100 Facts About The Moral Collapse Of America That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe

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“It’s sad to see our country falling apart in so many ways,politically as we are rapidly being transformed into a police state surveillance society, morally as the article below clearly shows, spiritually as Christians may have already lost the culture war and even physically as more people become obese. I am so glad I’m a Christian because it gives me an assurance of a far better place to look forward to especially as we see the growing spiritual darkness around us. I hope you have this assurance too, if not you can, click here.”  Admin

The collection of facts and statistics that you are about to read is highly controversial. A lot of people are going to be greatly upset by it. Why? Because they don’t like to be confronted with the truth about America. Most people tend to believe that we can “fix this country” by getting the right politicians into power or by implementing certain economic or social reforms. But the reality of the matter is that our problems go far deeper than that.

A moral collapse is eating away at the foundations of our society like cancer. If it continues to go unchecked, it will inevitably destroy America. Unfortunately, fixing moral decay is far more difficult than switching out political parties, because it is in the hearts of hundreds of millions of individual Americans. And most people don’t want to hear anything about a “moral collapse”, because most people like to think that the United States is setting a “good example” for the rest of the planet. But as you will see below, that is not the case at all.

And if we are honest with ourselves, we see the evidence of this moral collapse all around us every day. Just consider a few of the news stories that we have seen recently…

What would cause a high school kid to take two kitchen knives and go on a stabbing rampage through his school?

What would cause a topless woman to ransack a McDonald’s in St. Petersburg, Florida?

What would cause two 18-year-old boys to beat a 30-year-old mentally-disabled man to death with a baseball bat just so they could get his XBox?

What would cause a new father to put his 6-week-old daughter in a freezer to keep her from crying?

A lot of people regard those kinds of stories as “isolated incidents”, but as you will see below, they are actually representative of a much larger trend. As a society, we are decaying from the inside out, and we need to start facing the truth if we are ever going to get this turned around. The following are 100 facts about the moral collapse of America that are almost too crazy to believe…

Read More  100 Facts About The Moral Collapse Of America That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe.