Creepy AI CCTV surveillance network watches all of Boston | The Daily Caller

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“Given time this or a similar system will probably be in every major city. So eventually our emails, phone calls,texts and every movement will be monitored 24/7. This and even more futuristic technology is what the Anti-Christ will have at his disposal to implement his end times beast system.”  Admin

Following the Boston Marathon bombings almost one year ago, the Boston Police Department started looking toward more high-tech means of securing the city against future attacks. They found the solution in the form of an artificially intelligent, self-learning surveillance network that now watches the entire city, and all of its inhabitants.

The Texas-based Behavioral Recognition Systems, Inc. (BRS Labs) headed by former Secret Service special agent John Frazzini has a reputation for developing advanced, AI-based surveillance platforms. The system the company built for Boston after the bombings is on the bleeding edge of such technology, and not only watches and analyzes human behavior, but learns from it to identify suspicious or abnormal activity.

It actually predict threats by itself, completely free of additional human programming, guidance or monitoring.

“Our system will figure out things you never thought of looking for,” BRS Labs chief science officer Wesley Cobb said in an IT ProPortal report. “You never thought to look for a car driving backwards up the entrance of a parking garage, for example. Our system will find that and alert on it, because it’s different from what it usually sees. It’s taught itself what to look for.”

AISight’s analysis of human behavior based on surveillance footage “promises to change the way humans conduct their surveillance of other humans,” and is already being adopted in Chicago and Washington as well. The company is also working on a similar system for organizers of the World Cup.

via Creepy AI CCTV surveillance network watches all of Boston | The Daily Caller.