By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) It’s official: “Burnout” – the feeling of being exhausted, frustrated and overwhelmed in your life – is a real health problem that should not be ignored. So, today, we’ll show you how rhodiola can help – fast! For the first time ever, the World Health Organization has added “burnout syndrome” to its International Classification of Diseases – and some experts estimate that the condition may affect up to 70 percent of all working people. But when it comes to addressing burnout, Western medicine falls short (to say the least) – offering only limited treatment
By Joy Jensen, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease known for speeding up the life cycle of your skin cells. This results in the buildup of these cells on the surface of the skin, forming red, scaly patches that may be painful or itchy. And, while the signs and symptoms may vary, the most common symptoms include itching or burning skin, stiff and swollen joints, small spots of scaling skin, red patches of skin with silvery, thick scales, and cracked dry skin. Within the past few years, studies have shown a link between psoriasis and nonalcoholic fatty
For decades, saturated fats like butter, lard and tallow were said to cause heart disease. Responding to such health concerns, the food industry replaced saturated fats with hydrogenated oils that are loaded with trans fats, giving rise to a whole new market of low-fat (but high-sugar) foods. Americans’ health plummeted in tandem with this systemwide change, and millions have been prematurely killed by it. As it turns out, trans fat, found in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, acts as a pro-oxidant, contributing to oxidative stress that causes cellular damage. Trans fat is also a major contributor to insulin resistance, currently affecting
By Mike Barrett It has been nearly 20 years since a new drug has been developed to combat Alzheimer’s disease. Thankfully, it won’t be another 20 years until such a feat is accomplished, as a new drug called Oligomannate has been approved for the treatment of “mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease and improving cognitive function.” Only thing is – the approval takes place in China, and has yet to go through the proper channels to become approved by the Food and Drug Administration. ?Dementia, used to describe a decline in cognitive function and memory, is said to be one of
By Dr. Mercola Every year in the U.S., approximately 795,000 people have a stroke and 140,000 die as a result, making strokes not only a leading cause of death but also a common cause of serious, long-term disability. Most often, strokes occur in those over the age of 65, but they can strike younger adults as well. In 2009, 34% of those hospitalized due to a stroke where under 65 years old, serving as a reminder that this condition may occur at any age.1 In fact, the American Heart Association says that 10% to 14% of ischemic strokes occur in
By Dr. Mercola The lack of sanitation in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) is something I’ve written about in the past. The deplorable conditions under which the animals exist require the use of antibiotics to reduce the spread of infection. The meat and waste products from these animals are riddled with antibiotics, a practice that is a major contributor to antibiotic resistance. One of the biggest Escherichia coli (E. coli) outbreaks in 12 years ended in June 2018 after infected lettuce had affected 210 people in 36 states. It was responsible for the hospitalization of 96 and the deaths of
By Dr. Mercola The news about the effects of hibiscus on high blood pressure continues to grow, offering promise to those looking for natural ways to control this common condition. I’ve written previously about the positive ways this plant can help your heart and overall health; now new research suggests that its effectiveness may be even greater than what’s been reported. I’ll explain the history, discuss the uses of the colorful flower and share tips on how to incorporate it into your overall diet so you can enjoy both its flavor and benefits. Hibiscus ‘Sour Tea’ Lowers Blood Pressure Researchers
By Dr. Mercola Sally Norton,1 who has studied nutrition and has a graduate degree in public health, is one of the leading experts on oxalate poisoning — a topic you don’t hear much about. Chances are you may never have heard about oxalates, or have any idea why they might matter. As is often the case with experts in any health field, her expertise is an outgrowth of her personal struggles with health problems that didn’t respond to more conventional treatments, including healthy living (Norton was a vegetarian for 16 years). “Like so …read more Source: mercola
By Dr. Mercola Medical experts and health leaders share insights on important issues affecting your health and well-being. …read more Source: mercola
By Dr. Mercola Before the invention and distribution of artificial lighting, the sun determined when people went to bed and when they woke up. While artificial light has extended the hours you may be productive, it comes at a price as it affects health, interrupts sleep patterns and circadian rhythms and may shorten your lifespan. Digital devices are pervasive sources of artificial light. They emit high levels of blue light, which have a damaging effect on the photoreceptor cells located in the retina. This photosensitive tissue converts light into electrical signals that travel along the optic nerve to your brain,
By Dr. Mercola A national investigation commissioned by Healthy Babies Bright Futures (HBBF) recently made a disturbing finding. A shocking 95% of baby foods tested contained the heavy metals lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury.1 I have often written about how most commercial infant formulas are high in processed sugar and questionable ingredients including soy. They can contain as much sugar as a can of soda yet lack the benefits of the natural sugars found in breast milk. Worse, most formulas also contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs), synthetic vitamins, inorganic minerals, excessive protein and harmful fats while lacking vital immune-boosting nutrients
A massive recall of hummus from UK supermarkets has been extended and now includes some 80 products potentially contaminated with Salmonella the country’s Food Safety Authority has warned. Dip maker Zorba Delicacies raised the alarm after discovering potential contamination in its products in the last week of October. Zorba supplies major retailers like Aldi, Lidl, Sainsbury’s, John Lewis and Iceland among others. The initial recall affected goods with a use-by date up to and including November 7 but that has now been extended by ten days to include products expiring on November 17. The full list of recalled products can
The Drug Enforcement Administration issued a warning on Monday about counterfeit prescription pills, saying the pills are “killing Americans.” “Mexican drug cartels are manufacturing mass quantities of counterfeit prescription pills containing fentanyl,” according to a press release from the DEA. Twenty-seven percent of counterfeit pills seized by the DEA contain “potentially lethal doses of fentanyl,” according to the government agency. “Capitalizing on the opioid epidemic and prescription drug abuse in the United States, drug trafficking organizations are now sending counterfeit pills made with fentanyl in bulk to the United States for distribution,” said DEA Acting Administrator Uttam Dhillon in a
