Well, I’m closer to home! FINALLY! I’m about 25 miles from my home in Pensacola at Santa Rosa County Jail. I was brought here to face a new charge for filing a “lis pendens” on the ministry property based on my ongoing lawsuit in the S. Carolina court (read about it on www.2peter3.com/legal). I have filed an appeal in case #3:06cr83/mcr. This should stop the new charge totally. Please pray that it does! Meanwhile, anyone can visit me here from 11:15 – 1:15 Tuesdays but only two at a time. Please check with eric@drdino.com to be sure there are no conflicts. My new
Kent is still in the Santa Rosa County Jail in Milton, FL. You can write to him at this address: Kent Hovind #06452-017 Santa Rosa County Jail PO Box 7129 Milton, FL 32572 For the latest information on his situation and upcoming trial on Sep. 8 visit: https://www.facebook.com/drkenthovind http://www.kenthovindblog.com/
Well, they told me to ‘pack out’ today which means I’m slated to be moved (move #22 in the BOP I think) tomorrow. No more email

but closer to home! Maybe 30 miles.


The next step in my 8 year saga is for me to go before a magistrate in Pensacola so he can decide if I get a public pretender err defender for the new contempt of court charge (over the liens on the ministry property so they can’t sell them till
Hey all, I’m going to Santa Rosa County Jail tomorrow. Not sure what that address is. Can someone notify Hal to post it (* I ALREADY DID. -Marianne) and Geena and Marianne, please let folks know I cannot get email till they move me to Yazoo which may be NEVER if I get this new case dismissed or win in court and they grant me 1/2 way house! I sent a letter to the warden at Yazoo yesterday asking them to put me in for the 1/2 way house I qualified for almost 6 months ago under the 2007 2nd
Misc. News in no particular order.

Still no word on when I’ll be moved to Santa Rosa County jail. Maybe this Tues or Wed? Several guys here just came from there and said it’s not bad. I feel bad for those who have mailed me things and had them returned! Sorry!

That jail is about 30 min from my house and family! But, I think “visits” are non-contact through the glass on a phone.

In taking a quick inventory (Rom. 8:28 style

of all this- in the last 2.5 months of transfer centers I lost 20
Well, I was moved yesterday (in chains for 5 hours) to Tallahassee, FL! Gettin closer! I think that was my 21st move in the BOP. :(( It looks like I’ll be here for maybe 10 days? then moved to Santa Rosa County Jail in Milton, FL just 20 miles from home! Once I get moved to the county jail I will lose all email contact so I will call to keep Ernie and Geena and Marianne informed. They can spread it on to all and post it on 2peter3.com Address here is Kent Hovind 06452-017 Federal Detention Center 501 Capital
“This interview with Ernie Land explains the new charges being brought against Kent and what the initial charges were plus what the next steps are.” Admin American Government has circumvented the U.S. Constitution at it’s very core. We have an Imperil President that creates unconstitutional law by executive order. A legislature that refuses to do its job by exerting their powers to rightfully impeach him for his unconstitutional orders. And finally a Judicial system that has learned from his unlawfulness by calling a common mans attempt to file lawful claims frivolous. Kent Hovind filed lawful Lis Pendens on the properties
“You can find Kent’s book “What on Earth is About to happen… for Heaven’s Sake?” on 2peter3.com or Amazon.” Admin Well, it looks like another move any day. (could be 3 more weeks though!)

I’ve been designated to Yazoo, MS. The camp there has 160 men and the medium next door has 1100. New address will be: Kent Hovind #06452-017 FPC Yazoo PO Box 5000, Yazoo City, MS 39194. It seems that I will fly from here to Oklahoma City on “con air,” stay there for x days or weeks and then take a 10 hr bus ride in shackles from
The day before my 41st anniversary! Hang on Jo! I’m TRYING to get home! I love you!

Also the day my wife and I were arrested 8 yrs ago! It was 7:30 am. I was getting ready for staff devotions and my wife was finally sleeping after being up till 3 am with back pain. About 25 agents swarmed onto the ministry property swat team style. They surrounded my sleeping wife and woke her up, handcuffed her (she’s 5’0″ 110#) and wouldn’t let her get dressed, put on a robe or go to the bathroom! She was taken to
Well, I’m still in Atlanta (USP PO Box 150160, Atlanta, GA 30315) and no one has a clue as to why I was moved here. Senator Marco Rubio from FL has expressed an interest in helping to resolve this so maybe if a bunch of folks call him or send him the signatures from freehovind.com he will look into my case, the justice department and the prison system in general? Judges are appointed for life “during good behavior.” It is NOT good behavior to rule against the law or constitution and congress has the power to impeach-but rarely uses it.
“This treatment speaks volumes about our so called justice system. Please pray for Kent.” Admin Fast update- 6-17-2014 I’m still in the Atlanta transfer center and have no clue why. I was in the Maxwell camp for 5 days when I was taken to Elmore County Jail. I was never given a reason and never visited by staff. I was then moved here 8 days ago and still have no clue as to why. I was never given a list of my property or legal files and have no clue where it all is now. I am still listed as
Blog-update- June 10, 2014 Please spread to all! Well! yesterday completed 7 yrs, 7 months and 7 days locked up.

I spent the day in handcuffs on a prison bus for the 12th time I believe.

