Neandertal DNA Research Confirms Full Human Status

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Close Neanderthal Play List GoodScienceForYou has replied to a comment on How DNA Destroys Evolution by Mike Riddle: The evidence completely conforms, all of it. The rise in genetically caused diseases are clear and the DNA supports that and ONLY that. You are in denial and have you ego attached to this crap. It owns you and so you will perpetuate this lie and keep on aiding in the extinction of humans out or your ignorance. GoodScienceForYou has replied to a comment on How DNA Destroys Evolution by Mike Riddle: “You have neither and your conclusions are not supported by either field.” My conclusions are from not needing to believe forced political dogma. But from a condition of freedom of thought. I am a living example that you can study all that you can from human knowledge and NOT be taken in by HEMG beliefs. I am one of the few objective observers of life on this planet. You’d do well to learn from me, but you are too embedded in ego & pride on this to get free. I pity that condition. GoodScienceForYou has replied to a comment on How DNA Destroys Evolution by Mike Riddle: Who’s teaching this crap math? Like I said using PERCENTAGES is not addition it is MULTIPLICATION. You start with 100 percent and you end with 100 percent because there is 10.5 times (x) 1 which his what 100% means in decimals than that is NO RISE in Percentage or in numbers to 10.5 if it decreased by 90% it would be .90 Times(x) = 9.45. If it increased by 120