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Travis never knew his father and spent his childhood under the influence of his mother’s abusive and alcoholic boyfriend. After getting into trouble as a teen, he was sent to juvenile detention where his life took a dramatic turn. cbn.com  
Diana severely injured her shoulder after a motorcycle accident but prayed for over two years she would be healed. See what happened when she didn’t give up.  cbn.com
As a teenager, Keith had a growing list of drug and alcohol offenses. One day while home under house arrest, a church lady’s visit changed his life. cbn.com
Joe sensed a presence of darkness from an early age, and the loneliness and fear from an unstable childhood opened doors to demonic activity throughout his life.  cbn.com
Charles’ father thought Rugby would be a good way for his son to make friends, but it became more of an outlet for his rage over abandonment issues.  cbn.com
Joyce’s symptoms of chest congestion burdened her for over two years, but it was her belief in complete healing that opened the door for a miraculous prayer.  cbn.com
Because she was a nurse, when Yvonne fell down of her front steps she knew the injury could be serious. However, she believed in miracles and prayed for relief.  cbn.com
A motorcycle accident left Lance with a broken neck and doctors didn’t expect him to walk again. A Christmas Eve prayer paved the way for a miracle.  cbn.com
Melissa Payne’s water broke at just 19 weeks. Doctors’ said she should abort, but she prayed for a Christmas miracle.  cbn.com
Randy practiced the art of deception from an early age, making it easier for him to live a double life in later years. However, things began to change after he picked up a book he couldn’t put down.  cbn.com
Weldon was trying to live a perfect life, but hid behind his addictions to deal with pain and guilt. An arrest and judge’s offer of a second chance ultimately led to freedom from his past. cbn.com
David didn’t know who God was, and left his Jewish faith at a young age. Later, when his life and marriage were destroyed by his addictions, David hit bottom and reached up to find hope. cbn.com
Rick fell on his head as he was working to restore power after a hurricane. Doctors didn’t expect him to survive. cbn.com
Polly had a twisted view of love after a childhood of sexual traumas. She floundered for years, eventually getting married, but still carrying the scars of an abused little girl. cbn.com
Following laser eye surgery, Jaye’s eyes developed chronic dryness and became painful. It was difficult for her to work, but a miracle would soon change everything. cbn.com
Linda’s livelihood of caring for horses was threatened because of injuries in separate incidents until a miracle brought complete healing. cbn.com
Mickey died in a fiery plane crash while doing what he loved, skydiving. He survived, and now shares the visions he had of the afterlife. cbn.com
Steven was only 12 years old when his father died of cancer. Years later, when he was diagnosed with the same disease, Steven struggled to find hope until a friend’s post on social media strengthened his faith. cbn.com
Karen suffered from a dry cough for years and had difficulty swallowing, until she heard a very specific prayer for healing on The 700 Club. cbn.com  
Terry hated his father, struggled in school, and soon sought comfort in the wrong places. When he was given a chance to turn his life around, he almost lost it. cbn.com
Because she was a nurse, when Yvonne fell down of her front steps she knew the injury could be serious. However, she believed in miracles and prayed for relief.  cbn.com
Duck Dynasty’s Jase and Missy Robertson almost lost hope after a difficult pregnancy, and when baby Mia was born with a cleft palate, they put their family in God’s hands. cbn.com
2-year-old Jace McDonald was found at the bottom of a friend’s pool. It is estimated he was without oxygen for 10 to 15 minutes. He had no pulse and he wasn’t breathing. Only a miracle can save him. cbn.com
Sandy shares about her experience of being used as a virgin sacrifice in satanic sexual rituals and how that opened up the door to demonic possession in her spiritual life. cbn.com
Erik thought he had to be a tough guy to avoid being bullied in his neighborhood. When he landed in prison on a murder charge at 16, he found the structure he needed and experienced the healing power of a Father’s love. cbn.com
John nearly drown and should have been brain dead after a jet ski accident left him submerged in the water. Only a miracle would save his life. cbn.com
When Sandy’s father exposed her to demonic activity and witchcraft at a young age, she spent a lifetime running from darkness. Finally, she found a source of power to help her break free. cbn.com