Chuck Baldwin: Coming To A Sheriff’s Office Near You

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On the front cover of Washington State’s August 2015 “Inlander” magazine, Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich is shown hands on hips standing on top of the “Don’t Tread On Me” (Gadsden) flag. The title of the article is “Daring To Tread.”

The sheriff and at least one of his deputies have verbalized opinions that “constitutionalists” are threats to the sheriff’s office, the federal government, and to the country itself. Sheriff Knezovich even went so far as to compare “constitutionalists” with the Sunni Muslim terror group ISIS. The deputy indicated that the presence of armed “constitutionalists” in the county was the principal reason why the sheriff’s office was amassing military equipment. When asked to name names as to who he was referring to, Spokane County’s highest-ranking law enforcement officer (Sheriff Knezovich) named Washington State Representative Matt Shea and radio talk show host Alex Jones (who resides in Texas, not Spokane County, Washington).

Writing for, Mikael Thalen reports, “The Inlander piece highlights the sheriff’s ongoing campaign against local conservative groups who he feels are pushing dangerous rhetoric. When asked to specifically name those responsible, Knezovich pointed to both Rep. Shea and ‘all those folks that created the video about the Deputy.’

“Knezovich’s statement refers to exclusive footage released by Infowars last December which highlighted unsettling comments made by a Spokane sheriff’s deputy as he stood next to the department’s mine-resistant ambush protected military vehicle (MRAP). After a local resident approached and questioned law enforcement’s need for military hardware, the deputy immediately used ‘constitutionalists’ with ‘firearms’ as justification. “

‘I mean, we’ve got a lot of constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons, lots of ammunition,’ the deputy said. ‘They have weapons here locally.’”

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