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“MUST READ to say the least. I hope these gentlemen are wrong in their assessments of what’s going to happen very soon but it makes sense as you will see when you read the article. The gov has been making the preparations for it as noted in the article and the recent Supreme Court decision gives them the power to arrest anyone and disappear them for as long as they want. Get right with God if you’re not, hard times are coming.”  Admin By tomorrow at this time, you will know the entire story and what America will look like [More]
An Israeli citizen is using the remarkable story of a revered rabbi to reach Jews and Muslims in the Holy Land with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Zev Porat has taken the story told in Carl Gallups’ book “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah” to to Muslims in a mosque in Haifa, Israel. He’s logged hours preaching to Jews in Tel Aviv. He even proclaimed the message at the Western Wall in Jerusalem just prior to Passover with an Orthodox Jew. Porat, who works with the Messiah of Israel Ministries, was captivated by Gallups’ story of Israel’s most venerated spiritual leader, [More]
The United States pretends to be a home of freedom and democracy. In fact, the US is rapidly degenerating into a police state and a worse dystopia than George Orwell imagined in his book, 1984. John W. Whitehead describes below the prison that is being constructed for all of us. This prison is the work of many of our fellow citizens including scientists and entrepreneurs who have gained fame and fortune creating a prison for mankind. What were they thinking as they threw their energy and their lives into constructing a police state dystopia? Putting Big Brother in the Driver’s [More]
“Chilling article detailing how much the mendacious greed of bankers has been the cause of so many wars over the last few centuries. This ties into the famous speech by US Gen. Smedley Butler on how he was used as a tool to further bankers interests by military force. It’s safe to say after having read this that as long as this system of predatory banking exists there can never be real peace in the world, at least not until Jesus returns”.  Admin “Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the Earth. Take it [More]
“If anyone has doubts that a police state is being set up this article should put them to rest.”  Admin A decision by the U.S. Supreme Court means the federal government now has an open door to “detain as a threat to national security anyone viewed as a troublemaker,” according to critics. The high court this week refused to review an appeals court decision that said the president and U.S. military can arrest and indefinitely detain individuals. The firm of William J. Olson, P.C., which filed a friend-of-the court brief asking the court to step in, noted that not a [More]
“Recovery … I don’t think so.”  Admin Each quarter, when we perform our regular update on trends in US homeownership and rents using Census Bureau data, we say that “The American Homeownership Dream is officially dead. Long live the New Normal American Dream: Renting.” One thing we added in 2013 is that the American Dream has now officially became a full-blown nightmare after mortgage rates exploded, even if declining modestly afterward, and in the process pummeling the affordability of housing as well as grounding any new mortgage-funded transactions to a complete halt (don’t believe us – just ask the tens [More]
“Some good news for a change.”  Admin According to a new Associated Press poll, over 50% of Americans believe the origin of the universe was guided by a supreme being, while a similarly high number question the reliability of evolution and the big bang theory. In a nationwide poll conducted by the Associated Press and research group GfK, over 1,000 American adults were asked about their beliefs on various scientific and political issues. According to the recently-released poll results, a majority of Americans are skeptical about evolution and the big bang theory. The poll found that only 14% of Americans [More]
“Just another way to sneak Islam into schools and servitude to Allah rather than the true God of the Bible.”  Admin The principal at Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado, is facing a hailstorm of criticism from some very angry parents and residents. The school recites the Pledge of Allegiance weekly, on Mondays. Last Monday, a member of their “Cultural Arms Club” led the student body in an Arabic version of the pledge, replacing the words “under God” with “under Allah.” Principal Tom Lopez denies any attempt to push an Islamic agenda, saying, “These students love this country. [More]
The leader of the Liberty GB party Paul Weston, who was arrested yesterday for breaching a Section 27 Dispersal Notice, is now possibly facing imprisonment for 2 years. Mr Weston, a candidate in the 22 May European Elections in the South East, was arrested on 26 April in front of Winchester Guildhall for quoting in public a passage critical of Islam written by Winston Churchill, using a megaphone. He spent several hours in a cell at Winchester Police Station, after which the original charge of breaching a Section 27 Dispersal Notice was dropped and Mr Weston was “re-arrested” for a [More]
