Pro-Life Teen Assaulted After Standing for Life, His Reaction is Priceless |

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“Unfortunately as society becomes more ungodly things like this will occur more often but the kid displayed a wonderful Christian attitude afterward.”  Admin

Standing up for what you believe in isn’t always easy. Sometimes something unexpected happens, and it’s at that moment you will decide whether or not to change course or continue on. This Monday, our team received a phone call from one of our 17 year-old high school leaders in Alabama who faced that moment this weekend.

Ke’Ontai called us from the Emergency Room, saying he was going to be okay but he had a broken nose!

He had been out in his neighborhood park on Sunday passing out Students for Life’s Abortion is not Social Justice postcards, when one man started arguing with him about when life begins. He shouted at Ke’Ontai that his wife had just had an abortion because “that’s what they needed to do.”

And when Ke’Ontai tried to give him some post-abortion counseling material, the guy yelled that he didn’t want it, pushed Ke’Ontai down, and started punching him in the face.

After telling him to file a police report, we asked Ke’Ontai if he needed anything from our team.

His reply stunned me. Ke’Ontai said that while he had forgiven the man who assaulted him, he just wants pro-lifers across the nation to pray for the man and wife.

While our National High School Coordinator, Missy Martinez, and myself had a conversation with Ke’Ontai about handing out postcards with a buddy in the future to help protect him. I want you to know that Ke’Ontai won’t be letting this assault stop him.

Read More  Pro-Life Teen Assaulted After Standing for Life, His Reaction is Priceless |