We all know the devil is a liar. But did you know that when you agree with the devil’s opinions about you, he can hold you in bondage? I still have vivid recollections of my fear of the “spanking machine.” I began my education eagerly in the first grade, believing that the teachers were nice people who were going to help us learn and grow. After all, wasn’t learning supposed to be fun? Mrs. L. didn’t think so. She was like a drill sergeant barking commands at all of us, commands that were followed by threats. Her threats were underscored
I have discovered that as we seek the Lord our most difficult periods can be transformed into wonderful breakthroughs into God’s love. For me, one such season occurred during the years 1979 to 1981. The association of churches with which I was aligned had fallen under spiritual deception. Not only were its core doctrines increasingly seeded with New Age influences, but also immorality crept in, and key leaders began leaving their wives for other women. I could no longer remain silent. I left my congregation in Detroit, where I had served as pastor, and traveled to the organization’s regional headquarters
An offer to help, a smile and a kind word will reduce the heat of everyday responsibilities The first command God gave mankind was to be fruitful and multiply (see Gen. 1:28). But fruitfulness involves more than merely growing physical fruit. As a Christian, the Spirit of God has already been planted within you, now it’s your job to cultivate the seed of His nature. And it is not going to be an easy thing to do all the time. The farmer’s seeds must push through a layer of dirt in order to reach the sunlight. That dirt outweighs that
In today’s world, all we have to do to be worried or afraid for our kids is wake up every morning! There is fear and doubt all around us. Anyone can look at the condition of society or at the behavior of their children and be fearful. But God calls us and our kids to be salt and light in the earth (Matt. 5:13-14). We do not have the spirit of fear (2 Tim. 1:7). So, how do we keep our kids surrounded with faith every day when things don’t look so good? By saying what God says. By speaking
Almost all ministry in the book of Acts occurred outside a church meeting. So why do we hide our message in a building? Whenever I visit my friend Lewis Lee, a pastor in Baltimore, I end up on the streets. That’s because Lewis is never content to keep his congregation cooped up inside their church. Every month he takes them downtown to feed homeless people at a park near Johns Hopkins University. On hot summer days he takes teams to the worst neighborhoods of his city to pray for people, share the gospel and distribute bottles of water. This should
Open your ears, God, to my prayer; don’t pretend you don’t hear me knocking. Come close and whisper your answer. I really need you. I shudder at the mean voice, quail before the evil eye, as they pile on the guilt, stockpile angry slander. My insides are turned inside out; specters of death have me down. I shake with fear, I shudder from head to foot. “Who will give me wings,” I ask—“wings like a dove?” Get me out of here on dove wings. I want some peace and quiet. I want a walk in the country. I want a
These six principles will put you back in the driver’s seat with your son. The Rev. Eugene F. Rivers III of Azusa Christian Church in Boston has never forgotten the advice he once got from a drug kingpin. Rivers wanted to spearhead an effort to clean up his community and help kids whose lives were being ruined by drug addiction, gang violence and joblessness. In a stroke of genius, he decided to ask the local drug dealers for insight. With their fancy clothes and Cadillacs, they seemed to be the real heroes to kids. “Man, why did we lose you
Here are 12 of the biggest lies I’ve heard people tell: 1. I’m not going to let him (or her) hurt me anymore. 2. I don’t need any help. 3. I’ve got this under control. 4. I’m only going to try it one time. Read More 12 of the Biggest Lies You Might Hear From Christians.
There are so many life lessons we can learn from the Word of God. One of the simplest is that obedience brings reward and disobedience brings dire consequences. We see this in an incident from Saul’s life. The prophet Samuel came to King Saul with a command from the mouth of God. “’Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey’” (1 Sam. 15:3, NKJV). Read More Obedience or Disobedience: Your Actions Will Make the Choice.
Americans forfeit 226 million vacation days each year, according to CNN, by not using the vacation days they earned. In fact, all of that unused time off adds up to $34.3 billion annually in lost vacation days. The ironic part is that many people skip vacation days because they think that using all their rightfully earned vacation days will hurt their job somehow, yet what really ends up hurting them is missing out on crucial time away from work and other daily stressors. Read More 5 Reasons Why You Need a Vacation.
