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Many people have heard of stereo sound before, but how about stereo vision or stereo smell? New research has shown that blind moles use an expertly designed system of smell to find food underground. More…   
Researchers discovered colorful organic chemicals in fossils supposedly 340 million years old. Did the stories they concocted to explain this anomaly depart from scientific sense? More…   
Long before the rocket car was invented, fish were “accelerating” into the mouths of giant salamanders at high speeds. How did these thin-skinned amphibians acquire rocket-force mouthparts? More…   
A new report of eight-inch long sheets of soft tissue inside a 22-inch long triceratops horn presents three difficult hurdles for the “bacterial biofilm” hypothesis. More…   
Drilling on Mars, arctic camel, home science done right, “talk is cheep,” Arkansas v. abortion, and more in this week’s News to Note. Read More: AIG Daily  
Creation In The 21st Century – Crunch The Numbers Part 2. Carl Baugh talks in his studio with John Heffner. They put the theory of evolution and creation to the test of mathematics.
Click here to listen. On this episode of ID the Future, listen to the first segment of a recent talk that Casey Luskin gave on ID and law where he unpacks the definition of intelligent design. As Casey points out, intelligent design involves much more than just a critique of Darwinian evolution; it uses reasoning to recognize patterns that show an intelligent origin, similar to methods employed in archaeology and forensic science.   
Many pieces of the “Ice Age puzzle” remain unsolved, but one thing is sure: based on the Bible, the changes occurred within just a few human generations. Source: AIG Daily  
How did plants and animals spread around the world so quickly? by Dominic Statham Read More Here  
by Don Batten A simple message on a radio signal from some distant galaxy would be hailed as proof for an intelligent source ‘out there’. Why doesn’t the message sequence on the DNA molecule indicate an intelligent source? I visited China in 1983, at the time when the cult of Mao was just beginning to loosen its grip on that country. However, Communist party cadres still very much controlled everything, and the minders for my visit made out that this was ‘paradise on earth’. “There is no unemployment in China”, they said. Beijing’s English language newspaper was full of positive [More]
by Dr Jonathan D Sarfati Published: 14 March 2013 (GMT+10) Bruce B., a generous supporter of our ministry from Australia wrote to us about yet another compromising churchian publication. This one was called Good News for Adventists from New South Wales, Australia, September 2010, in an article “The Age of the Earth” by one Ritchie Way. But this just shows that the craving for secular intellectual respectability has even infected some academics from the Seventh Day Adventists, a denomination once known for a strong stand on Genesis—and many of their churches still support CMI. See some astute quotes on the [More]
Crazy mixed-up animals … what do they tell us? They seem to defy man-made classification systems—but what about the created ‘kinds’ in Genesis? by Don Batten Wikimedia commons: Restle Liger If we can cross-breed a zebra and a horse (to produce a ‘zorse’), a lion and a tiger (a liger or tigon), or a false killer whale and a dolphin (a wholphin), what does this tell us about the original kinds of animals that God created? The Bible tells us in Genesis chapter 1 that God created plants to produce seed ‘after their kind’ (vv. 11, 12). God also created [More]
Gene expression in eukaryotic cells I conservatively counted 24 recently discovered mechanisms that help regulate gene expression in eukaryotic cells, as reviewed by Moore and Proudfoot.1 Here are just a few of them. Figure 1. Figure 1. Widely regarded as the simplest genome, Mycoplasma gene expression is instead far more complicated than expected. It performs functions that had been considered the sole domain of higher eukaryotes. For example, DNA is transcribed in both the sense and antisense directions, indicating that valuable genetic information is double-stacked. RNA transcripts undergo post-translational modifications, single enzymes have more than one application, and when certain [More]
Can beneficial mutations outweigh destructive mutations? Creationist geneticist Dr John Sanford rebuts criticisms and accusations from a theistic evolutionist.    Read More
Attempts have been made recently to rehabilitate Haeckel’s embryos. Such attempts fail miserably.    Read More
