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An experienced Christian moviemaker plans to release a film this September which he hopes will be ‘an excellent discussion starter’ on the creation/evolution debate. Rich Christiano is a filmmaker in southern California who has directed a number of popular Christian movies, including the award-winning 2009 film, The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry. Many believe Christiano’s latest project, titled A Matter of Faith, has the potential to powerfully impact the Christian church and the culture at large. The subject matter of A Matter of Faith, Christiano told Christian News Network, is the evolution versus creation debate. “Evolution is basically taught in our [More]
“Somewhat lengthy but very interesting article about archaeological discoveries giving support to the Biblical accounts of the kingdoms of David and Solomon and answering critics who say such kingdoms didn’t exist.”  Admin For one who loves biblical studies and is intensely interested in its intersection with history and archaeology, the potential impact of the latter on the former deserves attention. In various academic and popular settings, numerous scholars in these fields make sweeping statements about the disjuncture between archaeology and/or history and the Bible. Those statements are made with authority and have widespread impact, even on an evangelical audience. How [More]
“The trends noted in this article are not surprising given the increasing secular nature of society, the ungodly education kids are receiving in schools and the watered down Gospel being preached in a lot of compromised churches.”  Admin According to the findings of a Gallup poll released on Wednesday, 28 percent of Americans believe that the Bible was “the actual word of God” and that it should be “taken literally, word for word.” Forty percent of Americans agreed with that statement in 1979 — a record high — though the number has since declined every year with the exception of [More]
“After you’ve read this article you’ll know why it’s so important to be able to defend your faith and to make sure your faith is genuine. If these trends continue and the culture becomes less “Christian” and more secular expect an increasing hostility towards genuine Christians. This is something we must all be prepared for.”  Admin Here are four trends that are already evident, but will become even more important in days to come. 1. The Word “Christian” Will Become Less Used and More Clear. There are three broad categories that make up the approximately 75 percent of Americans who [More]
“Some good news. I’m sure the international outcry about his arrest played a role in this favorable decision.”  Admin Paul Weston, candidate in the 22 May European Elections in the South East constituency and leader of the Liberty GB party, who was arrested in Winchester, Hampshire, on the 26 April, has had the charges against him dropped. Mr Weston was arrested for publicly quoting an excerpt critical of Islam from the book The River War by Winston Churchill. After spending several hours in a cell at Winchester Police Station, he was charged with Racially Aggravated Crime, under Section 4 of [More]
“This is not surprising at all. Everything Mr. O has done is to further a far left agenda and this is just one more step in that process.”  Admin NEW YORK – Two U.S. congressmen tell WND they believe the flooding of America’s Southwest border with thousands of illegal-alien children seeking government handouts and citizenship is the intended outcome of policies by the Obama administration derived from a strategy by radical sociologists to transform America into a socialist state. In the 1960s, professors Andrew Cloward and Francis Fox Piven of Columbia University, Obama’s alma mater, devised a plan to provoke [More]
In a recent article posted on Army Times, an Indiana sheriff justified his department’s purchase of a discount mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) military vehicle because, “The United States of America has become a war zone.” Pulaski County Sheriff Michael Gayer, who along with 7 other law enforcement agencies across Indiana recently acquired MRAPs from the Department of Defense’s 1033 military surplus program, went on to say, “You are seeing police departments going to a semi-military format because of the threats we have to counteract,” and “It’s a lot more intimidating than a Dodge.” The whole of Pulaski County, it should be [More]
“We should see steps towards a one world religion done of course in the name of peace.”  Admin When will there be Christian prayers and readings from the New Testament at the Grand Mosque in Mecca? Will the Qur’an readings at the Vatican feature these verses? …. “Islamic prayers to be held at the Vatican,” Al Arabiya, June 6, 2014 For the first time in history, Islamic prayers and readings from the Quran will be heard at the Vatican on Sunday, in a move by Pope Francis to usher in peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Read More  For the first [More]
Consider these statistics of Christianity in America: Eighty-four percent of the inhabitants of this nation say they believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, according to Barna Group, and 45 percent claim to be born-again Christians. Other studies show it is closer to 33 percent. Either way, these numbers are high. Seventy-seven percent believe their chances of going to heaven are excellent. Thirty-three percent believe one day everyone will go to heaven. Yet America has the highest percentage of single-parent families in the industrialized world, the highest abortion rate, the highest rate of sexually transmitted diseases, the highest rate of [More]
