s website: www.dinosaursandman.com “Copyright was placed on all Creation Science Evangelism materials (no matter the production date) effective January 1, 2005. PERMISSION IS GIVEN TO DUPLICATE AND DISTRIBUTE OUR PRODUCTS — within the following guidelines: 1.Materials are to be copied, unedited, unaltered and distributed absolutely free of charge. 2.Under no circumstances are copies of our videos / DVD’s / Printed Materials to be sold for [More]
Presented by Russ Miller of Creation, Evolution, & Science Ministries – www.creationministries.org “give away our life changing CESM DVD‘S to as many people as they desire, encouraging them to make copies to give away as well. Such efforts will be part of the great harvest. God bless. Russ” – www.creationministries.org Also see www.arrivalofthefittest.com
More info at www.drdino.com “Copyright was placed on all Creation Science Evangelism materials (no matter the production date) effective January 1, 2005. PERMISSION IS GIVEN TO DUPLICATE AND DISTRIBUTE OUR PRODUCTS — within the following guidelines 1.Materials are to be copied, unedited, unaltered and distributed absolutely free of charge. 2.Under no circumstances are copies of our videos / DVD’s / Printed Materials to be sold for any price.” – www.drdino.com
www.jackcuozzo.com | Evolutionists tell us that man started out dumb, started with not much more intelligence than an ape, and slowly evolving to the state where we are today with all our advanced technologies. Looking into archaeology and ancient history tells the opposite story, and supports the idea that God created man perfect and he has slowly degraded from there because of sin, mutations, etc. Presented at Creation Bootcamp 2005. “Copyright was placed on all Creation Science Evangelism materials (no matter the production date) effective January 1, 2005. PERMISSION IS GIVEN TO DUPLICATE AND DISTRIBUTE OUR PRODUCTS — within the [More]
Creation Today 9/15/11 | Eric Hovind and Paul Taylor answer viewer questions about whether or not a Christian should use the Bible when proving the Bible, how the scientific laws of thermodynamics agree with Scripture and the fallacies of a gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. For more episodes, visit CreationToday.com
Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith are joined by former atheist Dr Emil Silvestru (PhD, geology) to discuss and refute arguments made against a global flood as described in the Bible. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.