Did eyes evolve by Darwinian mechanisms? by Jerry Bergman The evolution of the eye has always been a dilemma for evolutionists from Darwin’s time to the present. Although Darwin, Richard Dawkins and other evolutionists have tried to explain how an eye could evolve, their solutions are clearly unsatisfactory. Many kinds of eyes exist, but no progression of eye designs from simple to complex can be produced in the natural or fossil world. Furthermore, the simplest ‘eye’, the eyespot, is not an eye but pigmented cells used for phototaxis; yet even it requires an enormously complex mechanism in order to function [More]
By Ken Ham During a recent conference in Mobile, Alabama, I was interviewed by Eric Hovind and Paul Taylor. Now, Eric Hovind is the president of Creation Today, based in Pensacola, Florida. Paul Taylor is a speaker with Creation Today. Eric also speaks on biblical creation and has a heart for creation ministry. He has spoken in front of the Answers in Genesis and Creation Museum staff members, and this year Eric will be one of our speakers at the Answers Mega Conference in Sevierville, Tennessee, in July. For more information on how to register for the Mega Conference, which [More]
Monkey do, birdsong and bird brains, story of an ancient chromosome, being “Berean” with The Bible, “Gay” animals again, and more in this week’s News to Note. …read more  
Every so often, another story comes up in the news about animals that are supposedly demonstrating a more human intelligence because of their ability to use tools. On the Answers in Genesis website alone, we’ve collected and commented on a variety of reports about animals using tools. From spear-making chimpanzees to crows that can use tools to their advantage, evolutionists love to use these as alleged proof that animals are closer to human intelligence than we think. For example, in 2005, we wrote about widely circulated stories of gorillas in the wild using tools in an article titled Gorillas …read [More]
On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Frank Tipler discusses how leading science journals are increasingly hostile to new ideas, publishing only papers that are consistent with the dominant views of the scientific community. Tipler argues that if Einstein were to try to get a paper on his relativity theory published under today’s peer-review system, he would certainly be rejected, and reminds us that in order to cultivate great scientists, academia needs to encourage them to challenge conformity. …read more  
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin continues his interview with Biologic Institute director Douglas Axe about his new paper, “The Limit of Complex Adaptation: An Analysis Based on a Simple Model of Structured Bacterial Populations,” in BIO-Complexity. Listen in as Dr. Axe reports on the work done at Biologic Institute to test whether amino acids are able to be converted from one function to another in Darwinian step-wise fashion. …read more  
At least 75% of the species living there are found nowhere else on earth. How’d they get there? …read more  
On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews Biologic Insitute director Douglas Axe about his peer-reviewed paper in BIO-Complexity, “The Limit of Complex Adaptation: An Analysis Based on a Simple Model of Structured Bacterial Populations.” Dr. Axe explains complex adaptations — adaptive changes that require more than one simple mutation to a genome in order for a particular adaptation to work — and the difficulty Darwinian evolution faces when beneficial mutations have maladaptive intermediate stages. …read more  
Flower power, body un-designed, homing in on pigeons, muzzling students, Bugs R Us, and more in this week’s News to Note. …read more  
Listen Now On this episode of ID The Future, Jay Richards talks with Professor and author John Lennox about one of his latest books, Seven Days that Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science. In his book, Lennox delves into controversial issues surrounding science and faith, answering common questions regarding apparent tensions between scripture and scientific evidence. Tune in as Professor Lennox demonstrates that science and faith are indeed compatible.   
Listen Now Part 1 Part 3 On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin once again sits down with Dr. Frank Tipler, Professor of Mathematics and Physics at Tulane University and author of The Anthropic Cosmological Principle. Casey and Dr. Tipler continue their discussion on fine tuning in the universe, the multiverse, and the evidence for cosmic design.  
Listen Now. Part 2 Part 3 On this episode of ID the Future, hear from Frank Tipler, Professor of Mathematics and Physics at Tulane University and author of The Anthropic Cosmological Principle. Dr. Tipler compares the perspectives of Einstein and Darwin and explains how the difference in their views applies to the debate over origins, Darwinian evolution, and intelligent design.