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Starting on Sunday, a small-but-significant change will begin to affect hundreds of thousands of young British girls around the United Kingdom. All new members of the 450,000-strong Girlguiding organization in the U.K. will no longer promise to “love my God,” but rather “to be true to myself and develop my beliefs.” This controversial change in the membership pledge came after the Girlguiding organization, the U.K. equivalent to the American Girl Scouts, polled more than 40,000 members and found that 37 percent of the girls “do not believe in a god.” Nearly one in four of all 8-year-old girls in the [More]
A 19-year veteran of the Air Force said he was relieved of his duties after he disagreed with his openly gay commander when she wanted to severely punish an instructor who had expressed religious objections to homosexuality. FOLLOW TODD ON FACEBOOK FOR GREAT CONSERVATIVE NEWS! CLICK HERE! “I was relieved of my position because I don’t agree with my commander’s position on gay marriage,” Senior Master Sgt. Phillip Monk told Fox News. “We’ve been told that if you publicly say that homosexuality is wrong, you are in violation of Air Force policy.” Read More Airmen Punished for Objecting to Gay [More]
Are evangelical Christians rapidly becoming one of the most hated minorities in America? Once upon a time such a notion would have been unthinkable, but these days things are changing dramatically. All over the United States, evangelical Christians are being called “extremists” and evangelical Christian organizations are being labeled as “hate groups”. In fact, as I will detail later on in this article, a U.S. Army Reserve training presentation recently specifically identified evangelical Christians as “religious extremists”. This should be extremely chilling for all evangelical Christians out there, because as history has shown us over and over again, when you [More]
In the United States today, there are very few words that provoke as much outrage as the name of Jesus. It is being banned from graduation ceremonies, chaplains all over America are being forbidden from using His name in their prayers, and many school officials all over the nation have become absolutely fanatical about eliminating every trace of Christian expression from their schools. One elementary school in North Carolina even ordered a little six-year-old girl to remove the word “God” from a poem that she had written to honor her grandfathers. Political correctness is spreading like a cancer in this [More]
wo Israeli archaeologists announced that they have found a palace and royal storehouse that belonged to King David. The two buildings are the largest structures standing during the tenth century BCE to have been found in the territory of the Kingdom of Judah. Read More Archaeologists say they’ve found one of King David’s palaces | The Times of Israel.
For decades secular archaeologists have dismissed the Bible’s account of Joshua’s battle at Ai. It bears little resemblance to the terrain at et-Tell. But what if they’re looking in the wrong place? Archaeology Joshua’s conquest of Jericho is one of the most exciting and popular accounts in all the Old Testament (Joshua 6). The events over the next few weeks, however, are less well-known and often overlooked. But the conquest of the Canaanite fortress (or city) of Ai, recounted in Joshua 7–8, remains of great importance in the history of God’s dealing with His people.1 Read More Getting Archaeology Right [More]
Note also his words about jihad, quoting Muhammad: “I have been commanded to fight the people until they testify la illaha illa Allah [there is no god but Allah].” And Qadhi says: “The life and property of a mushrik [one who worships others besides Allah] holds no value in the state of jihad….which means if they don’t say la illaha illa Allah, their lives and property are halal” — that is, permitted to be taken by the Muslims. Watch video Tennessee imam: Jews and Christians filthy, their lives and property can be taken in jihad by the Muslims – Jihad [More]
A Louisiana lawman is livid over the federal government’s decision to cut off funds for two programs to help troubled young people, all, he says, because he refused to sign a pledge to bar prayer or any mention of God at their meetings. via DOJ Defunds Youth Programs that Reference God | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes.
A video recorded by a missionary to China captures the emotion exuded by a group of Chinese Christians who obtained a copy of the Bible for the first time in their life. The video, uploaded by a YouTube user named “alberttiago1,” shows a gathering of Chinese citizens opening a suitcase containing what appears to be dozens of copies of the Bible. When the suitcase is opened, “oohs” and squeals fill the air, and the Christians rush forward with much excitement to grab a copy. Watch video Read More  Missionary Footage Captures Emotion of Chinese Christians Upon Receiving Copy of Bible [More]
“A new Christian values based scouting organization, not mentioned in the article, has been started, you can visit their site here: traillifeusa.com“.  Admin Feb. 18, 2013 4:32pm Billy Hallowell 9 Faith Based (and Secular) Alternatives to the Boy Scouts of America Joshua Kusterer, age 12 of Boy Scout Troop 226 in Plano, TX salutes as the crowd recites the pledge of allegiance during the Save Our Scouts Prayer Vigil and Rally. Wednesday, February 6, 2013. Credit: AP NEW YORK (TheBlaze/AP) — With the Boy Scouts of America entangled in a furor over its ban on gays, lesser-known youth organizations across [More]
The Gospel of Matthew gives us another reason to be thankful. The events associated with the birth of Jesus fulfilled numerous Old Testament prophecies given centuries before the events they described. Read More Fulfilled Prophecies at the Birth of Christ – Answers in Genesis.
For those Christians waiting for a “Pre Trib” rapture to remove them before the Anti-Christ appears and anything “bad” happens please watch this video to be prepared for what really is going to happen. This video gives an excellent exposition on the Pre Wrath rapture teaching and how it very nicely harmonizes both old and new testament verses on the Day of The Lord and the rapture. Recommended.