I arrived in Montgomery, AL at Maxwell FPC )after a 40 hr bus ride from NH!) on May 14th. I was there just 5 days when they called me to the office and said you are going to the Elmore County jail! I said WHY! They said, we can’t tell you. So I spent the last 21 days in the hot jail.
` Summer 2014 Update for Kent Hovind 1. Moved again! After 19 months in frozen Berlin, NH I was moved to Montgomery, AL 160 miles from home! This is my 14th move and my 6th camp. The difference is like night and day! I have a REAL mattress (7″ x 47″!!!) on springs and a pillow! I’ve been sleeping on a 2″ foam pad 2″x 27″ (that compressed to 1/2″ when you laid on it) on a steel plate for 7.6 years! Try that for a while. When you are 61!

2. Witnessing opportunities here are great! I’ve already
============================================================================= “When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like that that dream…” Ps. 126:1 Gen 50:20- I’m sure Satan meant all this for evil but God has sure been using it for good! On the trip I met and witnessed to a Communist Chinese student studying in NY, 4 Russian students on a 4 month tour to learn better English, a man from India, 5 Ukrainian students here to work and travel for 4 months as well as a few others. Thanks to a friend who loves the Lord and who waited for my bus
March 30,2014 Spring Update for Kent Hovind 1. Snowing AGAIN as I write! The turkey saw his shadow though so only 6 more months of winter! The calendar says it’s spring but here in Berrrrrrlin, NH it is still COLD most of the time! Global warming? HA! See “What in the World are they Spraying” from realityzone.com to understand THAT lie and how it ties in with the tribulation and coming famine! God has been good through all this who-o-o-o-ole trial and prison time though and 1000 good things have come from it besides the many souls saved and
Eric Hovind is interviewed about his father Kent Hovind. He discusses a little about his fathers background, goes into detail about his prison situation and talks about his own ministry as well.
“If you want to read the full story of all the gross violations of the law that were committed to put Dr. Hovind in prison and keep him there then click here.” Admin 2013- what a year this has been! Just about everyone sees the writing on the wall for a serious financial collapse world-wide coming soon! Many people and whole nations will finally learn the truth of Proverbs 22:7 “The borrower is servant to the lender.” This is what “the kings of the earth” (Ps. 2) have been working on and TRYING to cause for centuries. They want to
“Below is an email Dr. Hovind sent which details all the violations of law that were perpetrated against him in order to put him in prison and keep him there. It just goes to show how unjust our so called justice system has become. A lot of inaccurate information has been put out regarding his case, read this and know the truth.” Admin NEWS ALERT!! After Dr. Kent Hovind of www.drdino.com fame went to prison in 2006 over tax related issues there was a LOT of bad and false publicity about him, the Creation Science ministry and Christianity in general.
http://2peter3.com/BookWhatOnEarth.html In his startling new book, “What On Earth Is About To Happen … For Heavens Sake?”, Dr. Kent Hovind will provide the big picture of the history of the world and what is about to happen. This profusely illustrated, 260 page book (available in paperback or ebook format) will cover: . What the bible teaches about the creation of the world . The scientific evidence for a global flood in noah’s day . Daniels amazing prophecies about end times events . The seven year tribulation period and the rapture of the church . The time of God’s wrath and
This quick interview goes over how Kent Hovind who believed in the pre-tribulation rapture for 40+ years, changed his views and arrived at the conclusion that we will ALL endure the great tribulation. Fantastic interview for those currently searching for the truth and answers to one of the most talked about subjects in all of Christianity. Visit http://www.2peter3.com to learn more about Kent Hovind or order his latest e-book entitled “What on Earth is Supposed To Happen, For Heaven’s Sake?” which goes over in great detail his case for the post-tribulation ‘rapture’.
Eric Hovind shows how to make the Dino Super Paper Airplanes!
scientific genius kent hovind explains how evolution is a lie from the pitts of hell and the foundation for communism Kent Hovind caused satan so much trouble that they locked him up in jail because it was the only way they could shut him up
Dr. Kent Hovind compares the King James Version Bible to the modern versions.
CreationToday.org ……. also please visit 180Movie.com
In this video, Dr. Kent Hovind and his son Eric show how to get and hold children’s attention with a variety of magic tricks (illusions), using everyday things like coins, cups, forks, and rope to teach scriptural object lessons. They show how each child can learn to do the same tricks, helping to build their self-confidence at the same time, showing how easy it is to be fooled, and warning that Satan is a master at tricking boys and girls into NOT doing what God wants them to do. Easy-to-understand explanations of each trick will make this a useful resource
I am Christian (Acts 11:26, Acts 26:27-29,1Peter 4:16) KJV Bible I believe in One God (Malachi 2:10, Mark 12:32, Romans 3:30,1Corinthians 8:6, Ephesians 4:6,1Timothy 2:5, James 2:19) I believe Jesus(Yahweh is Salvation) [Joshua, Yeshu, Yeshua, Isa, Yahshua, Iesu, Iesous] Is God (Isaiah 9:6,John…
Presented at Creation Bootcamp 2005. www.drdino.com Hovind reveals the terrible effects that evolutionary beliefs have had on societies throughout history. Giving examples of evolution-based philosophies being used to rationalize the brutal acts of rulers, he exposes evolutionary propaganda. “Copyright was placed on all Creation Science Evangelism materials (no matter the production date) effective January 1, 2005. PERMISSION IS GIVEN TO DUPLICATE AND DISTRIBUTE OUR PRODUCTS — within the following guidelines 1.Materials are to be copied, unedited, unaltered and distributed absolutely free of charge. 2.Under no circumstances are copies of our videos / DVD’s / Printed Materials to be sold for