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After her life descended into the despair of addiction, Sylvia learned that she needed to accept God’s grace and forgiveness before she could forgive herself. Now, she helps other women do the same.  cbn.com
Vanessa was only 17 years old when her mom died of cancer. A grieving heart led her to turn away from God, but years later she turned back and asked for a miracle.  cbn.com
Fronting a rock band in the 90’s was awesome for David, until the resulting drug addiction had him on the brink of ending his own life.  cbn.com
She lost a baby, struggled through years of infertility and was diagnosed with breast cancer. Still, she knew God had a plan.  cbn.com
Rich was named “Fittest Man in the World” for four consecutive years. After he fell during a fitness competition, he began to question his identity and faith.
Bishop Pullings collapsed from a stroke in the midst of a demanding ministry schedule. When doctors gave little hope of survival, his wife started a 24-hour prayer chain.
Audra endured childhood abuse and grew to hate being a girl. When she turned to other women to find love and acceptance, one special woman’s kind gesture instead showed her the love of God.
At only two months old, twin sisters Isabella and Madeline were diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.Throughout their difficult treatments, their parents’ faith in God sustained the family until they received news of a miracle.
Rhonda suffered for 17 years with chronic pain after her car accident. When her doctor performed a treatment which was supposed to be a temporary relief for the pain, God stepped in to make it permanent.
Shana was angry and couldn’t understand why she had to go to a foster home. Her life eventually headed down a path of destruction until she reached a turning point and decided she didn’t want to go to hell.
Sarah Thebarge is a speaker and author who earned a master’s degree in Medical Science from Yale and was earning a master’s in Journalism at Columbia University when she was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 27.
During a family vacation to a theme park, 2-year-old Andrew complained of what seemed to be a simple stomachache. However, his parents would soon be praying and fighting for his life.
The consequence of a wayward search for identity, Houston’s criminal record kept growing longer and longer, until one day his search ended when he praised God from his jail cell.
David and Shannon desperately wanted a child, but as the stress and frustration of failed fertility treatments mounted, David became angry with God and found an escape through prescription drugs.
When Barbara’s symptoms worsened after 15 years, her fears were erased with a prayer spoken on The 700 Club.
Jabar’s above average intelligence kept him from getting into too much trouble, but he thought he could get away with being a marijuana farmer.
Maryanne’s painful jaw condition kept her from living a normal life, but she never doubted prayer could change things.
Bill grew up wanting to be financially well-off, but shady real estate deals and drug dealing ended his dreams of wealth when he landed in prison.
When Marshall finally admitted to Mary the number of affairs he’d had in their almost 40-year marriage, she had a difficult choice to make.
After committing a murder in the name of his gang, Brian Warth was sentenced to life in prison. Just when he thought his life was over, someone reached through the darkness of his prison cell and his life began to be radically restored.
Chris suffered from constant burning in her face with sensitivity to light for 15 years, when a woman touched her face and prayed for a miracle.
Lena’s neck pain was excruciating until God used a prayer on The 700 Club to miraculously eliminate her pain.
Tom spent his entire life getting knocked down and fighting back, until one day he realized he didn’t have to fight anymore.
Heidi’s grandparents offered her a safe place which her own parents failed to provide. As an adult, she struggled with the pain of an abusive childhood and landed in prison where she made a deal with God for her dying grandfather.
Marilyn thought she had allergies, but when the pain and symptoms grew worse and home remedies didn’t work, she asked God to heal her.
Justin and Trisha’s marriage slowly deteriorated over ten years as kids and ministry took priority but see how God turned it around.
After Carmine’s athletic dreams crash because of injuries, he participates in an insurance scam that puts him behind bars. His unconventional approach to beating the rap is inspirational.