In this episode of Giving An Answer, HC interviews Dr. Scott Matscherz on “Archeological Evidence for the New Testament”. Dr. Matscherz shares photos he took of archeological evidence that supports the New Testament biblical accounts.
How do we reconcile the existence of Hell with God’s love? According to Rob Bell in his newly released book, everyone eventually ends up in heaven. But is it really that simply and is that what Scripture truly teaches? On this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Pastor Bobby Conway on how we can the topic Reconciling Hell with God’s Love.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Ted Wright as he explains Intelligent Design and how this necessary points to a designer.
We live in a sex charged society where everything goes. Nothing is taboo. Everything seems permissible. But what does the designer of man say about sex? In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Dr. Dave Johnson on The Biblical View of Sex.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews John Ferrer who defines the occult and gives its historical roots. John also describes some of the occult beliefs and practices in the Church and explains why they are dangerous and what believers can do about it.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC interviews Gerard Figurelli on the definition of Apologetics, why we should do Apologetics as believers, and the importance of teaching Apologetics in the Church.
In this two part broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Larry Blythe on the origin and beliefs and practices of Jehovah Witnesses and how these beliefs are irreconcilable with Christianity. Larry Blythe spent many years studying the Watchtower organization and Jehovah Witnesses. He has witnessed to numerous Witnesses and led a number of them to a saving belief in Christ
We often hear how all religions teach the same thing. They are all just different paths leading up the same mountain to the same God. This belief is based on ignorance. All religions differ in key aspects. In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Iraqi American Joseph Alrasouli on the differences in the afterlife between Christianity and Islam.
How do we reconcile the existence of Hell with God’s love? According to Rob Bell in his newly released book, everyone eventually ends up in heaven. But is it really that simply and is that what Scripture truly teaches? On this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Pastor Bobby Conway on how we can the topic Reconciling Hell with God’s Love.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer , Stacey Jacobs challenges the belief of some Christians that all are saved regardless of whether or not they except Jesus as Lord and Savior.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Leroy Lamar as he exaimes the history and teaching of “Liberation Theology”, also known as “Black Theology”.
In this episode of Giving An Answer, Frank Turek defends the historicity of the resurrection. He explains why the resurrection is important, the evidence for the resurrection, and the consequences of denying the resurrection. Frank also addresses a number of theories that have been used to try to explain away the evidences for this historical event.
For hundreds of years many have rejected Christianity and all forms of beliefs in God due to the problem of evil. The argument goes like this: “If God is all loving and all powerful then why does evil exist? The fact that it exist indicates that He is either not all loving because He refuses to defeat evil, or He is not all powerful and can’t defeat evil.” In this broadcast og Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Dr. Norman Geisler as he answers these question as well as “where did evil come from?”, “what is the purpose of evil?”,
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Dr. Barry Leventhal who talks about the beliefs and practices of Judaism and how they differ from Christianity. Dr. Leventhal also talks about the nation of Israel and how it relates to Gods current and future plans.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Ted Wright on how the accuracy of the Bible is confirmed by Archaeology.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Dr. Dave Johnson on Mormonism. Dr. Dave Johnson discusses the beliefs of Church of Latter Day Saints and how they differ from Christianity. Dr. Johnson exposes some of the major problems with Mormonism and shares suggestions on how we can reach them for Christ.
One of the major differences between Jehovah Witnesses and Christians is their view of Jesus. On this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Lanny Wilson as they discuss the differences between the Jesus of Jehovah Witnesses and the Jesus of Christianity
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Joel Paulus on Secret Societies such as Masons, Shriners, Illuminati, Opus Dei, and Skull and Bones and whether they are compatible with Christianity.
Was Christianity invented by white people to enslave blacks? Does it condone slavery? Is it a racist religion? Were blacks duped into worshiping a blonde- haired, blue- eyed Jesus as a means for blacks to accept the superiority of our white slave captors? HC Felder responds to these charges in this broadcast of Giving An Answer.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Dr. Tom Howe on the Reliability of the Old Testament. Dr. Howe explains why we can trust what the Old Testament says and how we can be certain that what was originally written is what we have in our Bible.
In this boraodcast of Giving An Answer, HC inerviews Brian Henson who talks about the origin, beliefs, and practices of Buddhism and how they differ from Christianity.
In this episode of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Alex McFarland who explains why it is important that the Church equip and ground teens in their Christian faith. He also explains how the Church can do this and warns of the consequences of ignoring this issue.
We often hear how all religions teach the same thing. They are all just different paths leading up the same mountain to the same God. This belief is based on ignorance. All religions differ in key aspects. In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Iraqi American Joseph Alrasouli on the differences in the afterlife between Christianity and Islam.
What is Scientology? Is it a religion or a cult? What makes it so attractive to a growing number of people? Was it divine revelation to its founder Ron L. Hubbard or his greatest work of science fiction? What does it teach about sin, the nature of Man, salvation and Jesus? Learn the answers to these questions and more in this broadcast of Giving An Answer as HC Felder interviews Larry Blythe on Scientology.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Brian Henson on the origins, bizarre practices, and beliefs of the eastern religion Jainism.
In a society which hales political correctness as its own belief system, it is blasphemy to call one religion true and another false. However, this is precisely what HC Felder and Joseph Alrasouli do in this broadcast of Giving An Answer. In this interview, Joseph gives reasons why Islam is wrong.
What was the world like before Christianity? What contributions did Christianity make to mankind? How might the world be different if it were not for Christianity? How do we respond to the objections of the Crusades, the dark ages and genocide at the direction of the Christian God? The answers to these questions and more will be discussed on this episode of Giving An Answer as HC Felder interviews recognized history scholar Ted Wright on Christianity and World History.