“Just another step towards a total police state. If this happens it will set a dangerous precedent where others the government deems as terrorists will get the same “star chamber” type justice. And who might be deemed as terrorists in the future perhaps Christians, Anti-Islamists, people opposed to oppressive government, who knows”  Admin A major criminal trial involving two men charged with serious terrorism offences could be held entirely in secret for the first time in modern British legal history. Lawyers contesting the decision at the court of appeal on Wednesday said the plan amounted to “an unprecedented departure from [More]
“Mr. O, enlisting the government to promote the gay agenda and further undermine our Christian heritage.”  Admin The U.S. National Park Service has announced an initiative to commemorate locations which played significant roles in the rise of homosexuality across the country. On Friday, the National Park Service unveiled a nationwide “theme study” to explore places and events associated with the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) movement. According to a Friday press release, the study “is part of a broader initiative under the Obama Administration to ensure that the National Park Service reflects and tells a more complete story of [More]
“Please remember to keep in prayer those Christians suffering for their faith around the world.”  Admin “When my husband died, I was in a state of total despair, confusion and pain. Losing all hope I would have committed suicide, but the Spirit of God greatly encouraged me through songs, prayers and His Word,” Damaris Atsen confided to Open Doors workers. Damaris is one of many Christian widows in Northern Nigeria struggling to survive under the extreme persecution of Boko Haram. During riots in March 2010, a fatal attack on her husband, as he was helping a blind man home, left [More]
The wife of a man in prison for his work at a Christian bookstore told VOM partners that although she and her children miss their husband and father, she and her family haven’t needed anything except prayer. Cai Hong Li, wife of Christian prisoner Wenxi Li, recently spoke with workers from Release International, The Voice of the Martyrs’ sister organization in the United Kingdom. Wenxi was sentenced to two years in prison in December 2012 for his involvement with a Christian book store. Wenxi, who is from Beijing, was helping set up a Christian bookstore in Taiyuan, the capital of [More]
A stunning video shows the impact in Israel of what is being called the Kaduri Revival, after the long-venerated Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, who died at the age of 108 in 2006 and left behind a letter with instructions to open it one year after his death. In the letter, Kaduri proclaimed the name of the Messiah was Yehoshua – the formal name for Yeshua, or Jesus. Zev Porat, the founder of Messiah of Israel Ministries, was captivated by the story of Kaduri and his message, as portrayed in “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah” by Carl Gallups. He has been using [More]
“Good article on how our liberation efforts actually make things worse for Christians not better. Since Mr. O is such a great admirer of Islam it’s no wonder why he is silent on this subject and why he is supporting fanatical Islamic fighters.”  Admin When the U.S. military “liberates” a nation, shouldn’t it result in more liberty, freedom and peace for the people living there? Instead, we find just the opposite. In fact, in every single case since 9/11, when the U.S. military has “liberated” a nation it has resulted in the persecution of Christians in that country becoming much [More]
“Here is an interesting quote from the article: “In fact, there are 106 Christian colleges in what is called “The Christian College Coalition.” Five of the 106 hold to the literal understanding of the Genesis Creation account and 101 do not, believing rather in some form of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.” This just goes to show how much compromise has crept into Christian schools regarding Genesis and the need to prepare kids to stand firm in their faith before sending them of to college.”  Admin The Creation account in the Bible Book of Genesis continues to be one of the [More]
“Unfortunately as society becomes more ungodly things like this will occur more often but the kid displayed a wonderful Christian attitude afterward.”  Admin Standing up for what you believe in isn’t always easy. Sometimes something unexpected happens, and it’s at that moment you will decide whether or not to change course or continue on. This Monday, our team received a phone call from one of our 17 year-old high school leaders in Alabama who faced that moment this weekend. Ke’Ontai called us from the Emergency Room, saying he was going to be okay but he had a broken nose! He had been out in [More]
“Hard to believe some of the crazy things going on. Apparently this seminary has lost the idea of what a seminary really is for, training Christian ministers.”  Admin Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, a member of the Southern Baptist Convention, has enrolled its first Muslim student and is defending its decision to accept the applicant despite concern and criticism. According to reports, Ghassan Nagagren, a Palestinian Muslim, recently completed his first year of studies at the Christian seminary as he is pursuing a doctorate in archaeology. Nagagren has been volunteering with the seminary for the past six years at an archaeological site [More]