By Joy Jensen, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) The overuse of antibiotics within modern animal food production has become a serious health issue. Conventionally speaking, food producers use antibiotics to (“hopefully”) avoid infections in their animals. But, the result is quite unhealthy, as we see the rise in antibiotic resistant bacteria. Over time, the overuse of antibiotics in animals has resulted in the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in meats today, which means that if humans are infected with these bacteria, conventional drug treatments are much less likely to work at all. However, new research has discovered that going organic may be the
Prescription drugs help many people and even save lives. But use of prescription drugs as prescribed is also a leading cause of death in the U.S. Are some pharmaceutical companies skirting TV ad rules so that they don’t have to disclose side effects of some vaccines and other prescription medicine? Some critics say “yes.” And when I asked the FDA about the allegations, the agency told me it’s planning a new study into the issue. Below are excerpts from my Full Measure investigation with a link to the full story at the bottom. Full Measure has learned the FDA is
By AdminM Cannabis in Modern Medicine by Dr. Jospeh Dr. Allan Frankel, a board-certified internist at GreenBridge Medical in Santa Monica, California, has treated patients with medical cannabis for the past 13 years. The first time I interviewed him back in 2014, cannabis laws in the U.S. were quite different, so in this interview, he provides us with a much-needed update. Not only is recreational use of cannabis now legal in California and several other states, but hemp is also legal nationwide, thanks to a change …read more Source: Health Impact News
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Do you eat probiotic-rich foods? These microorganisms – found in fermented foods and supplements – offer a wide range of health benefits. At a fundamental level, they help to restore a healthy balance of friendly bacteria in your gut. But, the really good news is what happens next. A new study published in Frontiers in Pharmacology reveals a perfect example of why probiotics are so important for us. According to the August 2019 paper, the United States economy (and taxpayer funded healthcare system) could save a tremendous amount of money simply by …read more
By Joy Jensen, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) For years, serious concerns have been brought to light concerning glyphosate, the main substance used in Roundup weed killer. For many years, it’s been the most widely used herbicide worldwide, but studies have continued to show it’s way more dangerous than most people can imagine. In fact, early this year, a meta-analysis showed that exposure to glyphosate increases cancer risk, despite the EPA’s current stance that the chemical is “not likely” to cause cancer in humans. In the past 30 years, glyphosate residue has continued to increase in our food supply, and at increasingly
While humans sleep, huge waves of the cerebrospinal fluid that envelops the brain rhythmically flow in and out of the organ, according to a new study published today (October 31) in Science. The authors show that these CSF dynamics are connected to slow waves of neuronal activity, which are characteristic of deep sleep, and corresponding oscillations in the brain’s blood volume. Coupled with recent indications that CSF clears waste products from the brain, the findings shed light on the benefits of sleep for the central nervous system. The work “is exciting because it’s linking neural activity to blood flow and
By Sara Middleton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) According to the World Health Organization (WHO), chronic illness will account for 70% of all global deaths in 2020. The WHO also states that at least 60% of a person’s health and quality of life is directly related to their lifestyle. Not genes, family history, and “luck of the draw,” but lifestyle. Unfortunately, one of the most common and increasingly prevalent health issues, metabolic syndrome – which is strongly linked to lifestyle – currently affects millions of Americans, and many aren’t even aware they have it! In this article, we’re visiting a 2015 paper
By Christine M. Dionese, L.Ac, MSTOM (NaturalHealth365) In an attempt to clear out all of the undesirable bacterial invaders that enter the home each day, millions of Americans spray and wash with antibacterial soaps. Yet, most people never get told that “cleaning” with these products actually cause more harm than good, like increasing the risk of antibiotic resistance. So, if you think those antibacterial soaps and cleaners are “enhancing” your immunity, think again! Even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that any substantial data fails to support this claim. In fact, many household chemicals have actually …read
By Dr. Mercola Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a common and undertreated condition. A disruption of the natural vaginal microbiome, BV is believed to afflict up to a third of women of reproductive age. Though often not serious unto itself,1 BV can predispose a woman to an increased risk of upper genital-tract infections, greater susceptibility to sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy complications.2 It is often characterized by a malodorous discharge.3 BV is usually treated with antibiotics but, as I have often pointed out in my newsletters, sometimes antibiotics can do more harm than good. In the case of BV, the harmful
By AdminM by The Vaccine Reaction A recent small study out of Tufts University Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts has concluded that, “inflammation may be the main driver behind autism.”?1 As reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers compared the brains of 16 deceased male, Caucasian children between the ages of three and 14. Eight of the children had autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and eight did not. The study determined that the children with ASD all had increased levels of Interleukin-18 (IL-18), a protein known to trigger a severe inflammatory response. The areas …read more
By Darnel Fernandez (Natural News) Stockpiling food and water is …read more Source: Natural News
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) Despite their high fat content, it’s long been understood that nuts can still have their place in a healthy diet. In fact, we now know that the ‘carb-craze’ of the last few decades had it all wrong. Healthy fats, like those found in walnuts, are essential for brain and heart function plus improved nutrient absorption. But a new study at the University of California, Davis, provides further evidence supporting earlier research results indicating that walnuts, in particular, help to reduce levels of a hormone thought to increase the incidence of prostate and breast cancer.
By Michael By Corbett Report Extras Jonathan Latham of Independent Science News joins us to discuss his reporting on the latest research demonstrating the dangers of gene editing. What are the unintended… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
By Jeff Smaller purveyors of produce such as mobile and farmers markets are the cream of the crop when it comes to increasing fruit and vegetable consumption in low-income communities. Opening new… …read more Source: Natural Blaze