“It never ceases to amaze me how gullible and spiritually blind some Christians can be and having Hillary as their keynote speaker certainly proves that. Hillary and Bill have been up to their eyeballs in criminal behavior for decades yet some of these foolish women will be taken in and vote for her if she runs. For more info on the Clinton’s and their evil doings, CLICK HERE” Admin Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was the keynote speaker at Saturday’s United Methodist Women’s Assembly in Kentucky, where she addressed a group of over 7,000 women about spiritual and social [More]
You can read and download the generals more detailed 14 page book of the same title here “With the prospects of war increasing due to the situation in Ukraine (let’s pray God will intervene so it is resolved peacefully) I decided that this famous speech by Gen. Butler (given by an actor in the video) would be appropriate to post. The hysterical outrage in Washington about Russian actions in the Ukraine is total hypocrisy since the US has been involved in such activities going back at least 100 yrs. and continues this meddling even now.” Admin  War is a Racket by [More]
Today Paul Weston, chairman of the party Liberty GB and candidate in the 22 May European Elections in the South East, has been arrested in Winchester. At around 2pm Mr Weston was standing on the steps of Winchester Guildhall, addressing the passers-by in the street with a megaphone. He quoted the following excerpt about Islam from the book The River War by Winston Churchill: Read More  Liberty GB – Winchester: Churchill Quotation Gets Liberty GB Leader Paul Weston Arrested.
“Rather that try to act civilized the “Professor” chose to act more like an ignorant buffoon.  Some atheists can’t stand anyone questioning their ridiculous theories so they resort to mindless behavior like this as a response. Christian parents need to be aware that when they send their kids off to secular and even some religious colleges they will likely encounter professors like this. Therefore they need to prepare them to defend their faith which is one of the primary reasons why this site was created to help assist in that task so please make full use of the information you find here.”  Admin A University [More]
“What an inspiring story! Instead of crying and pleading as most kids would have done he sang praises which ultimately secured his release. His parents are certainly doing a good job of raising him.”  Admin A ten-year-old Georgia boy is inspiring the masses after he was recently released from the clutches of his kidnapper when he sang praises to God during his abduction. Willie Myrick of Atlanta was lured away with cash late last month and shoved into the car of an unidentified abductor who remains on the loose. Myrick was in the driveway of his own home when he [More]
A childcare worker has been fired for ‘gross misconduct’ after she explained the biblical position on homosexuality to her co-worker. According to reports, Sarah Mbuyi, 30, was repeatedly asked about her beliefs over a period of several months at Newpark Childcare in Highbury after her lesbian co-worker discovered that she is a Christian. The latest discussion occurred in January, when her co-worker remarked that she was unhappy that she could not ‘marry’ her partner because of the Church’s beliefs, and stated that she thought God had nothing against homosexual behavior. When Mbuyi replied by explaining the biblical position on the [More]
“It’s sad to see our country falling apart in so many ways,politically as we are rapidly being transformed into a police state surveillance society, morally as the article below clearly shows, spiritually as Christians may have already lost the culture war and even physically as more people become obese. I am so glad I’m a Christian because it gives me an assurance of a far better place to look forward to especially as we see the growing spiritual darkness around us. I hope you have this assurance too, if not you can, click here.”  Admin The collection of facts and [More]
“Another expose on the absurd things being taught in the “common core” educational system. Clearly this system is not about educating but dumbing down a whole generation of students. Hopefully more states will come to their senses and get rid of this socialist monstrosity.” Admin Current curriculums focus on psychologically conditioning children to fail. They form educational clutter and complexities which are completely unnecessary to the developing mind. They force kids to adhere to a curricula that quashes their natural inclination to and ask questions especially pertaining to logic. Their knowledge is being constructed to have no value in the [More]
“This is all made to sound good but what if a dictator (a Hitler, Stalin type or Anti-Christ) gets his hands on this technology, what could he use it for? Spying on perceived enemies (Christians perhaps), political opponents, who knows. Just another sign of the last days. It would have been impossible for a world wide dictatorship like the Anti-Christ will create to have occurred before now because the technology necessary to implement it didn’t exist … but that’s rapidly changing.”  Admin In Compton last year, police began quietly testing a system that allowed them to do something incredible: Watch [More]