“It was a mistake for Falwell to invite him to speak, Mormon and Christian doctrine are totally different. It appears Falwell and a lot of the students don’t know this or don’t care, either way it’s sad.”  Admin Liberty University is defending its decision to invite Glenn Beck to take center stage to address thousands of students during its annual convocation ceremony, whose speech included references to Joseph Smith and Mormon theology. As previously reported, the outspoken conservative talk show host, and founder of the news outlet The Blaze, compared Mormonism to Christianity during his half-hour speech-turned sermon last month and [More]
If you believe that the U.S. economy is heading in the right direction, you really need to read this article.  As we look toward the second half of 2014, there are economic red flags all over the place. Industrial production is down.  Home sales are way down.  Retail stores are closing at the fastest pace since the collapse of Lehman Brothers.  U.S. household debt is up substantially, and in 20 percent of all U.S. families everyone is unemployed. In so many ways, what we are witnessing right now is so similar to what we experienced during the build up to [More]
“Great article on the financial moves behind the scenes and what this means for the future of the US dollar, not good. A new world currency can only be implemented after the demise of the dollar which will of course create chaos here explaining all the military drills and preparations being made by the US government. Also some good comments to read after the article. We are close to the end game in setting up the NWO which will ultimately to be ruled by the Antichrist. To read more about the role played by international bankers in wars  during the [More]
“With our downward spiral morally and spiritually I expect this will happen sooner or later. An alternative organization with Christian values is Trail Life USA.”  Admin As former Defense Secretary Robert Gates is set to head the Boy Scouts of America, many are wondering if the official who helped end the U.S. military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy will also lift the scout’s ban on gay adult leaders. The century-old Texas-based organization kicked off its annual meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, on Wednesday as questions lingered over its decision last year to allow gay scouts in its ranks but bar them [More]
This is the Britain that Blair, Brown and Cameron have made. This is the Britain that Cameron wants to feature a London that will “stand alongside Dubai as one of the great capitals of Islamic finance anywhere in the world.” This is the Britain that thinks it is appeasing and satisfying the forces of Islamic supremacism by banning Pamela Geller and me from the country, prosecuting those who desecrate Qur’ans, and clamping down ruthlessly on any resistance to the Islamic supremacist agenda. “Abu Hamza is gone, but Britain remains the world’s leading recruiting ground for al-Qaeda,” Telegraph, May 20, 2014 [More]
“Please remember to pray for Pastor Abedini’s health and release. His case is a testimony to the true nature of Islam, absurdly called the “religion of peace”.  Admin The American citizen being held in Iran for alleged crimes related to his faith and work as a Christian pastor was yanked from a hospital bed, beaten and taken back to one of the Islamic Republic’s infamous prisons, his family charges. Pastor Saeed Abedini had spent the past two months in a hospital for injuries allegedly suffered at the hands of guards and inmates in Iran’s Evin and Rajai Shahr prisons when [More]
“The technology for deploying a dictatorial, all controlling world government is rapidly being developed.”  Admin Once again, it seems that yesterday’s conspiracy theory is today’s news. However, this signposts have been there all along. Microchip implants to track pets and livestock and the elderly are now widely available, while microchipping kids is not far off. Extensive animal testing has been conducted on monkeys to enable them to control devices via brain-computer interface. Edible “smart pill” microchips have been embraced as a way to correctly monitor patient dosages and vital signs. In the name of health and security – always the [More]
“This scandal just keeps growing. It just shows how the Dem party has become totally corrupt to the hilt and willing to do anything to silence critics and opponents. Here are 2 more article you can read on this IRS abuse of power, one  two”  Admin It was after a GOP bundler called in to Rush Limbaugh’s talk radio show in the middle of 2013 that he warned about the then-exploding Obama administration scandal involving the Internal Revenue Service. He said, “This is to scare, to literally frighten people into not donating to Republican or conservative causes.” Now a year [More]
“Parents need to be aware that even though they may send their children to a “Christian college” it doesn’t mean that all the professors actually believe the Bible. Therefore it’s necessary to prepare them before they go off to college to defend their faith. The information on this site will help in that endeavor.”  Admin Several professors at a Christian college in Tennessee have announced they will be resigning after the school’s leadership affirmed that Adam and Eve were historical people, specially created by God. As previously reported, Bryan College is a small evangelical Christian school in Dayton, Tennessee, with [More]