My ability to become angry amazes me. Someone or something trivial will trigger it. It’s my reaction to feeling thwarted in some way, however serious or ridiculous. I trip over my wife’s heels on the way to the closet. Ugh! Somebody cuts in front of me on the freeway. Really? My schedule or plan gets interrupted or redirected. You’ve got to be kidding me. I get asked to do something I didn’t plan on doing. What? A project takes way too long because I am not the one in charge of it. This is ridiculous. I get a no when
The past several decades, we have seen a dramatic decline in doctrinal and biblical preaching. We have gone from theology to therapy in the pulpits. In the past decade, we went from therapy to motivational speaking instead of preaching. In addition to this, whole churches and movements have oriented themselves to a distorted understanding of the gospel by espousing a “hypergrace” approach that trickles down to not only what they preach but who they allow to minister and teach. (I was told there is even a new television station devoted to this view of “grace.”) Read More 8 Signs of
The pursuit of personal achievement and financial gain can often create a destructive gap in your family life. Parenting requires a delicate balance of both. If you only make time for the highlights of your child’s life, then you will have upset the balance … forcing you to always make adjustments just to keep from toppling over. That kind of lifestyle leads to an unsatisfying experience for everybody involved. Hey, we know you gotta make money. It’s a fact of life. In some cases, however, we can get so focused on the bottom line that the pursuit of money becomes
“You can read many stories of supernatural encounters with angels here.” Admin Hanging in my grandmother’s house was a picture that has left a lasting impact on me. It was titled “The Guardian,” and it featured a very large angel with a comforting expression and outreached hands hovering near a small boy and girl as they walked over a precariously dangerous bridge. The simple framed print brought great comfort and security to my heart when I was a little girl and propelled my imaginative mind into the awesome arena of angels. In recent years, the study of angels has continued
I know a little bit about this subject, having two incredible sons of my own. But we always look at life differently from the other side of it. My boys are grown. I’m still parenting, but in a completely different way. Mine now is one of influence. Thankfully, both boys still come to me for that influence. There is no greater joy than seeing boys become God-honoring young men. I’m thankful to have a front-row seat with my sons. via 10 Things I Would Do If I Were Raising a Son Today.
Jesus has been betrayed again—this time by wayward denominations that question the truth of the Bible and reject Christian morality. I believe we are living in the days of the Great Apostasy. Whether we are in the early stages or nearing the end will be known only in hindsight. But that we are in the throes of the greatest “falling away” the church has ever experienced is clear. via Are We Living in the Days of the Great Apostasy?.
Being filled with the Holy Spirit isn’t complicated or spooky. Let these simple steps be your guide. Some people have suggested that the baptism in the Holy Spirit was only for the early disciples who needed an extra “charge” or a unique gift to get Christianity started. Well, we need it too! God’s power is for today. You can have your own personal experience with the Spirit by following these guidelines: via How to Tap Into the Power of God.
Knowing your areas of giftedness is important, but what matters more to God is your yieldedness. Finally, the day had come. The servant stood before the door of the manor house with a sense of profound thanksgiving. Long he had hoped and prayed for the opportunity to join the household of the one who rescued him from a life of destruction and then distraction. Now nothing was more important than using the culinary skills and talents he had honed so sacrificially for the benefactor who had done so much for him. The door opened. Standing before him was the lord
Don’t spend your life in so much fear of making a mistake that you never do anything. There are critical times in our lives when we especially need to know we are hearing clearly from God. It isn’t always easy to know His voice from that of our own emotional reasoning. But I know from experience that God can open doors of opportunity that no one can close, and He can also close doors that we cannot open. via How to Overcome Fear With Faith.
False teachings running rampant within the American church have created a “whiteout” condition for millions of believers. Here’s how to detect—and overcome—these destructive doctrines before it’s too late. Read More via The 7 Great Lies in the Church Today.
When you read the headline of my column you probably had one of two thoughts: “Christians are practicing witchcraft?” or “I’m not practicing witchcraft! I don’t read tarot cards, mix potions or cast spells!” The answer to the first thought is, yes, Christians are practicing witchcraft. As for your insistence that you are not practicing witchcraft, well, you may not be moving in divination, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t engaging in witchcraft. Consider what the Bible says about witchcraft. It may surprise you to learn that what the world—or even what the Wiccans—call witchcraft is not always one in
Have you ever thought God was saying something to you, but you weren’t sure it was really His voice you were hearing? Have you found yourself thinking, How do I know it was really God I heard and not my own imagination–or worse, the enemy? God’s solution is simple: “‘If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him'” (James 1:5, NIV). When we need to know if we are hearing God’s voice, all we have to do is ask Him! Read More via Did
Synchronized Sunday school for all ages! Answers Bible Curriculum is a full-featured, chronological, 3-year Sunday school program. Its 156 lessons are synchronized across 7 age groups from preschool to adults. Each group covers Genesis through Revelation and learns the same material—but at different levels of depth—empowering exciting and easy discussion for the entire family! In response to the startling findings of numerous studies—including those reported in the book, Already Gone—Answers Bible Curriculum is designed to stem the tide of skepticism toward God’s Word that begins in gradeschool. That skepticism turns to disbelief, and causes over two-thirds of young people to