March 20, 2013 By Ryan Mauro Comments (45) 244 Print This Post Print This Post The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a group with Muslim Brotherhood origins and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror-financing trial, recently toured the White House and met with multiple officials. According to the group, Paul Monteiro, Associate Director of the Office of Public Engagement, “cited ISNA as his primary means of outreach to the American Muslim community.” Read More via White House Partners with Muslim Brotherhood Front.
Filed under History, Islam/Sharia Law, Religion, Terrorism, World News Posted on March 20, 2013 0 211 The White House has released what it says is a map of Israel. The only problem is that Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the Golan Heights are missing. An Obama administration video highlighting the president’s plans for his Mideast trip depicts Jerusalem, the Golan and the West Bank – also known as Judea and Samaria – as non-Israeli territory. Read More via White House Map ‘Erases’ Jerusalem, Biblical Territories.
Meteors, lights, signs all creating worldwide wonder Published: 03/01/2013 at 7:42 PM By Alex Newman STOCKHOLM, Sweden – February was packed with celestial events – notably the meteor that exploded over Russia – and some theological leaders and experts are convinced that God is trying to send a message. Citing biblical passages about signs and wonders in the heavens, more than a few have been talking about whether biblical prophecies in Scripture are being fulfilled. One incident that received widespread coverage, for example, was a lightning bolt that struck St. Peter’s Basilica just hours after Pope Benedict XVI announced his [More]
Home The once prestigious and now nearly bankrupt National Council of Churches is quitting its famous New York headquarters built with largesse from John D. Rockefeller, Jr. and whose cornerstone was laid by President Dwight Eisenhower. Down to a handful of staffers, the NCC will consolidate into the United Methodist Building on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. “It is important that we honor this moment with reverence and respect for the Council’s history as an iconic presence in the beloved ‘God Box,’” explained NCC President Kathryn Lohre in a press release. “It is equally important that we look with hope [More]
“UPDATE: The family will be allowed to stay, read the story here.”  Admin The Romeike family fled their German homeland in 2008 seeking political asylum in the United States – where they hoped to home school their children. Instead, the Obama administration wants the evangelical Christian family deported. The fate of Uwe and Hannelore Romeikie – along with their six children – now rests with the Sixth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals – after the Dept. of Homeland Security said they don’t deserve asylum. Neither the Justice Dept. nor the Dept. of Homeland Security returned calls seeking comment.   Read [More]
Luke 1:1: “Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us, 2  Even as they delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the word; 3  It seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee in order, most excellent Theophilus, 4  That thou mightest know the certainty of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed.” The following comes from the wiki entry on Sir William Ramsay, noted British [More]
February 22, 2013 By Raymond Ibrahim Comments (31) Four foreign Christians—including one who holds American-Swedish citizenship—were arrested days ago in Libya. According to the Guardian, their crime is arousing “suspicion of being missionaries and distributing Christian literature, a charge that could carry the death penalty.” Apparently the four Christians had “contracted a local printer to produce pamphlets explaining Christianity.” Proselytizing to Muslims—that is, preaching to them another religion—was banned even under the late Col. Muammar Gaddafi. Libyans—strongly supported by U.S. President Obama in the name of “freedom”—got rid of Gaddafi but kept the distinctly anti-freedom law.   via Death for [More]
North Korea expanding gulag network, satellite images show National Post Staff | Feb 26, 2013 8:45 PM ET A newly released analysis of satellite imagery paints a bleak picture of North Korea’s growing gulag network. The North’s Labour Camp No. 25, which makes up part of what campaigners call “one of the worst, but least understood and reported, human rights situations in the world,” appears to be in the midst of a dramatic expansion. According to the Committee of Human Rights in North Korea, the camp grew at least 72% since 2003. The number of perimeter guard posts jumped from [More]
N. Korea’s ‘hatred of Christians‘ puts 70,000 believers in prison Posted on Feb 26, 2013 | by Erin Roach   SANTA ANA, Calif. (BP) — Persecution of Christians in North Korea shows no sign of abating under the country’s new leader, Kim Jong-Un, according to a report by the worldwide ministry Open Doors. “The fanatical regime, which rules the destitute country of 24 million people with a proverbial iron fist, has a special hatred for Christians,” Jerry Dykstra of the California-based Open Doors USA noted. “North Korea is in a league of its own when it comes to persecution of [More]
Feb. 25, 2013 7:34pm Jason Howerton Parents are demanding answers after a Texas teacher reportedly invited female students to dress up in Islamic garb and told the class to refer to Muslim terrorists as freedom fighters. Texas state Sen. Dan Patrick, chairman of the Senate Education Committee, has launched an investigation into the incident. He told Fox News he was disturbed after seeing a photograph of female students wearing burqas and learning that students were reportedly taught that the cause for Egypt’s turmoil is democracy, not the Muslim Brotherhood, based on an article by the Washington Post ….   Read More [More]
Saturday Night Live’s” skit over the weekend about Jesus Christ slaughtering Romans has caught a fair bit of attention — and controversy. The violent sketch quickly led Fox News’ Todd Starnes, among others, to wonder whether NBC has officially declared a “war on Christians.” In an op-ed and in an appearance on “Hannity,” Starnes doubled-down on his criticism of the network for airing the Jesus segment, as he accused mainstream outlets of exhibiting an anti-Christian bias. Read More Here … via ‘War on Christians’: Fox Contributor Lambastes NBC for ‘Djesus Uncrossed’ SNL Skit | Video | TheBlaze.com.