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This is an excerpt from a longer interview with notorious serial killer Jeffery Dahmer who has since become a Christian where he shares his views on evolution and belief in God.
When Keith Thibodeaux was cast as Little Ricky on the classic sitcom “I Love Lucy,” life was great. When his own family broke apart, Keith’s search for direction led him through darkness, but prayer would bring him back into the light.  cbn.com
Christopher never should have survived a terrifying accident involving an 18-wheeler truck. After spending a month in a coma, would the prayers of his family finally be answered?  cbn.com
Pastor and author of “But God Changes Everything,” Herbert Cooper reminds us God has a history of stepping in to help people, and if we’re receptive He can change the direction of our lives in an instant.  cbn.com
Former professional wrestler Shawn Michaels’ career as “The Heartbreak Kid” was rising fast in the WWE as he became addicted to fame and money. However, an injury and a divine encounter led to a radical life change.  cbn.com
Actress Teri Copley’s Hollywood lifestyle took her far from her roots, but she never forgot the God she met as a child.  cbn.com
Charlie turned to cutting and hard drugs to escape the pain of rejection. When he decided to commit suicide, a vision and an encounter with Jesus saved his life.  cbn.com
As he was directing his latest documentary film “The Dropbox,” Brian Ivie’s life was transformed when he learned the stories of lives saved by a Korean pastor’s mission to provide a home for abandoned babies.  cbn.com
After a difficult childhood and surviving rape at age 17, Dee ran away to Hollywood where she became trapped in the sex industry for 14 years.  cbn.com
Tawana was born without arms and struggled to find acceptance with the wrong crowd. She became pregnant in the midst of addiction but unconditional love would show her how special she really was.  cbn.com
When J.L.’s parents divorced, he lost his role model – his dad. When his search for identity led him to commit a crime and time in jail, J.L. was introduced to a loving God who would satisfy what he longed for.  cbn.com
George put his business success first, often leaving his family behind. But when he staked his future with Enron just before the company’s collapse, George hit bottom and had to find a way to build a better life. cbn.com
Lisa Robertson was a pastor’s wife, but truly lived the life of a Christian impostor. See how she transformed her life and the role that her husband Alan played in healing their marriage.  cbn.com
Find out how tattoo artist Chris Baker is helping cover the ink of human trafficking victims and also gangsters. cbn.com
The stress of work and raising twins became overwhelming to Herman and April and their relationship suffered. After their marriage ended in divorce, it was then they began to fall in love again. cbn.com
Pastor Richard Skoff knew something was wrong with his brain and tried to hide his symptoms. Even after he was diagnosed with dementia, he and his wife had faith God would heal him.  cbn.com
“A miraculous healing and a lesson in the power of praise.”  Admin Angela became so ill she could not lift her head or open her eyes. After doctors identified the incurable toxin, a pastor asked her if she’d thanked God. cbn.com
Brain aneurysms, a heart attack, an infection and pneumonia were not up to the challenge of one wife’s prayers made under the authority of Christ. cbn.com
Dave was camping with his brother when he fell off a cliff during the night. Dave miraculously survived, and through his journey to complete healing both he and his family underwent a radical transformation. cbn.com
Shaun was abused at a young age by his father, and the pattern continued with each relationship his mother had. He left home to escape the pain but fell into a party scene. One night, something happened which made him return to his faith.  cbn.com
Marsha had been an active swimmer all of her life, but an accident while moving a table left her knee in severe pain. When her doctor recommended surgery, Marsha instead believed God would heal her.  cbn.com
Michael started using drugs and alcohol as a child, which led him down a dangerous path. When he was arrested for attempted murder, this biker gang leader was given a chance at freedom.  cbn.com
Pete’s life was consumed by his crack addiction and he was running from drug dealers. When he decided he’d finally had enough, his mom pointed him in the right direction. cbn.com
When Venus was diagnosed with breast cancer, she was advised to have surgery and undergo chemotherapy. She instead started a healthy diet and exercise regimen, and sought healing through prayer. cbn.com
Jon was only 32 years old when he was diagnosed with a serious heart condition. While doctors told his family to prepare for the worst, his friends, family, and church prayed for a miracle.  cbn.com
Zach Sandy was playing softball when a storm rolled in and lightning struck him in the head. His heart stopped beating, but Zach’s friends and family prayed for a miracle.  cbn.com
Brian and Tracy were young, married, and expecting their first child. But when the stress of life and parenting became too much, they decided to divorce. After finding Christ individually, they are now remarried to each other, have three …  cbn.com