“Given time this or a similar system will probably be in every major city. So eventually our emails, phone calls,texts and every movement will be monitored 24/7. This and even more futuristic technology is what the Anti-Christ will have at his disposal to implement his end times beast system.”  Admin Following the Boston Marathon bombings almost one year ago, the Boston Police Department started looking toward more high-tech means of securing the city against future attacks. They found the solution in the form of an artificially intelligent, self-learning surveillance network that now watches the entire city, and all of its [More]
“If the 4th amendment can be ignored so easily then any of them can be ignored which means we are in a de facto police state all being done under the guise of “security”. One of the founding fathers wrote “Those who give up essential liberties for security deserve neither liberty or security.” Admin Warrantless bag searches at have become commonplace at travel checkpoints in Boston as concerns for Homeland Security have overridden citizens’ right to be free of unreasonable searches. Travelers are forced to “security inspections” of their handbags, briefcases, and other personal possessions. Large signs indicate that public [More]
“The Bible warns that there will be pestilences in the last days, this situation will warrant close watching.” Admin Though officials at the World Health Organization are feverishly working to stop the spread of the Ebola virus in what is now seven African nations, their efforts may be for naught. In Guinea, a hot spot for the deadly contagion, government health officials have said that the outbreak is nearly under control. Yet, Reuters reports that the government “planned to stop publicly releasing the death toll to avoid causing unnecessary panic.” But panic may be in order. Despite the best efforts [More]
“Amazing that Islamic appeasement has been allowed to go to this extreme.  If such appeasement continues then merry old England will be in a few generations unrecognizable compared to its historic past .”  Admin Schools in Birmingham are illegally segregating pupils, discriminating against non-Muslim students and restricting the GCSE syllabus to “comply with conservative Islamic teaching”, an official report leaked to The Telegraph discloses. Department for Education inspectors said that girls in a school at the centre of the so-called “Trojan Horse” plot were forced to sit at the back of the class, some Christian pupils were left to “teach [More]
“He typifies perfectly the delusional nature of the self righteous. Someone who thinks himself so wonderful and great that God, if he exists and most like him doubt that He does, wouldn’t dare to keep him out of Heaven. This idea of greatly inflated self-worth is unfortunately not uncommon in super rich power mad politicians who consider themselves so much better and wiser than everyone else. Such thinking most always leads to tyranny of one form or another.”  Admin The former mayor of New York City asserted in an interview this week with a prominent media outlet that he believes [More]
“Sadly we are headed for a financial collapse. This rapid militarization of law enforcement agencies at all levels is the governments way preparing for the social and economic turmoil that will occur when this collapse finally happens. The ongoing idiotic policy of endless money printing indulged in over the last 15 years in particular is finally catching up to us. The US debt is now at astronomic levels and is becoming totally unsustainable, the coming crash will make the Great Depression seem like the good ole’ days.”  Admin Regardless of how people feel about Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s standoff with [More]
“Here are just some of the latest Fukushima headline news stories. This is a mega disaster of Biblical proportions that will eventually affect the entire world. You can keep up with the latest Fukushima stories and other news using the link at the bottom of this post.”  Admin National Geographic: Fukushima considered world’s worst nuclear accident — Physician: Fukushima remains a “global health concern” — Kaku: “It’s so bad, they don’t even have a picture of melted core… the agony is unending” (VIDEO) Author: ENENews Posted: April 14, 2014, 7:06 pm Senior Scientist: Cancer increase expected on West Coast from [More]
“How would you like to wake up one night and see two or three of these running across your bedroom floor!”  Admin It is the size of a small cat and enough to strike fear into anyone who sees it – but it could become a common sight in cities around the country. A giant rat was caught in Liverpool and measured two feet long from its nose to its tail. The menacing super rat was caught on an industrial estate by a pest controller from Whelan Services, one of the country’s largest independent pest prevention companies. Whelan Services has offices in London, [More]
“As usual corruption and dirty politics are playing a large role in what’s going in this sad situation. Just another example of the criminal nature of our government.”  Admin By now you’re familiar with the standoff between the federal government, i.e. the Bureau of Land Management, and 67 year-old rancher Cliven Bundy. (If not, check the backstory and my radio interview with him here.) The BLM asserts their power through the expressed desire to protect the endangered desert tortoise, a tortoise so “endangered” that their population can no longer be contained by the refuge constructed for them so the government [More]