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The false religion Santeria defined John Ramirez, but after years of evil Jesus offered him a new identity.
Police officer, Ken Kirby suffered a heart attack. He died but miraculously returned to life after Christian emergency room doctor and staff prayed. .. The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN www.cbn.com
Is there life after death? Just ask 4-year-old Colton, who emerged from life-threatening surgery with astounding details about heaven! Colton’s detailed account includes floating away, seeing God’s throne, and meeting relatives—including his sister who died in a miscarriage (and whom his parents had never mentioned). From the book, “Heaven is for Real” by Todd Burpo. Video courtesy of CBN
What looked like a textbook operation left Jeff Thompson suspended between life and death. .. The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN www.cbn.com
This man goes to hell and has been allowed back to tell us what it was like. Some may laugh, but at the end of the day, this is just one of thousands of people we know about that have been through the same thing. Give it a watch and make your own mind up.
Testimonies of people who had a glimpse of the after life and came back to talk about it. Hosted by Dr. Maurice Rawlings author of the book “Beyond Deaths Door“. Great video.